
Learn French and Gain Practical Experience: Internship in Montpellier, France 프랑스 몽펠리에에서 인턴십


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start



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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount2,125USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Montpellier, a beautiful city where you can enjoy the Mediterranean's stunning sea and mild sun all year round!

This project is an internship program in France that enhances your language skills while providing practical work experience in a French environment. Experience everyday life in the famous southern French resort. You'll have the opportunity to broaden your horizons through your time in Montpellier.


Located in southern France, Montpellier is a city with a large young population due to its numerous universities. Thanks to the city's youthful and vibrant atmosphere, it has become a hub for various events, festivals, music, and film. The city features medieval architecture and elegant mansions, and beautiful sandy beaches are just minutes away, making it a beloved travel destination. Additionally, it's conveniently located close to Marseille, France's second-largest city, to the east, and the Spanish border to the west, making it a great base for exploring. Discover the many charms of Montpellier now!


As you'll be working as an intern at a French company, proficiency in French is required. However, don’t hesitate to apply because of language concerns! Before starting the internship, you can improve your French through a 4-week language course and build the necessary language skills. Additionally, during the internship, you'll learn and practice French in a professional setting, allowing for more specialized language learning.

As your French proficiency grows, so will your professional skills, making this a unique opportunity to become a global talent! Don’t miss the chance to experience this in Montpellier, France.


Montpellier is a dynamic city where a significant portion of the population is under 30. It's a youthful city filled with students due to its numerous universities, including some of the world’s oldest medical schools, and over ten other universities.

Start your studies in Montpellier, a city bustling with passionate learners. The school hosting this project has been providing high-quality French lessons to students worldwide for over 20 years and is accredited by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education. Not only will you receive top-quality instruction, but studying alongside motivated learners will help you quickly become proficient in French.


With over 300 sunny days a year, Montpellier offers a lifestyle by the beautiful sea of southern France. Just a 20-minute tram ride from the city center, you’ll find the dazzling Mediterranean Sea.

Enjoy the blue sea, soft sandy beaches, tall palm trees, and brilliant sunshine! What might be a rare vacation landscape is a regular part of daily life in Montpellier. Experience each day as if it were a special journey, and embrace the most beautiful parts of France as a part of your life.







This project is an internship program in Montpellier, Southern France where you can gain practical work experience in France. It is open to adults aged 18 to 28 and consists of 4 weeks of language training followed by 8 weeks of internship.


The internship will proceed as follows:

  • Tourism, hotel and catering, NGOs, marketing, sales, etc.
  • Public sector, private sector, non-profit organizations, etc.
  • Full-time, part-time (varies depending on the company and department)
  • Operates for educational and training purposes and is unpaid.

▶ When participating in this project, you will need to submit your resume, cover letter, insurance documents, and graduation certificate for smooth placement. Detailed information will be provided individually.


Additional Information

  • The project starts every Monday and runs throughout the year. If you are completely new to French, specific start dates are available, so please inquire individually. * Individual inquiries:
  • 20 lessons per week, each lasting 45 minutes. Classes are conducted in small groups of up to 12 people and focus on reading, writing, speaking, listening, oral expression, and pronunciation improvement.
  • During peak summer season, class schedules may vary depending on local conditions.


  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Schedule Orientation Classes (09:00 ~ 12:15)
Classes (10:00 ~ 13:15)
Peak Season Classes (16:15 ~ 19:30)

* The above schedule is an example for understanding. More specific schedules will be provided locally.


  • An orientation will be held on Monday morning when the project starts.
  • Accommodation options include homestayresidence, or studio. For homestays, travel time to the school varies by location. Residences are about a 5-10 minute walk or tram ride, and studios are about 20-30 minutes. You can purchase a monthly tram pass in Montpellier for about 28-60 euros (varies by age, based on 2022 prices).


English Proficiency ★★☆☆☆

  • Basic communication skills are needed to smoothly proceed with both the language course and internship.


French Proficiency ★☆☆☆☆

  • Basic French is required as the internship involves using French. However, as French lessons are provided before the internship, participation is possible without prior French proficiency.






   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Fees    Gap Year Mission Scholarship    OT Materials   French Language Classes
   Internship Training      



  • Round-trip airfare
  • Accommodation and meal costs during the project period (can be added as an optional extra)
  • Airport to accommodation pickup cost (can be added as an optional extra)
  • Other local expenses (overnight stays, dining out, transportation, etc.)
  • Individual travel insurance



 * Please book your flight and transportation after receiving the final confirmation of project participation and departure schedule.





Since 1998, this language institution has been dedicated to integrating various cultures and nationalities, striving to offer students from around the world the best of France. With continuous development and growth alongside over 1,500 students from 80 countries, we have developed modern and effective classes. We provide students with a comprehensive experience of France, including not only the French language but also French heritage, interactions with locals, and access to cultural and sporting activities.

Located in the heart of Montpellier, you will have easy access to various amenities and the beautiful Mediterranean beaches, allowing you to start the most perfect life in France.


Message from the Local Representative

French is an international language, and being able to speak it will open up more opportunities for you. Language learning and practical experience in an environment where French is used will help you become a more capable candidate when you enter the job market. Enhance your French skills quickly and effectively in a professional language environment!





Accommodation is an optional choice. Depending on your lifestyle and preferences, you can select the accommodation option that suits you best. Choose the accommodation that will make your stay in Montpellier more enjoyable!



This is the ideal accommodation for fully immersing yourself in French life. You will stay with friendly and warm hosts, use French in a cozy atmosphere, and experience various social and cultural aspects of France. For homestay applicants, airport or train station pickup is included.


  • You can have a private room.
  • Meals are generally not provided, but there is an option to add meals separately. Please contact us individually if you wish to apply for meal options.
  • Kitchen and bathroom are shared. Participants can prepare their own meals in the kitchen.
  • You will be assigned to a home located approximately 5 to 45 minutes from the school, depending on the situation at the time of application.


Residence Apartment

This is a studio residence that guarantees independent living. It comes with a private bathroom and kitchen, allowing you to handle meals, cleaning, and laundry on your own, with basic internet provided. Located close to the school, it offers a study-friendly environment. (*Traveler's tax not included)


  • Private room with a personal bathroom, kitchen within the accommodation, and free Wi-Fi are provided.
  • Located approximately a 5-minute walk from the school.



This is a private studio with a bathroom, kitchen, and free Wi-Fi. It is located about 20 minutes by public transportation or 30 minutes on foot from the school, offering convenient living. Available only from January to August, so availability may vary depending on the application timing. Please contact us individually if you wish to apply.

* Individual inquiries:





| Location :   France, Montpellier

Montpellier, located in the south of France, boasts a Mediterranean climate with clear and mild weather for about 300 days a year, earning it the nickname "The City Where the Sun Never Sets." Just a few minutes by public transport from the city center, you can reach beautiful sandy beaches and the sea. As a popular destination in Europe, Montpellier is renowned for its travel appeal. Enjoy the stunning city and the southern region of France to the fullest!


| Recommended Destinations

01 Place de la Comédie

This grand square is the heart of Montpellier. It is one of the largest pedestrian zones in Europe, and one side of the square hosts one of France's top opera houses. The square is filled with cafes and restaurants with outdoor terraces where you can enjoy the warm sunlight and watch people passing by. Place de la Comédie is a great spot for a relaxed break.


02 Montpellier Cathedral

Located in the center of the old town, this grand cathedral showcases impressive Gothic architecture from the 14th century. With its high towers and sturdy walls, the cathedral resembles a medieval fortress more than a religious building. Inside, you can admire numerous artworks, stunning stained glass windows, and magnificent arched ceilings. Discover the traces of Montpellier's long history!


03 Southern France

Located on the Mediterranean coast, Montpellier provides easy access to major French cities. You can enjoy famous destinations along the southern coast, such as Avignon, Marseille, Cannes, and Nice, or head west to Barcelona in Spain. Spend your weekends exploring various parts of France from Montpellier. Each region offers unique experiences that will become cherished memories.


Participation Duration and Fees



 Projects start every Monday.

■ The duration of this project is 12 weeks.

■ The cost listed below includes registration fees, tuition fees, textbook fees, and more.


Duration Cost
12 weeks 2,970,000


Eligibility and Qualifications

  • Healthy adults aged between 18 and 28
  • Those who want to learn French in France
  • Those who wish to study with international friends
  • Those who want to gain both language learning and practical experience
  • Those seeking special work experience with French companies and organizations
  • Those planning and preparing for overseas employment


Gap Year Mission Scholarship (▶ Learn More)


Installment Payment Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount at once, you can make an advance payment of 500,000 won, and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. The process for confirming your participation in the project will proceed based on the date of the advance payment, and you will be informed of availability and terms. Securing your spot early is crucial for your desired date and period! (No refunds once confirmed)

* Note that if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining payment may vary.


Early Bird Discounts and Emergency Applications

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for normal processing and preparation. Applications should be completed no later than 2 months prior. If urgent participation is necessary, an emergency application service is available for an additional fee to expedite the process.

* While we strive to expedite the process, communication with local agencies and confirmation times are required, and all procedures are the same as for regular applicants. Those using the emergency application service must cooperate actively with the Gap Year operations team.

** Apply at least 180 days before the start date to receive an early bird discount.

*** Emergency application services are available in the options above. For inquiries, please contact



- What is Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional placement of emergency personnel / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* For those having difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In cases of ultra-urgent applications, there may be no availability due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to Gap Year refund regulations. Participants are responsible for issues arising from lack of cooperation.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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