
Building a Dream School in Vietnam: Join Us for Volunteer Work in Hanoi 베트남 하노이에서 건축봉사

456 Hanoi, Vietnam 000.png

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  • Participation Fee
Total AmountIndividual inquiry
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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This project is an opportunity for groups of friends, acquaintances, or members of your company or club to engage in group construction volunteer activities. Teams of at least 10 people can participate in this volunteer activity at any time. The activities involve building structures for underprivileged communities in rural areas of Vietnam.

While cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam have seen significant development, many areas still suffer from underdeveloped living conditions. Children, who should be receiving education, often lack access to proper schools and facilities, even in areas where schools exist.

Help these children by building their dream school. When you participate in this project, a large group will be involved in constructing or repairing buildings for the children. Additionally, after the volunteer work, you can enjoy a travel itinerary visiting various regions of Vietnam with your friends.






During the project, participating groups will work closely with a Gap Year mentor from Korea. The mentor will provide guidance during an online orientation before the Vietnam dispatch, and assist throughout the project. Additionally, on-site supervisors will be present during the construction activities, so even those new to construction volunteering can participate without issues.


Applications for this project must be submitted at least one month in advance. Ensure all sections of the application are completed to facilitate project scheduling and progress. A meeting with a Gap Year representative will be scheduled based on your completed application, followed by training and orientation to provide details about the project schedule and scope.

■ Major Activities

1. The size of the participating group can be a minimum of 10 people, with the duration typically ranging from 5 to 20 days. Be sure to include the number of participants, preferred duration, and desired start dates in the application. Activities are generally held from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM and from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM, but this may vary.

2. Volunteer groups will work on constructing or repairing schools, kindergartens, or their facilities. Depending on the group's size and local needs, they may also build playgrounds, walls, or undertake maintenance activities. Specific tasks include:

-Moving construction materials such as bricks, sand, and wood

-Performing tasks such as nailing, sawing, and shoveling

-Building structures by laying bricks

-Painting walls or fences

-Cleaning the construction site

-Teaching English or playing games with local children


The participation fee for this project includes the costs for construction materials, basic accommodation, and meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) during the project. Additional leisure and travel activities will incur extra costs.






* Detailed participant reviews can be found at Gap Year Stories (Click).

* More participant reviews are available at the bottom of the project page under "Participant Reviews".





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation   KGY Mission
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation  KGY Note Book
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service    OT Documents
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    Project Progress Training     Local Volunteer Accommodation
   Round-trip airport pickup service    3 meals a day    Construction equipment and material costs    Transportation costs during the project



Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance





For this project, you will stay at accommodations located in the area where the construction volunteering takes place and engage in the volunteer activities.

In the area, homestays are available where you stay with local residents. If you choose to stay with a homestay, you will experience living with locals, fully immersing yourself in the local culture. Please note that the living conditions may be basic and may not include amenities such as air conditioning or hot water.


Depending on the size and duration of the participant group, accommodation may vary. If you pay an additional cost, you can stay in hostels or hotels with amenities such as hot water and air conditioning. The accommodations will be located close to the project site, making it easy to walk or take a taxi to the location.





Location  :   Hanoi, Vietnam


Vietnam, which stretches long from north to south and has diverse cultures, is still recovering from the aftermath of the war that ended over 40 years ago. Although major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have developed, many other regions still have poor people living in harsh conditions.


The construction project in this program will take place in a remote area that requires a long drive from Hanoi. In these rural areas where children who want to attend school but lack access live, there is a need for volunteers to build schools.





- Any group of at least 10 people

- Anyone who wants to help disadvantaged areas in Vietnam

- Anyone who wants to do overseas volunteer work with friends or in a group

- Anyone ready to sweat in building schools for children

- Anyone with a strong interest in construction-related volunteer activities


Participation Duration and Fees



The minimum participation period for this project is  Minimum 5 days ~ Maximum 20 days


Project Costs

For cost inquiries, please call ☎ 02-318-2553


* Participants in the Vietnam volunteer program/internship will incur an additional $60 fee for visa processing. Visa processing takes at least 4 weeks, so please apply for the project and visa at least 5 weeks before the start date.


Gap Year Mission   (▶ Learn More)


  Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Guidance

All Gap Year projects are recommended to be applied for at least 3 months before the start date to ensure normal processing and preparation. Applications must be completed at least 2 months prior to the start date. In cases of urgent need, additional fees can be paid for the emergency application service to expedite the processing as much as possible.

* While we strive to expedite processing, please be aware that there is essential time required for communication with local agencies and confirming participation. All procedures will follow the same process as regular applicants, so participants using the emergency application service should actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Participants who apply more than 180 days before the start date can receive an Early Bird Discount.

*** The emergency application service is available from the options above. For inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact




- Provided Services: Automatic application for gap year missions and notes / Immediate full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional urgent staff placement / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Go to Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For extremely urgent applications, there may be no available slots due to local circumstances, and procedures will proceed according to the gap year refund policy. Also, any issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation are the participant's responsibility.



  Estimated Additional Costs  (per week)

Item Details & Remarks Amount Category
Round-trip Airfare (Including TAX) Varies by flight Approximately 350,000 ~ 800,000 KRW Not Included
Visa Issuance Fee Visa-free for 15 days -
Individual Travel Insurance Fee Varies by insurance provider / duration Approximately 10,000 KRW


* Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

* Participants' travel expenses and personal spending money are additional.


Reference (Estimated Local Prices)

Accommodation Per Night Meal Per Meal
Guesthouse Approximately 7,000 KRW Local meal Approximately 2,000 KRW
Hotel Approximately 40,000 KRW Restaurant Approximately 5,000 KRW


* The estimated local prices are based on average standards and may vary depending on individual preferences.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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