
Volunteering to Rescue Endangered Wildlife in Singapore 싱가포르에서 야생동물 구조 봉사활동


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Starting Every Monday


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount785USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Atmosphere
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  • Safety





Clean and comfortable facilities, along with excellent public safety, make Singapore one of the most livable countries in Asia! Known for its popularity as a travel destination where you can enjoy relaxation, sightseeing in the city, shopping, and food all in one place. However, being a small country, less than half the size of Jeju Island, tourist attractions and activities are limited.


Therefore, we have prepared this project!!! Enjoy your free time exploring the sights and activities in bustling Singapore, and experience something unique by volunteering to rescue and care for rare wildlife, which you rarely encounter domestically. It will surely be an unforgettable and life-changing experience.



Interview with a Local Agency Representative 


Q: Why are many endangered wildlife species that need rescuing in Singapore?




In resource-limited Singapore, the government has begun attracting international companies, following in the footsteps of London, Hong Kong, and New York. It is a hub with a high concentration of international banks and the wealthiest place in Asia. With a rising number of hobbyists collecting rare wildlife, smugglers are illegally bringing endangered wild animals from Africa, India, Malaysia, and other places into Singapore to sell. 


Smugglers often bring in newborn animals to raise prices, but during this process, 70-80% of them die. Even the surviving animals cannot adapt to Singapore's unfamiliar environment and are often abandoned on the streets, where they fall ill or get injured without receiving proper care, all out of fear that smuggling will be exposed. To prevent the illegal trade of these animals and rescue rare wildlife abandoned on the streets, it requires a lot of help to rescue and treat them before returning them to their original countries, where their families live.




1. Follow 'Jane Goodall's lead in animal conservation and environmental activism!

At the age of 23, Jane Goodall, an iconic figure in animal conservation and environmental activism, left her family and friends behind to pursue her dream of living among animals and writing books in Kenya, Africa. With no formal degree and little knowledge, armed only with pencils, notebooks, and passion, she embarked on this journey. Today, she is celebrated as one of the most famous primatologists and global environmentalists of our time, having established an environmental organization with branches in 120 countries worldwide. She has also been appointed as a UN Messenger of Peace.


Jane Goodall is particularly revered as a role model and mentor by celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Natalie Portman, who are known for their strong interest in animals and the environment. Her life has been widely publicized through books and movies, and she spends over 300 days a year traveling worldwide to give lectures and campaigns on animal conservation and environmental activism. If you've had an interest in animal conservation and environmental activism but didn't know how to put it into practice, participate in this project by volunteering to rescue endangered wildlife. Experience firsthand that you too can make a difference for the environment! 



2. Let's rescue and communicate with rare wildlife from around the world!


This organization has specialized in animal welfare for approximately 20 years, rescuing injured wildlife and facilitating the return of animals imported from abroad to their respective countries. We collaborate with governments, international NGOs, and experts in the field of animal welfare to accumulate expertise. In particular, our staff members name each animal, lovingly care for injured ones, and strive to communicate with them before making every effort to safely repatriate them to their home countries.


Explore the world of animal conservation and environmental education through specialized training, connecting with rare wildlife, and gaining awareness of international environmental issues! Whether you're interested in animal care, zookeeping, veterinary medicine, animal communication, or environmental education and energy engineering, these fields represent promising career paths in environmental specialties. Take a step forward towards these professions, where you can make a difference in animal welfare and global environmental issues.



3. A meaningful infinite challenge for the environment, not reckless daring!


This organization not only directly rescues abandoned rare wildlife but also conducts comprehensive campaigns such as advocating against animal testing, hunting, and abuse for human entertainment and prohibiting the purchase of products made from animal skins or ivory. As part of these efforts, within the organization, we practice vegetarianism, minimize the use of animal-tested products, and promote energy conservation measures such as using electricity sparingly. While living differently may be uncomfortable at first, why not take on a meaningful challenge by embracing an environmentally friendly lifestyle during the project period?


* Wildlife rescue typically involves animals such as snakes, iguanas, lizards, and turtles, which are reptiles and amphibians. Depending on the season, mammals may also be rescued.





What surprised me the most when I first visited this place was the sincerity and passion of the staff, who individually named each turtle, which all looked the same to me at first. They remembered the personalities of each turtle, and what they liked, and could tell me about them. Moreover, I was deeply moved by how they embraced cultural diversity among volunteers from different countries, treating everyone like a true family. I've traveled to many places worldwide to plan projects, but thanks to the passionate and friendly staff here, I've had a valuable learning experience. Once you visit this place, you'll fall in love with its irresistible charm that no one can escape. So, join the project right away! 




  Grow With The Program

After 2 Weeks After 4 Weeks After 12 Weeks
Study It! Experience It! Breakthrough!

1-1. Knowledge about wildlife

2-1. First meeting with international friends

3-1. Enjoyment and fun of new      challenges

1-2. Participating in wildlife rescue and sharing interactions

2-2. Intimacy and strong friendships with international friends

3-2. Sense of achievement and pride through challenges

1-3. Expert in animal and environmental conservation!

2-3. Broadening perspectives and embracing cultures through meetings with diverse people

3-3. Building courage and increasing self-confidence in what you can achieve



* If you're hesitant about the participation period, pay attention!

If you're only imagining the glamorous image of Singapore, it might be challenging at first. This place is located a bit away from the city center of Singapore, tailored to the habitat of rare wildlife, and practices vegetarianism while using minimal electricity for environmental conservation. Because it's a different environment from usual, it might take 1-2 weeks to adjust, but after this period, you'll likely experience a higher satisfaction from self-healing and purification in the natural life patterns. Therefore, we recommend staying for at least 4 weeks! (* If you don't have much time to stay in Singapore, we recommend participating in the project activities first and then traveling in the city. It could be more challenging to adapt if you come to the project site after staying in the glamorous city)










Example of Activities

- Clean rare wildlife habitats and surrounding areas.

- Care for rare wildlife.

- Prepare meals for rare wildlife.

- Assist in environmental education activities conducted within the organization, primary/secondary schools, and businesses. (Observing educational activities, preparing educational materials, setting up classrooms, providing environmental education ideas, and presentations, participating in role-playing, etc.)

- Plan and execute environmental protection campaigns, fundraising activities, etc. (e.g., Campaign to eradicate illegal ivory trafficking from Africa, campaign to protect marine wild dolphins in Singapore, etc.)

- Observe emergency rescue and relief operations for rare wildlife.

- Observe treatment operations for rare wildlife.


*The activities listed above are examples, and they may vary depending on the participants' interests, capabilities, and local conditions. 


*** Please pay attention to this!!

This project involves hands-on interaction with wildlife. Of course, handling dangerous animals is left to experts or local staff, so the activities themselves are not dangerous. However, if you are uncomfortable with handling animals, especially gentle ones like turtles or iguanas, which you may touch or feed directly, this project may be challenging for you. Therefore, it requires a positive attitude towards interacting with animals and no fear of handling them directly!




Schedule of Activities

- Minimum participation period: 1 Week

- Activity Hours: Typically, participants engage in volunteer activities for approximately 6 hours and 30 minutes per day, Monday through Friday.

However, since animals require care around the clock, the activity schedule may vary depending on local circumstances.

- Once a week, participants will observe emergency rescue and relief operations. (Subject to change based on local conditions)

- Outside of scheduled activities, participants have free time for study, travel, Gap Year missions, or personal projects.

- Check-in is highly recommended every Monday, with check-in on Monday and check-out on Sunday. If you prefer a different start date, please request a weekday (Monday to Friday) start date.

Generally, orientation takes place after arrival on Monday, and activities commence from Tuesday onwards.

Participants should book their flights to arrive in Singapore on Monday.

- Check-in/check-out times are available between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM.


* Example of Daily Schedule




 Morning Activity




 Afternoon Activity


 Dinner and Free Time


* The above daily schedule is provided as an example to aid understanding. Depending on organizational conditions and emergencies, the schedule may vary.



Activity Guidelines

- On the first day, a brief orientation and training will be provided.

- Since most activities are outdoors, it's essential to bring a hat, sunscreen, long pants, and comfortable shoes!

- Participants will engage in direct interaction with wildlife, so it's important to have no aversion to this. (Volunteers mostly handle gentle animals like sea turtles, land turtles, and iguanas.)

- Typically, you will work alongside 3 to 7 local volunteers and 1 to 5 international volunteers. (Numbers may vary depending on local conditions.)

- Due to the outdoor and physical nature of the activities, personal safety is paramount! Please follow the instructions of the volunteer coordinator and refrain from individual activities.

- For safety during activities, the organization requires mandatory vaccinations (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus) and recommends travelers' insurance.




English Skill Requirement ★

Since most of the activities involve caring for rare wildlife, participants are eligible if they can communicate effectively enough to converse with staff, understand activity instructions, and primarily engage in wildlife care. Proficient English speakers may also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities such as presentations and role-playing, based on their initiative.


Physical Strength Requirement

Since activities are mostly conducted outdoors and involve handling animals, good physical fitness is required. Please assess your basic fitness level before participating! 






"I've volunteered at various animal welfare organizations for five years, but I've never been welcomed as warmly as here. I felt respected and genuinely cared for as if I were their friend or family. I was initially surprised that there are fewer staff members compared to the scope of the organization's work, but I've been deeply impressed meeting people who are always passionate and tirelessly dedicated to worthwhile goals. I've learned so much about environmental conservation and animal welfare."


"It was my first volunteer experience in life, and it was truly unforgettable. I chose to be vegetarian for two weeks, and I was pleasantly surprised by how tasty the soy meat and vegetables were. The room and bathroom were comfortable, although there were quite a few mosquitoes, so I recommend bringing mosquito repellent. The staff members were incredibly kind and treated all volunteers like family. I felt homesick when I first arrived here, but after two weeks, I didn't want to leave. If I ever visit Singapore again, I will come back to this place!"


"I enjoyed experiencing various tasks here, such as preventing animal abuse and handling abused animals. Meals were vegetarian, which was also meaningful. Above all, it was great to meet kind, dedicated, and passionate people."



* You can read detailed reviews from participants on Gap Year Story (Click).

* For more participant reviews, please check the "Participant Reviews" section at the bottom of the project page.





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket    Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Document    Accommodation(4 Bed Dormitory)
   Wildlife Conservation Volunteering    On-Site Coordinator    3 Vegetarian meals   Shared Kitchen(Cooking Available)
   Free Washing Machine    Activity Essentials    




Detail of Support

- Participants will stay in accommodations shared with international volunteers or local staff.



- Round-Trip Airfare

- Other Local Stay Expenses (Transportation, Personal travel costs, etc.)

- Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs and Vaccination Costs


 * Please book tickets and transportation after finally being informed of the final schedule for participation in the project and departure.







Established in 2001, this Singapore-based NGO was founded to rescue wildlife and raise awareness about wildlife conservation. Currently, it collaborates with governments from various countries, international NGOs, and expert organizations to conduct emergency wildlife rescue, treatment, and rehabilitation efforts globally.


Additionally, the organization conducts environmental education programs in schools and businesses across Singapore, advocating campaigns such as "No Animal Testing Products," "Dolphin Conservation," and "Ban Wildlife Trade." Committed staff members passionate about environmental protection, along with volunteers from Singapore and abroad, actively participate in animal welfare and ecosystem conservation activities.





A Word from the Local Agency Representative

Hello! Our organization, established in Singapore in 2001, aims to eradicate animal abuse in Asia and strives to create a society where all animals are protected and respected as sentient beings.

Our organization operates with six main goals: wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, combating wildlife-related crimes, improving the welfare of zoo animals, humanitarian education, activities for the local community, and promoting a lifestyle without the use of animal testing products. 


By participating in this project, you will have a unique opportunity to play a substantial role in protecting wildlife and preventing illegal wildlife trafficking. You may care for rescued reptiles, assist in their rehabilitation, and actively work to combat illegal wildlife trade.

As a volunteer, you will be involved in creating a conducive environment for animals, assisting with their meals, cleaning, and managing their habitats. There will also be opportunities to observe emergency rescue operations and, if you have a background in veterinary medicine or related fields, participate in animal care activities directly.

Our organization also hosts roadshows for the public, fundraising activities, educational events for children, and visitor events. If you have the chance, you may even take on a role in assisting with event organization.

Joining us will provide you with a profound understanding of animal protection and welfare, valuable skills in rescue operations, and fascinating knowledge about reptiles. It's a rewarding experience where you can make a meaningful impact :)






Participants will stay at accommodations directly operated by the organization. Rooms are shared with 4 participants and may be used with international volunteers or local staff. The accommodations are located within the activity area and include shared kitchen facilities, bathrooms, laundry machines, and lockers. Three vegetarian meals are provided daily, and participants can also cook in the shared kitchen if they prefer.


Dormitory (4-bedroom) / Shared Kitchen / Shared bathroom / 3 vegetarian meals provided



▲ A photo example of a vegetarian meal from a local institution.


* Program Coordinators GO TO TIP !! 

The center is located somewhat away from the city center for the sake of the wildlife's habitat, so living conditions may be slightly inconvenient. However, it's the perfect place to spend meaningful time with local staff who are like friends. With a challenging and open-minded approach, it will enrich your activities even more.








Singapore is a country slightly larger than Seoul, composed of around 60 small islands. It boasts a clean and well-organized city center, a stable political and social environment, and a well-developed IT infrastructure, attracting numerous global companies. Currently, it serves as a hub for trade, finance, business, and IT in Southeast Asia.


With a diverse population living harmoniously together, Singapore is a place where various cultures coexist, offering an international ambiance. The entire country feels like a garden, with beautiful buildings of various colors and lush trees throughout the city. Due to its pleasant year-round weather, many travelers visit Singapore to enjoy its peaceful atmosphere and leisurely lifestyle.





- Who are 16 of age or older

- Who wants to have a special experience they won't forget while traveling in Singapore

- Who wants to participate directly in rescuing and caring for rare wildlife to feel a sense of fulfillment

- Those interested in wildlife conservation and rescue, with the physical and mental health to engage in direct activities

- Those interested in careers such as animal conservationists, veterinarians, zookeepers, or animal communicators


* For participants under 18 years old, we recommend joining with a mentor.

Although the activities take place within Singapore, they are conducted in environments away from the city, which may cause anxiety or fear for younger participants.

For minors not accompanied by a mentor, the procedures will be the same as for adult participants, and no additional supervision will be provided.


Generally, for adolescent participants, satisfaction is high with projects specifically designed for youth, such as the "[EOH009] The Best Education and Fantastic Adventure at the Same Time! Study Abroad Program in New Zealand for Youth (Link)" project. Please consider this


If you're worried about sending your child abroad alone, join with a verified Gap Year mentor! 


Gap Year projects prioritize making individuals independent and proactive in their lives through periods of making decisions and judgments independently. Therefore, most participants usually go abroad alone to carry out their projects. However, when concerns arise about the safety or adaptation of our immature children, Gap Year offers the option to participate in projects with a verified Gap Year mentor.


Selected through meticulous verification processes including child care capabilities, problem-solving skills abroad, and career counseling abilities, Gap Year mentors ensure worry-free participation for your children. Through various activities abroad and interactions with foreign friends, they will gain a broader perspective and be encouraged to pursue their dreams more actively


If you wish to participate with a Gap Year mentor, additional fees for mentor participation and activity costs will be added to the project expenses. If you would like detailed pricing information, please feel free to contact us anytime via email at Thank you.


Participation Duration and Fees



 The minimum participation period for this project is at least 1 week.


 Project Prices
Period Prices
1 Week 1,090,000원

2 Weeks


3 Weeks


4 Weeks


 6 Weeks


8 Weeks


 10 Weeks


12 Weeks



In the case of popular projects, there may be no availability, so please apply quickly to secure a seat.

Especially from June to October, the peak season, many people worldwide are participating in the project. So if you want to join during this period, please hurry up! 

* If you wish to stay for more than 12 weeks and engage in a more professional internship experience, please inquire separately at!



When calculated based on local prices, the TOTAL for Gap Year offerings is approximately  2,735,000원!

However, participating in the Gap Year project is expected to save up to1,205,000원!

* This cost is based on 4 weeks, of applying for Gap Year care services and a maximum scholarship of 257,000원 for Gap Year missions.






Notice Of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 won in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation  


 Early Bird and Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team. 

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact



- Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

** Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.



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Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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