Your university years are unquestionably extraordinary and exciting times. It will probably be the years you will do a great deal of self-development and reflect on yourself and the life you are currently living. Therefore an internship abroad will additionally aid you on your journey to improve yourself.
You will have the opportunity to build on valuable job skills (language proficiency, cultural exploration, adaptability, communication, and so much more). You will become more mindful of the world you are living in and gain international cultural insight.
Sometimes, we, humans, are not aware of the fact that we are stuck at the moment or need to work on ourselves to achieve greater things until we are faced with situations where we have to challenge ourselves to transform into a better version of ourselves.
Consequently, an international internship can help us realize what our flaws are and help us to develop by gaining more knowledge about ourselves and the world. During the time in your internship, you will rediscover where your strengths lie and where you might still need more enhancement.
In addition to that, having lived abroad will set you apart from other candidates when applying for a job in the future and it will prove your employee a set of skills other applicants will be lacking, by not having done an international internship
Our team will support you with great enthusiasm in South Korea. We are happy to support you here. I will make sure that you fall in love with South Korea. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
I am looking forward to hearing from you:)
- Haedun Olivia Ju, Program Director
KOREA GAPYEAR is a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education so that students experiences a real world and explore their future career. We are an accredited work placement company from Foundation for Cooperation on Vocational Education, Training and the Labour Market.