
The first step for those aspiring to become NGO experts: NGO volunteer work in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon(Arrive Sun)


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,885USD
Asia/Cambodia/Phnom Penh
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Pol Pot, the leader who led the Khmer people in Cambodia, removed the capitalist elements of Cambodia and replaced them with socialism. As a result, to establish Pol Pot's Cambodia, hundreds of thousands of educated individuals were executed, preventing the nation's development.


This project is a volunteer program conducted by an NGO established by Cambodian youth. You will directly participate in various projects aimed at changing the perceptions of Cambodians and improving their quality of life, alongside young university students. This is a volunteer project where you can personally experience the changes occurring in Cambodia.









Projects and Activities

English Requirement ★☆ ~

* The project activities are from 8 AM to 5 PM, with a 2-hour lunch break.

* The project activity hours may change depending on local conditions.


1. Project Assistance at Local Organizations

Various projects are conducted by local organizations.

You will participate in and assist with office work, planning, visits to companies for project execution, and all tasks required for project implementation.


- Project for Preventing Male Violence Against Women

(Collaboration with local universities and high schools in Phnom Penh)

- Project to prevent and combat violence against women through TV debates and broadcasts with young men

- Providing sex education internet courses for children and adults


2. Providing and Assisting with Ideas for Proposals

You will provide ideas for projects conducted by the organization, assist with writing basic documents, and support data collection needed for proposal writing.


3. Marketing for NGO Project Promotion

You will participate in and assist with developing promotional marketing strategies for NGO projects and supporting all necessary tasks.


* NGOs conduct various projects depending on the changing environment and social perspectives. If a project ends during the participation period, you may be assigned to a different project as described above.

** Participants are requested to bring a personal laptop for office work.





* Detailed participant reviews can be found at Gap Year Story (Click).

* More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".




   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents     Local Volunteer Accommodation
   Airport to accommodation pickup service    3 Meals a Day    Local Dedicated Manager    Project Management and Training
   WIFI in accommodation    Fan in Room    




Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Transportation between accommodation and internship site (Tuk-tuk)

- Visa issuance fee

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses






This project is run by a non-political, non-profit NGO established by youth and students in 2005. It not only works with young people but also encourages young Cambodians to engage in social issues, aiming to create a positive society.

The organization has the advantage of sharing thoughts and communicating with young generations, fostering empathy. It collaborates with the Cambodian government and local communities to address various social issues through sustainable resource development, poverty reduction strategies, human rights, gender relations, health education, and youth empowerment. The organization focuses on collaborating with young people and improving the lives of young Cambodians.






During the project period, you will stay in a guesthouse-style volunteer accommodation with other participants. You can enjoy communal living and make friends from various nationalities at the volunteer accommodation.

The accommodation is directly operated and managed by the local partner organization and is located in the city, ensuring a safe living environment. Rooms are shared by up to 3 people on average, and each room is equipped with a private bathroom, a fan, and basic furniture. Common areas include tables, chairs, and a balcony, where you can relax or spend time with friends after activities or on weekends.

Meals are provided at a designated restaurant with breakfast, lunch, and dinner available. You can choose from a selection of menus, and lunch can be taken as a packed meal. Breakfast typically consists of simple items like bread, eggs, and fruit with tea, while lunch and dinner include various options such as fried rice, noodles, curry, and meat dishes. The accommodation is located in Phnom Penh, making it convenient to participate in the project during the week and explore the surroundings on weekends. The travel time from the accommodation to the activity site varies depending on the placement organization and usually takes about 20 to 40 minutes using a tuk-tuk, a common Cambodian transport mode.


Shared rooms (3–5 people) / Private bathroom (hot water available) / 3 meals a day (breakfast/lunch/dinner) / Fan / WiFi provided


* Participants wishing to change their accommodation options can choose additional options such as air conditioning and single/double/triple rooms by paying an extra fee depending on the accommodation availability.

Please note that Cambodia is typically hottest between March and May, and availability tends to fill up quickly between July and August.

* The time required to travel to the activity site may vary depending on traffic conditions.

* The photos above are example images for illustration purposes; the actual room structure and furniture may vary depending on the timing of your participation and local conditions.

* If you are sensitive to heat, you can pay an additional fee locally to switch to a room with air conditioning, though availability may vary depending on local conditions.




A Small Tip About Cambodian Transportation

Cambodia's transportation infrastructure is underdeveloped, and public transportation systems like city buses or subways are not well established. The main modes of transport in Cambodia are motorcycle taxis, where you sit on the back of a motorcycle, and tuk-tuks, which are three-wheeled vehicles modified from motorcycles. Motorcycle taxis are very unsafe, so it's recommended to use tuk-tuks for safety, even though they may be a bit more expensive. Unlike regular taxis, tuk-tuks do not have fixed rates; prices are negotiated with the driver each time. Recently, mobile apps are often used to book and pay for tuk-tuks.

Typical one-way fares start at around 2 USD, and costs can vary widely depending on distance, time of day, and number of passengers. While you may initially find Cambodia's unfamiliar transportation system confusing, understanding the local culture and adapting to the transportation conditions will help you enjoy your stay in Cambodia even more!





Location :   Cambodia, Phnom Penh


The official name of Cambodia is  ‘Kingdom of Cambodia’, and it shares borders with Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand in the southeastern part of the Indochina Peninsula.

The capital of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, is the center of economic and political life where the painful past of the French colonial era and modern development coexist. The city is full of attractions like the National Museum, the Royal Palace, the Floating Pavilion, and the Independence Monument. On the other hand, you can also see the challenging lives of Cambodians living behind the rapid economic growth.

The majority of Cambodians practice Buddhism and follow its teachings in their daily lives. As you walk around the city, you'll frequently see monks in their traditional robes.
Cultural activities often take place around temples, and many travelers visit to see the temples and Buddhist culture.



Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner

1. Silver Pagoda

The Silver Pagoda is named for the over 50,000 silver tiles embedded in its floor. Although the interior may seem plain with its simple metal carvings, careful observation reveals intricate patterns on the silver tiles. The temple houses a golden Buddha statue weighing 90kg and various other Buddha statues, all adorned with elaborate decorations. As with the Royal Palace, strict dress codes apply, so be sure to wear long sleeves and pants.



2. Russian Market
The Russian Market is a traditional market for the citizens of Phnom Penh. It is called 'Phsar Tuol Tom Pong' in the local pronunciation, named after the time when Russian-made goods were sold there. You can find a wide variety of items including traditional Cambodian food, books, and clothing, and it is especially famous for its souvenirs and handicrafts for foreign tourists.
Exploring local traditional markets is a great way to truly experience the culture of the area. Take some time to visit the Russian Market and get a sense of Cambodian life.


  3. Tuol Sleng Museum

This is a place that preserves Cambodia's tragic history. Originally a school, it was used as the headquarters of the security forces during the Khmer Rouge regime, which committed mass genocide. The site contains records of the atrocities, including the torture and interrogation of young people who opposed the Khmer Rouge, and the beds and skulls of the victims. Visiting here allows you to hear about Cambodia's painful history from a guide and spend time paying tribute to the deceased.



1. Adults over 18 years old in good health

2. Those aspiring to become NGO professionals

3. Those who want to gain experience working in an NGO

4. Those interested in women's rights movements

5. Those who want to volunteer and interact with friends from various countries

6. Those who want a unique experience during their vacation

7. Those who want to boost their confidence and self-esteem

8. Those who can communicate in English

9. Those with an open mind


Participation Duration and Fees



The minimum participation period for this project is at least 8 weeks .


Participation Fee

8 weeks 2,630,000 KRW

12 weeks 3,530,000 KRW

16 weeks 4,420,000 KRW


* For popular projects, there may be no available slots, so please apply early to secure a spot.


Gap Year Mission Scholarship   (▶ More Details)


Payment Plan Information

If you are unable to pay in full, please make a deposit of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of your deposit, the process for confirming your participation will begin, and you will be notified of the availability and slots. Early booking is crucial to secure your desired dates and duration!   (Refunds are not available once participation is confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining balance may change based on the situation.


Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

It is recommended to apply for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date, and no later than 2 months before. However, if you have urgent reasons or need to join the project quickly, we offer an emergency application service for an additional fee, which helps expedite the process.

* While we strive to expedite the process, please note that communication with local agencies and time for confirmation are required, and all procedures are carried out the same as for regular participants. Therefore, those using the emergency application service should actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** If you apply 180 days or more before the start date, you can receive an early bird discount.

*** The emergency application service can be selected from the options above, and for inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact




- Services Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Full OT materials provided upon confirmation / Additional urgent staffing / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* For those having difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In case of emergency applications, there may be no available slots due to local circumstances, and procedures will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Also, issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the participant's responsibility.


Estimated Additional Costs   (Per Week)

Item Details and Notes Amount Category
Round-trip Airfare (including TAX) Varies by flight Approx. 350,000 ~ 800,000 KRW Not Included
Visa Issuance Fee Visa review and issuance fee $30
Individual Travel Insurance Varies by insurer / period Approx. 10,000 KRW


* Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

* Travel expenses and personal spending are not included.


Reference (Estimated Local Costs)

Accommodation Per Night Meals Per Meal
Guesthouse Approx. 10,000 KRW Local Meal Approx. 2,000 KRW

Approx. 20,000 KRW

Restaurant Approx. 5,000 KRW

* The estimated local costs are based on average standards and may vary according to the participant's preferences.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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