
Educational Development Internship (NGO) in Hanoi, Vietnam

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Required Options

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Arrival Wednesday


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,630USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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This project is for those who want to showcase their abilities on an international stage, especially for those interested in NGO internship projects in Vietnam focusing on educational support and development in developing countries . Vietnam, with a history similar to our country, including colonial rule and the Korean War, is currently experiencing rapid growth after the war. As it grows, it faces various social, economic, and environmental issues that require fundamental solutions, and now is the time for specialized assistance in education support and development .


The organization where the internship takes place is a specialized NGO in the field of education development, with experts in education, development, and science coming together to run research and education projects. This organization strives to find solutions to educational, social, and environmental issues through research on new and innovative education and learning methods, as well as continuous feedback management.


Participants can gain hands-on experience from the basics through the NGO internship in Vietnam, which specializes in educational development. Build your career with an NGO that is committed to helping Vietnam grow in a sustainable and positive direction!









   English Proficiency ★★★★☆

Interns need to support the local NGO's operations, so they must have a sufficient level of English proficiency to handle various documents and project tasks in English. In particular, the ability to write and revise English documents is required.



Examples of Project Activities Conducted by the Organization


- Environmental Education

Recently, Vietnam has recognized the importance of environmental issues and added environmental education to the national curriculum. However, due to a lack of proper environmental education until now, there have been challenges with educational methods. Consequently, the government commissioned this organization to provide consulting on environmental education methods, and the organization has developed and implemented field-based learning where students actively work on solving environmental problems through collaboration with national parks, museums, and research institutions.




- Vocational Education

Many socially disadvantaged individuals in Vietnam, despite having graduated from vocational schools, are unable to effectively utilize what they have learned. This organization identifies this issue as a result of inadequate vocational education and is working on projects to improve the quality of vocational education in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and various NGOs.


- Parent Education

To address the educational issues of children whose parents have not had proper schooling, this organization conducts regular parent education projects. These programs provide detailed guidance on moral/ethical issues and how to support children's learning at home, including annual school classes where parents can participate with their children.




Main Duties

- Writing and editing project proposals

- Reviewing and editing research materials

- Information searching and exploring new international partners

- Assisting in project implementation, monitoring, evaluation, site assessments, and field surveys


* Each intern will work with a designated expert mentor from the organization and will report on their work weekly, receiving evaluations and feedback.

* Since the organization works on education development projects, candidates with a strong interest in related fields and a proactive attitude are preferred. Please prepare by having an interest in education development issues in developing countries before participating in the project.

* The dress code is neat casual (Smart casual). Sandals, slippers, sleeveless tops, and short shorts are not allowed. Additionally, please bring a personal laptop for work.



Activity Hours

Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM

Lunch Break: 12 PM to 1 PM

* Activity hours may vary depending on local conditions.




   Departure and Local Orientation Information

Local orientation and pre-training information

Before participating in this project, there will be a local orientation and pre-training for volunteering activities.

Please purchase your airline ticket to arrive on  Wednesday for orientation.


Wednesday Thursday and Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Arrival at Local Area Orientation and Pre-training Local Area Exploration Rest Start Volunteering


- Detailed information will be provided during the online orientation.

 * Every year, around 1 week from the lunar New Year (Tet), which is Vietnam’s biggest holiday, there might be schedule adjustments depending on local conditions.





* Detailed participant reviews can be found at Gap Year Story (click).

More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consulting    Local Institution Certificate
   Gap Year Overseas Experience Certificate    Participant Dispatch Procedure    Mid-Gap Year Consulting    Gap Year Mission
   24-Hour Emergency Contact    Airplane Ticket Purchase Assistance    Real-Time Consultation Service    Gap Year Notebook
   Project Registration and Participation Fee   Korea GapYear Mission Scholarship Payment    Orientation   Accommodation for Volunteers
  Airport  Pick-Up    3 Meals a day    On-Site Coordinator    Internship Preparation and Traning
    City Tour    Accommodation-Volunteer round-trip transportation ticket    



- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses

- Visa issuance fee (Visa approval letter)





This organization is a professional NGO in the field of education development, consisting of education experts, development experts, and scientists who operate research and education projects. The projects undertaken by the organization are broadly divided into education support projects and development support projects.



Education Support Field

- Research on educational methods suitable for the local context in Vietnam from various educational/learning methods around the world

- Development of learning methods for individuals and educational institutions

- Development of science/technology projects applicable in daily life

- Operation of exchange projects for domestic and international educators and students

- Operation of educational practice projects in collaboration with domestic and international government and non-governmental organizations

- Fundraising to improve the quality of education

- Activities to increase parental and community interest and support for education



Development Support Field

- Development and research to solve social/environmental problems affecting the local community using cooperation with various government and non-governmental institutions

- Assisting with consulting, evaluation, and research for development projects undertaken by various institutions, and striving to achieve sustainable change

- Focused on issues such as local governance, policy advocacy, citizen participation, climate change, disaster management, migration, and human trafficking


* Local Governance

: A regional community where local governments, interest groups, experts, and citizens collaborate and compromise to effectively address local issues.


* Policy Advocacy

: Advocating for actions that the government should take to address social issues through demands, discussions, persuasion, and political activities.




The accommodation for volunteers is directly managed by the local organization conducting the project. This space, where volunteers of various nationalities stay together, is also combined with office space, so assistance from local staff is available whenever needed. The accommodation is about 1 hour by bus away from the project site. The local organization provides transportation expenses for the accommodation-project location transfers, allowing you to travel with your project team and avoid boredom during the commute.


The accommodation is located in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood. Nearby, there are cafes where you can enjoy strong and sweet Vietnamese coffee, as well as shops selling simple snacks, making it a good place to spend personal time after finishing activities.


4, 6-person room (bunk beds)   / Shared bathroom / Meals provided / Shared space WIFI available




Location:   Vietnam, Hanoi


In Vietnam, which shares a history similar to our own, one sometimes feels as if they have traveled back in time. Like Korea, which has achieved remarkable growth after overcoming the pain of war, Vietnam has also seen steady economic growth since the war. However, there are still many people in need of help. Marginalized groups left behind by rapid economic growth, children who lack opportunities to develop their abilities due to inadequate education, and forests being destroyed due to ignorance of environmental issues are some of the challenges faced. Efforts to shed light on the darker aspects of Vietnam through educational development are ongoing.




Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is rich with historical sites and combines European-influenced culture due to French colonialism. There are many representative scenes of Hanoi, such as local eateries serving pho, vendors selling tropical fruits wearing traditional Vietnamese hats, and outdoor cafes serving Vietnamese coffee. However, what might leave the strongest impression on many people is the sight of the people living there. Despite the chaotic mix of motorcycles, cars, and people in the streets, Hanoi is a city with a strong impression of simple, unpretentious people who maintain a certain order amidst the apparent chaos.



■ Travel Destination Introduction



Top Travel Destination 1 - Temple of Literature (Van Mieu)

The Temple of Literature in Hanoi is a Confucian temple built about 950 years ago to honor Confucius. Known as Vietnam's first university, this temple has steles inscribed with the names of past exam passers, allowing one to envision scholars of old. The old-fashioned atmosphere of Hanoi's Temple of Literature naturally evokes respect and is comfortable for Koreans accustomed to Confucian culture, even on their first visit.





Top Travel Destination 2 - Tam Coc

Tam Coc is a popular destination for day trips from Hanoi, located about two hours by car. This area, with its landscape resembling Halong Bay, is often called the "Halong Bay on Land." Visitors can enjoy the scenery leisurely by taking a boat ride along the river. It is a tranquil and picturesque location, especially known for the beautiful view upon exiting the limestone caves. Tam Coc can be visited for an affordable price of about $25 through local travel agencies in Hanoi.



Top Travel Destination 3 - Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake, located in the heart of Hanoi, is a popular spot for many locals to enjoy a stroll in the clear morning or afternoon. The lake's scenery, combined with Hanoi's narrow and long French-style buildings, offers a relaxing and leisurely view for the city's residents. Additionally, the area around the lake is lined with charming cafes and restaurants, attracting many tourists visiting Hanoi. If you live in Hanoi, consider taking a morning walk near the lake and enjoying delicious Vietnamese food in a great restaurant in the afternoon for a delightful experience.






Adults aged 18 and over

People who can handle English documents and project work

- Anyone who understands the importance of education and is interested in the education development field

- Anyone who wants to contribute to solving social problems in developing countries

- Anyone who wants to gain unique experiences working with NGOs

Participation Duration and Fees

■ The minimum participation period for this project is 4 weeks .

■ Project Fees

- 4 weeks: 2,280,000 KRW

- 8 weeks: 3,070,000 KRW

- 12 weeks: 3,860,000 KRW

* For popular projects, there might be no spots available, so please apply early to secure a place.

* If you wish to participate for more than 12 weeks, please inquire individually. (☎02-318-2553)

* Participants in Vietnam volunteer/internship programs will need to obtain a visa, which incurs additional costs.
The visa process takes at least one month, so we recommend applying for the project at least 6 weeks in advance.



■ Gap Year Mission Scholarship (▶ Learn More)



■ Payment Plan Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount, you can make a deposit of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the deposit, the process for confirming participation in the project will proceed, and we will verify availability and TO (terms of participation). It is important to secure your spot quickly if you want to participate on your desired date and duration!  (Refunds are not available once confirmed) 

* Note that if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining balance payment may vary.


■ Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application

All Gap Year projects are recommended to be applied for at least 3 months before the project start date due to normal processing and preparation time. Applications should be submitted at least 2 months in advance. However, if you have an urgent need to participate, we offer an emergency application service for an additional fee to expedite the process as much as possible.

* Although we strive to expedite the process, there is basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures will be conducted in the same manner as regular applicants, so those using the emergency application service must cooperate actively with the Korean Gap Year operations team.

** Applicants who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

*** Emergency application service can be selected from the options above. For inquiries about emergency applications, please contact


- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Complete OT materials provided upon confirmation of participation / Additional urgent personnel allocation / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to Naver's date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For ultra-emergency applications, there may be no TO due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to Gap Year's refund policy. Additionally, issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.



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Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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