
Reviving the Frozen Arts of History: Cultural Arts Internship in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 캄보디아 프놈펜 문화예술 인턴십


Required Options

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon(Arrival Sun)


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount2,525USD
Asia/Cambodia/Phnom Penh
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Cambodia, a country with the historical pain of the 'Killing Fields' inflicted by the Khmer Rouge, had its brilliant culture and arts shattered. Now, with your efforts and education, you can revive the greatness of the cultural arts that was halted in history, and transform the national pain of the Killing Fields into development and support!


This is an internship project where you will engage in educational and support activities in various institutions that require culture and arts, such as the Royal University of Fine Arts in Cambodia, art high schools, local schools, and NGOs.







Project and Activities

- This project is conducted in English.

- To facilitate smooth work and adaptation, participants will join a pre-orientation and training, as well as a city tour with local staff after arrival.

- The project's tasks are broadly categorized into school and institution outreach and educational support, teaching material development, and personal research activities.


1. Development of a system to incorporate music into the Cambodian public education system

2. Music education support and administrative assistance at the Royal University of Fine Arts, art high schools, local general schools, and NGOs

3. Development of music education materials

4. Creation of social job opportunities and education support for impoverished areas through the establishment of an art academy education center

5. Support projects for local primary, secondary schools, and NGOs

6. Survey tasks and data organization for database creation

7. Development of beginner and intermediate teaching materials

8. Organization of university textbooks




Master's level or higher in related fields

: Lecturing and research on teaching material development at the Royal University of Fine Arts


Bachelor's level or higher in related fields

: Lecturing at art high schools and training local teaching staff

Music therapy and early childhood education majors will conduct classes 2-3 times a week at partner organizations (universities, art high schools, after-school programs, etc.) and work on teaching material development.



- Participants in this project will work as art education academy instructors and will also engage in volunteer activities such as performances, music outreach events, and environmental beautification.

The art education academy will offer free lectures for children from impoverished backgrounds and paid lectures for the general public.


- Volunteer tasks will be assigned based on the participant’s major and experience. Participants are required to plan a cultural and artistic project that will benefit the local community before departure.


- Work schedules may change depending on local conditions, and participants will work 4-5 days a week.








The Royal University of Fine Arts, supported by the Cambodian royal family, is the only public art education institution located in Phnom Penh, the capital. This institution is considered the top in Cambodia for culture and arts, managed at a national level. Established in 1918, it was originally based on the Khmer Art School in Phnom Penh. The university aims to preserve the spirit of Cambodian culture and arts, with students dedicating themselves to their studies.


Since its establishment, the university has a dark past as it was closed from 1975 to 1980 during the rule of the radical communist group known as the Khmer Rouge. It operates with five departments: Architecture, Urban Studies, Fine Arts, Dance, and Western Music. Currently, Korean professor couples are serving as faculty members, playing a leading role in advancing Cambodian culture and music.





During the project period, you will stay in a guesthouse-style volunteer accommodation with other participants. You will enjoy the communal living experience with friends from various nationalities.

The accommodation is directly operated and managed by the local partner organization, and it is located in the city center, providing a safe living environment. Rooms are shared with up to 3 people on average, and each room is equipped with an individual bathroom, fan, and basic furniture. The common areas include tables, chairs, and a balcony where you can relax after activities or spend time with friends on evenings and weekends.

Meals are provided at designated restaurants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with options to choose your preferred menu. Lunch can be taken as a packed meal. Breakfast usually consists of tea with bread, eggs, and fruit, while lunch and dinner offer various menus like fried rice, noodles, curry, and meats. The accommodation is located in Phnom Penh, making it convenient for participating in the project during weekdays and sightseeing on weekends. The walk to the activity site takes about 30 minutes, and using a local tuk-tuk takes approximately 15 minutes.


Shared rooms (3-5 people) / Individual bathrooms (hot water available) / Three meals a day (breakfast/lunch/dinner) / Fan / Wi-Fi provided


* Participants wishing to change accommodation options can choose to add air conditioning and single/double/triple rooms after paying additional costs, depending on accommodation availability.

Please note that Cambodia is typically hottest from March to May, and reservations fill up quickly between July and August.

* The time required to reach the activity site may vary depending on traffic conditions.

* The images provided are for reference only. The room layout and furniture may vary depending on the timing of participation and local circumstances.

* If you are sensitive to heat, you can change to a room with air conditioning by paying an additional fee locally, subject to availability and local conditions.




A Few Tips on Cambodian Transportation

Cambodia has a weak transportation infrastructure, with underdeveloped public transport systems such as city buses and subways. The main modes of transportation in Cambodia are motorcycle taxis, which involve riding on the back of a motorbike, and tuk-tuks, which are three-wheeled vehicles modified from motorcycles. Motorcycle taxis are very risky for safety, so it is recommended to use tuk-tuks, even if they cost a little more. Unlike regular taxis, tuk-tuks do not have fixed rates, and prices are negotiated with the driver each time. Recently, mobile apps have become popular for reserving and paying for tuk-tuks.

Typical one-way fares start around $2 USD, and the cost varies significantly depending on distance, time of day, and number of passengers. Although the transportation system may seem unfamiliar at first, understanding the relatively poor transportation system in Cambodia and adapting to the local culture will help make your experience in Cambodia more enjoyable!





Location  :   Cambodia, Phnom Penh



Cambodia – Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Cambodia's official name is the ‘Kingdom of Cambodia,’ located in the southeastern part of the Indochina Peninsula, bordering Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, is the center of both economic and political activities and is a place where the painful history of French colonial rule and modern development coexist.


The city is full of attractions such as the National Museum, Royal Palace, Floating Pavilion, and Independence Monument. However, behind the economic development, there are also the struggles of the Cambodian people. Many international volunteers and various global NGOs are working to address these social issues in Cambodia.







Top Travel Destination 1 - Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat is a temple located in Angkor and is a representative architectural structure of Cambodia. Built in the early 12th century as the capital of the Khmer Empire, it is one of the best-preserved sites. It became the center of all religious activities and is often considered one of the largest and most beautiful religious buildings in the world. Angkor Wat is a symbol of Cambodia and can even be found on the national flag.



Top Travel Destination 2 - Wat Phnom

Wat Phnom, meaning ‘Temple on the Hill,’ is a quiet and clean park. It is a popular destination for both locals and many foreign tourists, with its own legend. According to the story, a large tree floated down the river during a great flood in Phnom Penh, and inside the tree were four Buddha statues. To enshrine these statues, a hill was built, and the temple was established there. Wat Phnom's legend about ‘Grandmother Penh’ reflects the deep Buddhist faith of the Cambodian people.



Top Travel Destination 3 - Killing Fields
The Killing Fields are the site where innocent citizens were massacred by the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979. During this period, 2 million people, or a quarter of the population, were killed. The site still preserves the bones, clothes, and teeth of the victims, as well as various torture devices, prisons, and photos of the victims. Visiting the Killing Fields provides a vivid experience of the tragic history and the horrors of misguided ideologies, as well as an opportunity to reflect on the sanctity of life.

Participation Duration and Fees



   - The minimum participation period for this project is  12 weeks .

 Participation Fees

- 12 weeks: 3,530,000 KRW

- 16 weeks: 4,420,000 KRW

- 20 weeks: 5,310,000 KRW

- 24 weeks: 6,200,000 KRW


 * For popular projects, there might be no availability, so please apply as soon as possible to secure your spot. 



- Adults aged 18 or older in good physical health

- Those who can communicate in basic English

- Students majoring in music-related fields, art therapy, music therapy, early childhood music education, etc.




Gap Year Mission Scholarship
Cash payment issued immediately after mission completion!

         Up to 257,000 KRW Refund!  (Details ▶Click◀)




    * If you cannot pay the full amount, you may pay a 500,000 KRW deposit and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the deposit payment date, the process for confirming participation will proceed, and the availability and TO will be checked. To participate on your desired dates and duration, securing a spot quickly is important! (No refunds once confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining balance payment may vary depending on the situation.  

Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

It is recommended to apply for all gap year projects at least 3 months before the start date for proper processing and preparation, and applications should be submitted no later than 2 months before. If you need to apply urgently or have unavoidable reasons, you can use the emergency application service for an additional fee, and we will assist with the fastest processing possible.


* While we assist with the fastest processing possible, there is basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirming participation. All procedures will be the same as for regular applicants, so those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year Operation Team.

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can receive an Early Bird discount.

*** The emergency application service can be selected from the options above, and inquiries regarding the emergency application service can be sent to



- Provided Services: Automatic application for gap year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional urgent staff placement / Support for required documents, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For ultra-urgent applications, there may be no availability due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to Gap Year refund policies. Additionally, issues arising from the participant’s lack of cooperation will be the participant’s responsibility.


 Included Items

- Project registration
- Pre-project training and orientation
- Accommodation during the project period
- Meals during the project period (breakfast/lunch/dinner)
- Participant dispatch procedures
- Local orientation
- Korea Gap Year International Experience Certificate
- Participation fee
- Registration and placement, procedures, training, project progress
- Project registration fee and participation fee
- Internship dispatch procedures
- Online orientation

 Excluded Items

- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local living expenses

- Visa costs

* Please book your flight and transportation after final confirmation of participation and departure schedule.


Estimated Costs
(Based on a one-week period)


Details and Notes



 Round-trip airfare (including TAX)

 Varies depending on flight

 Estimated 500,000 - 750,000 won

Excluded Items

 Visa issuance fee

Visa processing and issuance fees


 Individual travel insurance

 Varies by insurance provider / period

Estimated 10,000 won

 Local living expenses

Estimated 350,000 - 500,000 won


- Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

- Local living expenses are based on average estimates and may vary depending on individual preferences.



- Reference (Estimated Local Prices)


Per Night


Per Meal


 Estimated 20,000 won

 Local meal

Estimated 3,000 won


 Estimated 30,000 won


Estimated 7,000 won

- Estimated local prices are based on average estimates and may vary depending on individual preferences.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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