
More Than a Meal: Sharing Hope at a Special Restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 베트남 호치민에서 식사 봉사여행


Required Options

  • Select Duration :

  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon(Arrival Sun)


  • OTHERS :

  • Participation Fee
Total Amount890USD
Asia/Vietnam/Ho Chi Minh City
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Safety


Project Introduction



Project Introduction

Participants in this project will work to provide a proper and delicious meal to the poor living in Ho Chi Minh City for just 100 won. Volunteers will mainly participate in preparing ingredients, cleaning vegetables, setting tables, cleaning up, and helping in the kitchen. Spend fulfilling time as a volunteer in the morning and enjoy a vibrant and leisurely time as a traveler in the afternoon, creating your own special experience.




Participant's Comment

"The best part was meeting new friends, and

being loved just for being Korean was very touching.

I also saw friends learning Korean there and felt their passion for learning.

I wish I had come earlier!"




Busy modern society! How about taking some time away from your daily routine just for yourself? Experience the romantic and leisurely life that Vietnam has to offer. After volunteering, take time to focus solely on yourself. By fully enjoying the excitement and joy that a new place brings, you will be able to taste the touching tranquility.

This project is a volunteer activity that helps the poor in Ho Chi Minh, including low-income workers, students, children, and immigrants, to have a proper meal in a clean environment for just 2000 dong (about 110 won). From preparing ingredients to serving, your heartfelt meals will offer more than just food to the restaurant visitors – they will provide hope. Share your small kindness so that the poor in Ho Chi Minh no longer have to fight hunger on the streets!






When you think of the representative foods of Southeast Asia, Vietnamese cuisine comes to mind! Experience Vietnamese food up close. Enjoy the fun of making Vietnamese dishes from start to finish with fresh ingredients. You can also savor the satisfaction of delivering delicious food to those in need! You will see the wisdom and ingenuity of the Vietnamese people even in a single bowl of pho.

This project allows participants to join in cooking activities in the kitchen if they wish, making it an enjoyable time for those who love to cook. Participate in this special volunteer activity where you can make your favorite dishes, make restaurant visitors happy, and learn local Vietnamese cuisine.


You can meet friends from various countries with different ideas. Although everyone is different, you will experience a warm time making and sharing food together with one heart and mind. You will make friends you wouldn't otherwise meet, and you will be able to see and dream of a wider world. Don’t miss the valuable opportunity to meet as a member of the global community.

This project runs during the week, and there are no activities on weekends, so you have relatively more free time. Use this time to plan your own projects such as traveling, writing, making local friends, and learning Vietnamese to make the most of your time. The projects you can create are limitless depending on your thoughts and actions. Is there a greater gift to yourself than this precious time just for you, which you rarely feel in Korea?



Project Activities




Activity Details

- This project starts every Monday and ends on Friday.

- Check-in is on Sunday before the start, and check-out is on Saturday.

- This project runs year-round.

  (Volunteering continues even on holidays, and on holidays, meals are distributed to nearby hospital patients and workers.)


※ During the remaining time, you can enjoy plenty of leisure time, travel with other volunteers, or plan your own projects to have a good time. Detailed activity schedules may change depending on local circumstances.



Example Activities

From the preparation process to the end of the meal, you will be involved in overall activities to provide meals.

The following examples help illustrate the activities, but detailed activities will be carried out according to the local situation.


- Meal Preparation: Activities such as trimming ingredients and setting tables

- Serving: Distributing meals to guests and cleaning up after meals

- Cooking: Assisting in the kitchen or cooking directly

- Clean Up: Washing dishes, organizing the restaurant, etc.


 ※ You will be assigned to one of the meal service centers in Ho Chi Minh City. Participant placements are made based on availability.

Time Activity
07:00 Breakfast (07:20 travel to volunteer location: about 15 minutes walk & 15 minutes bus)
08:00 ~ 12:15 Start volunteering
12:15 Lunch break (*09:30 meal option available)
12:00 ~ 13:00 Finish volunteering
Afternoon Free time


- Transportation costs (bus) for traveling to and from the volunteer location are included. The mode and time of transportation to the activity site may vary depending on local conditions.

- For safety, you will travel to and from the volunteer location with a local coordinator.

- You will volunteer for 4-5 hours each morning, and the schedule ends after lunch.

- Lunch is available at 9:30 AM or 12:15 PM, depending on your preference.

- After lunch, you can return to your accommodation to rest or spend a free afternoon exploring the surroundings.

  * Schedule and activity times may change based on local circumstances.



English Proficiency Required ☆☆☆☆

Since this activity involves preparing and cooking food with other volunteers, a high level of English is not required. However, basic communication skills in English are helpful as local staff and international volunteers use English as a common language. If you participate with a positive attitude, you will enjoy the project.

Physical Fitness Required ☆☆☆

This project mainly involves physical activities such as preparing ingredients, setting tables, and cleaning. A strong physical condition is essential to serve meals with a bright smile to the restaurant's visitors! Please check your health and fitness before starting the project.



Project Planner's TIP

★ Tips for Setting Project Dates!

- Like our country, Vietnam has various holidays such as New Year and Lunar New Year. During these periods, some activity locations may not operate. If your start date and orientation schedule fall within these holidays, activity schedules may be adjusted. We recommend checking the Vietnamese holiday schedule in advance when setting your activity dates.

Tet, the largest holiday in Vietnam, lasts for about one week from the 1st day of the lunar new year each year. During this period, schedules may be adjusted according to local circumstances.

- Summer season (June to August) is peak season, with the highest number of participants from around the world. If you wish to join during this time, please apply early, and note that the volunteer house may be crowded with many participants. :)




   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents     Local Volunteer Accommodation
   Airport to accommodation pickup service (one-way)   Project orientation    Local coordinator    City tour
   Personal locker    Meals and drinks provided    WIFI in accommodation    Air conditioning in accommodation
   Safety equipment provided      



Details of Support

- Volunteers will have meals provided at the campus dining hall by the local organization, primarily consisting of Vietnamese cuisine.

  Western options like sandwiches, spaghetti, and bread are also available.


Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Airport pickup after volunteer work ends

- Visa fees for stays longer than 45 days

- Other local living expenses


Institution Introduction



Established in 2012, our organization provides nutritious and healthy meals to the people of Ho Chi Minh City every day at the lowest possible cost. We operate with the cooperation of NGOs and the local community, and the participation of numerous volunteers. Through this project, we have provided a daily meal made from quality ingredients to over 500 elderly people, workers, disabled individuals, students, and children in need in the area.


Message from the Local Project Coordinator

Hello! We are Anna & Quyen, the project coordinators. We sincerely thank the volunteers for taking the time to help provide meals to the vulnerable groups in Ho Chi Minh City. We ensure that you will have a safe and warm experience here. Through this project, you will meet friends from all over the world, each with diverse cultures, and create wonderful memories that will stay with you forever. Let's share this meaningful activity and experience personal growth together. Join us in this rewarding time!



Accommodation Introduction


Accommodation Features and Information

This project includes accommodation. The accommodation is in a dormitory-style setting on a university campus in the center of Ho Chi Minh City, where you will live with other international friends. The dormitory is managed based on gender. Living with diverse international friends allows you to learn about their cultures and languages. Additionally, being located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City, the dormitory is near various convenience facilities, including local restaurants and ATMs. The campus also has office spaces and a stylish café, providing volunteers with a peaceful and leisurely environment.

< Shared Room (4-8 people) / Gender-Segregated / Shared Bathrooms / Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Provided / WiFi Available >


Accommodation Notes

* There are rules to follow in the campus dormitory, such as restrictions on late-night activities.

  For a safe stay and activities, please follow the rules during the project period!

* If you wish to stay additional nights beyond the official schedule, you can apply by paying an extra fee.

  For availability and cost, please contact us individually, and we will assist you.

* For detailed information, please contact Korea Gap Year at



Location Introduction



Location: Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City is the economic hub of Vietnam and is the largest city in Vietnam, three times the size of Seoul. Having been under French colonial rule, Vietnam's culture is a blend of Vietnamese and French influences. Ho Chi Minh City, rapidly developed since the early 20th century after French occupation, bears many French traces such as French-style buildings, the Central Post Office, and the Notre-Dame Cathedral, earning it the nickname 'The Paris of Asia.'

The city's center is vibrant, showcasing grand buildings, bustling motorbike traffic, and delicious local street food. However, beneath the surface, you will encounter the consequences of rapid urban growth and the lingering pains of war. The rapid expansion of Ho Chi Minh City has led to severe socio-economic disparities, with many people struggling to afford even a single meal. In this fast-changing city, people live lives at extremes. Understanding this hidden aspect of Ho Chi Minh City and participating in meaningful volunteer work to provide a warm meal to the hungry can spread not just warmth in a meal, but also warmth of heart.


Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner 


Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


 This project starts every Monday.

 The minimum duration for participation in this project is 2 weeks.

 The costs below include project fees, accommodation, and one-way airport pickup service.

Duration Gap Year Special Price
2 weeks ₩1,240,000
4 weeks ₩2,050,000
6 weeks ₩2,860,000
8 weeks ₩3,670,000
10 weeks ₩4,480,000
12 weeks ₩5,290,000

* Due to the popularity of the project, there may be no available slots. Please apply quickly to secure your spot.


Eligibility and Requirements

- Open to adults aged 18 and over; minors need parental consent.

- Anyone interested in staying with friends from various nationalities and participating in volunteer activities.

- Anyone with an interest and enthusiasm for cooking.



 Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ More Details)


 Installment Payment Information

If you are unable to pay in full, please make a prepayment of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the prepayment, we will process the confirmation of your participation and check availability and spots. To participate on your desired dates and duration, early spot reservation is important!  (Refunds are not possible once participation is confirmed) 

* Note that the remaining balance payment schedule may vary depending on the timing of your application.  


 Early Bird Discount and Urgent Application Information

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date for normal processing and preparation. Applications should be made at least 2 months in advance. If you need to participate urgently, you can use the urgent application service to expedite the process with an additional fee.

* While we strive to expedite the process, there may be time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures will be the same as for regular participants, so those using the urgent application service should actively cooperate with the Gap Year Operations Team.

** Those who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

*** Urgent application services can be selected from the options above, and inquiries about urgent application services should be sent to



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional urgent personnel allocation / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For extremely urgent applications, spots may not be available depending on local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to Gap Year refund regulations. Additionally, any issues arising from the participant's non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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