
A Sweet Life Begins in Italy: A Special Rome Trip for Seniors 시니어 이탈리아 로마 여행


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Mar, Jun, Oct Annually



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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,060USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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The best way to fully enjoy Rome, Italy! This is a special Rome trip designed specifically for seniors.

Instead of just passing through among the tourists, you will have the time to embrace Rome’s lifestyle as part of your daily life, gaining unique experiences. Start a new challenge in your life in Rome, Italy!

You may have heard stories of people who found a turning point in their lives during a light trip and started a different life. If you’ve ever felt your heart race listening to stories of people filled with shining passion, now is the time to head to Rome, Italy.

Don’t think it’s too late to start a new challenge. If you have expectations and passion, you can start anytime. Meeting various people and having unique experiences in Rome might help you discover new ways to enjoy life more.

The Eternal City, Rome, Italy! Known as the cradle of Western civilization, Rome has been loved by people around the world for thousands of years with its long history, flourishing art, and rich culture. Seize the opportunity to enjoy beautiful Rome, which is almost the center of the world!

Above all, this project consists of language and culture programs, starting each day with Italian lessons in the morning and experiencing Rome's diverse culture through tours with professional guides in the afternoon. Thanks to the new language you learn, you will have a more vivid understanding and experience of Rome's history and culture.


Roman cultural heritage and artworks are not everything. Italy enjoys a mild climate all year round due to its Mediterranean climate. Additionally, there are blue beaches just an hour's drive from the city center, where many Romans go to relax on weekends.

If you need rest and relaxation, take a healing trip to Rome, Italy. You can recharge your energy for the future through each day spent in Rome.







This project is a trip to Rome, Italy for seniors ready for new challenges. Through studying and traveling with new people in a foreign place, you will get to know a side of yourself you didn’t know before and start new challenges!


Additional Information

  • This project takes place in March, June, and October, and participants can choose their participation period from 1 to 2 weeks.


2023 Schedule
1-Week Program March 20-24 / June 5-9 / October 16-20
2-Week Program March 20-31 / June 5-16 / October 16-27


  • In the mornings, there will be 20 Italian lessons per week, with each lesson lasting 45 minutes and grouped with a maximum of 14 peopleIn the afternoons, various cultural activities will be conducted.
  • A simple level test will be conducted on the first day of the project.


Morning Italian Lesson Timetable
09:00 ~ 10:30 Class
10:30 ~ 10:45 Break
10:45 ~12:15 Class

* The above schedule is an example for understanding. You will receive a detailed schedule after the level test on site.

Afternoon Cultural Activities
1-Week Program Pantheon: Explore the most perfect ancient Roman architecture and the oldest surviving dome structure.
Capitoline Hill: Discover traces of Roman history on this beautiful hill where you can glimpse Michelangelo's genius.
Vatican Museums: Thoroughly explore the art collections of the world’s largest museum with a professional guide.
Street Food Tour: Taste delicious local foods in Rome that you might miss if you are not a local.
Wine Tasting: Enjoy a variety of aromatic wines in the wine powerhouse, Italy.
2-Week Program Tivoli Tour: Visit the beautiful gardens and villas in Tivoli, a favorite retreat of Roman royalty and nobility.
Colosseum: Visit the grand arena showcasing the remarkable architectural skills of the ancient Romans.
Roman Forum: Explore historical ruins where you can trace the rise and fall of ancient Rome.
Palatine Hill: Imagine the early Roman life on a hill with a long history dating back to the Roman Kingdom.
Roman Cooking Class: Experience making Italian dishes in the gourmet paradise of Italy.


English Requirement ★☆☆☆☆

Basic communication skills will make your time in Rome more enjoyable.

Italian Requirement - 0 Stars

Just come with a desire to enjoy learning Italian! If you want to get accustomed to living in Rome a bit faster, some simple preparation might help.






   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
    Project Registration and Participation Fees      Gap Year Mission Scholarship      Orientation Materials      Italian Group Classes
  Various Cultural Activities      


Not Included

  • Round-trip airfare
  • Accommodation and meals during the project period (can be added as an option)
  • Airport to accommodation transfer costs (can be added as an option)
  • Other local expenses (meals, accommodation, dining out, transportation, etc.)
  • Individual travel insurance


* Please book your flight and transportation only after receiving the final confirmation of project participation and departure schedule.




Our institution began in Florence in 1977 with the aim of teaching Italian language and culture, and established a second school in Rome in 1984. Over the past 40 years, we have been at the forefront of promoting Italy's history, culture, art, and language to the world, working with students from various nationalities. We continue to develop diverse educational methods to enrich life in Rome.


Message from the Local Institution Representative

Welcome to Rome, the city of encounters! Rome is a city where the ancient and the modern come together to create masterpieces. It is also the most sacred city in the world and the most complex city where numerous cultures converge.

Learn Italian in beautiful Rome! By living with people from over 90 countries who have come to learn and enjoy Italian, you will have the opportunity to learn a lot from the various encounters.





Accommodation is an optional choice. You can select the accommodation option that best suits your lifestyle and preferences. To enjoy your stay in Rome even more, choose the accommodation that fits you best!




Homestay is a special type of accommodation where you live with an Italian family and get accustomed to Italian culture and customs. You will live with carefully selected families and have the opportunity to improve your language skills and build new relationships in a comfortable setting.


  • Single rooms are available.
  • You can choose between 1 meal per day (breakfast) or 2 meals per day (breakfast & dinner).
  • Check-in is on the Sunday before the project starts, and check-out is on the Saturday following the end of the project.
  • The accommodation is located about 20 to 50 minutes by public transport from the school.



* This is a reference photo and may differ from the actual accommodation.


Basic apartment accommodation located in residential areas of Rome, allowing for a convenient start to your life in Rome. You will share the space with other international students or Italians. It provides an opportunity for independent living and enjoying the free atmosphere of Rome.


  • Single rooms are available.
  • You will share the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Check-in is on the Sunday before the project starts, and check-out is on the Saturday following the end of the project.
  • The accommodation is located about 20 to 50 minutes by public transport from the school.






| Location :   Italy, Rome

The saying "All roads lead to Rome" highlights the historical significance of Rome, the center of the once vast Roman Empire. Even today, you can find traces of Rome's past grandeur and historical significance throughout the city.

Rome is not only a hub of Renaissance art but also the birthplace of many globally enjoyed dishes such as pizza and spaghetti. With its typical Mediterranean climate, Rome offers a pleasant experience year-round. You'll find comfort as if it were your own home!


| Recommended Attractions

01 Trevi Fountain

One of Rome’s landmarks featured in many films like "Roman Holiday," the Trevi Fountain is the largest baroque fountain in Rome. Visitors often toss coins into the fountain, believing that it grants wishes or ensures a return visit to Rome. The coins thrown are used for the restoration and preservation of Rome’s cultural heritage, so why not make a wish at the Trevi Fountain?


02 Roman Forum

Located in the heart of ancient Rome, the Roman Forum was the center of politics, economics, and religion during the Roman Empire. Although now in ruins with only a few remnants of columns and debris, the site still vividly reflects the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The view from the Palatine Hill is breathtaking, so grab a gelato and take a stroll up the hill for a beautiful panorama.


03 Vatican City

The smallest independent city-state in the world, Vatican City is located within Rome. Despite its small size, it houses the renowned Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel with Michelangelo’s famous ceiling frescoes, and St. Peter’s Basilica, the largest church in the world. It’s always crowded with tourists, so planning your visit carefully is essential.



Participation Duration and Fees



■ Projects start on specific dates during the year (March, June, October).

■ The minimum participation period for this project is 1 week.

■ The costs below include registration fees, tuition fees, textbook fees, activity fees, and more.


Duration Participation Fee
1 week ₩1,480,000
2 weeks ₩2,380,000


Eligibility and Requirements

  • Healthy adults aged 18 and over
  • Individuals interested in integrating Italian daily life into their own
  • Seniors seeking new life experiences post-retirement
  • Those wanting to experience living abroad
  • People interested in Italy's long history and rich culture
  • Individuals looking for a unique European travel experience


Gap Year Mission Scholarship (▶ Learn More)


Payment Options

If you are unable to pay the full amount upfront, you can make an initial payment of ₩500,000 and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. The process for confirming your participation will start from the date of the initial payment, and we will check availability and the status of your participation. Securing your spot early is important for your preferred dates and duration! (No refunds once confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining payment may vary based on circumstances.


Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application

We recommend applying at least 3 months before the start date for all Gap Year projects to allow for proper processing and preparation. Applications should be made no later than 2 months before the start date. If you need to apply urgently, you can use the emergency application service by paying an additional fee to expedite the process.

* While we will assist with expedited processing, please be aware that communication with local organizations and confirmation times are still required, and the process will be the same as for regular applicants. Those using the emergency application service must cooperate actively with the Korean Gap Year operations team.

** Early bird discounts are available for applications made 180 days or more before the start date.

*** The emergency application service can be selected from the options above. For inquiries regarding the emergency application service, please contact



- Services Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional urgent staffing / Support for required documents if needed, etc.

* For difficulties with date calculations, refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In cases of extremely urgent applications, there may be no availability due to local circumstances, and subsequent procedures will follow Gap Year refund policies. Additionally, any issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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