
Bringing Hope to Wounded Children: Volunteering for Disabled Children in Hanoi, Vietnam 베트남 하노이에서 장애 아동 봉사여행


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Arrival on Wednesday


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,505USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety





This project involves volunteer activities at the Agent Orange Victim Children's Center. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military conducted an Operation Ranch Hand, using chemical agents to destroy every bit of foliage in the jungle to counter the guerrilla attacks of the Vietnamese. Unfortunately, the military did not fully understand the side effects of the herbicides and indiscriminately sprayed vast amounts, resulting in ongoing severe damage. Post-war, there was a dramatic increase in the birth rate of deformed children in Vietnam, and many were abandoned by impoverished parents unable to cope with the burden.


Children born with disabilities due to the greed, selfishness, and ideological battles of adults struggle daily with their conditions. Yet, thanks to helping hands, they continue to hold onto hope and smiles. The organization running this project provides a safe haven for the treatment and care of Agent Orange-affected children. Despite difficult physical and environmental conditions, these children strive to become self-sufficient with a bright and positive attitude. Please help preserve their smiles.









 Activity Hours

Monday to Friday

Morning Work: 8:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Lunch and Break Time: 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Afternoon Work: 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM


- The schedule may vary depending on local conditions.

- Evenings and weekends are free time, but staying at the center can greatly help the children, who always need assistance, with even the smallest actions.


■ Main Activities

- Assist in preparing and conducting classes such as drawing, crafts, and music with the teachers.

- Check the children's developmental status and update their profiles.

- Spend time with the children and have conversations.

- Assist children with physical disabilities in going outside for walks or simple outdoor activities.

- During classes, mainly help and encourage children to focus on their work.

- After classes, clean the classroom and living spaces.


English Proficiency ★★☆☆

Since most activities involve caring for young children, high proficiency in English is not required. However, basic communication skills are necessary as English is used as the common language with local staff and foreign volunteers. Initial communication might feel awkward, but an active attitude will help you participate in the project more quickly and enjoyably. Engage actively with staff and friends to build confidence in English!




Recommended Targets

Those majoring in Special Education, Child Education, Social Welfare, Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Medicine, etc.

Participants with a major related to disability welfare and treatment can assist in preparing and conducting classes with teachers. They can also discuss and research new teaching and treatment methods. This experience allows participants to explore how theoretical knowledge learned in school can be applied in practice and witness the transformation of disabled children as they receive treatment to lead normal lives.








* Detailed participant reviews can be found on Gap Year Stories (Click).

More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".






   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Fee  Gap Year Mission Scholarship   Orientation Materials   Local Volunteer Accommodation
 Airport-Accommodation Pickup Service  Local Dedicated Manager   3 Meals a Day   Various Activities
  Round-trip Transportation Pass (Accommodation-Volunteer Location)   City Tour   WiFi in Accommodation   Air Conditioning in Accommodation
  Visa-related Document Support    Personal Locker

  Safety Equipment (Fire Extinguisher, First Aid Kit) Available

  Daily Necessities (Tissues, Napkins, Detergents, etc.)
  Project Implementation and Training  






Detailed Support

- Breakfast includes toast, jam, fruit, coffee, and lunch and dinner are provided as local Vietnamese meals.

- You can participate in activities such as cultural exchange nights and festivals. We provide financial support for Korean cultural exchange nights if held.

- City tours include entrance fees to at least three places.

- The accommodation is equipped with various electronic appliances. (Washing machine, TV, refrigerator, microwave, gas stove, toaster, oven, etc.)



- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses  

- Visa issuance costs and local institution invitation letter issuance costs



* Visa issuance costs and local institution invitation letter issuance costs may vary depending on the issuing country, embassy, and timing.






This organization was established in Hanoi in 1992 to help recover from the damage of the Vietnam War, especially providing rehabilitation for children affected by Agent Orange, vocational training, and living spaces. Additionally, American veterans and their families continue to volunteer and support the center, working together to heal the remaining wounds of the war. Institutions from various countries such as Canada, France, Germany, and Japan also consistently support their treatment and self-reliance.


The organization houses individuals aged 4 to 26 years and can accommodate up to 120 people. The children, who often have autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or other mental or physical disabilities, live together in this facility. The staff includes nurses, medical professionals, teachers, and caregivers, aiming to help the children achieve self-reliance through vocational training, rather than just receiving basic treatment.









The volunteers' accommodation is directly managed by the local organization running the project . It is a space shared by volunteers of various nationalities, and with the office space located together, local staff can provide assistance whenever needed. The accommodation is about an hour away by bus from the volunteer site . The local organization provides transportation costs, and volunteers travel together, making the commute enjoyable.


The accommodation is located in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood, with cafes nearby where you can enjoy rich and sweet Vietnamese coffee, and shops that sell snacks, making it a great place to spend personal time after returning from activities.


4, 6-person rooms (bunk beds) / Shared bathrooms / Meals provided / Shared space with WIFI





Location:   Vietnam, Hanoi


Staying in Vietnam, a country with a history similar to ours, can sometimes make you feel like you’ve traveled back in time. Like our own country, which has achieved remarkable growth despite the pain of war, Vietnam has also seen steady economic growth since the war. However, there are still many people in need of help. In particular, the damage caused by Agent Orange remains a significant issue due to its genetic inheritance.


Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is a place rich in historical sites and European culture due to French colonial influence. Local restaurants serving pho, vendors selling tropical fruits while wearing traditional Vietnamese hats, and outdoor cafes offering Vietnamese coffee are just some of the many landscapes that represent Hanoi.


However, what leaves the most lasting impression on many people is probably the appearance of the locals. The streets are a chaotic mix of motorcycles, cars, and people, but the simple, honest locals maintain their own sense of order, creating a strong impression.



 Travel Destination Introduction


Dong Xuan Market

Built in 1889 during French colonial rule, Dong Xuan Market is the largest wholesale market in Hanoi. People in Hanoi buy and sell almost everything here, including clothes, daily necessities, and groceries. Visit this place to get a closer look at the lives of Vietnamese people. It is also a great spot to buy snacks, accessories, and souvenirs as a night market for tourists opens in the evening.




Tam Coc

Tam Coc is a popular destination for trips near Hanoi, located about two hours away by car. Known as 'Halong Bay on land' due to its similar terrain, you can leisurely enjoy the scenery while riding a boat rowed by a local. It’s a great place to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere and is famous for the beautiful views after passing through the limestone caves. You can also book a day tour from a local travel agency in Hanoi to visit Tam Coc.




Hoan Kiem Lake

Hoan Kiem Lake, located in the heart of Hanoi, is a popular place for many residents to take walks in the clear morning or afternoon weather. The lake’s scenery, combined with the narrow and long French-style buildings of Hanoi, provides a relaxing and leisurely atmosphere. Additionally, there are many stylish cafes and restaurants lined up near the lake, attracting many tourists. If you’re staying in Hanoi, take a morning stroll near the lake and enjoy delicious Vietnamese food at a nice restaurant in the afternoon to fully enjoy your leisure time.


- Anyone over the age of 20

- Anyone who wants to share love with children

- Anyone who wants to help children affected by Agent Orange

- Anyone who wants to meet children who live with hope despite difficulties

- Anyone who wants to do volunteer work with friends of various nationalities

- Special education, child education, social welfare, rehabilitation and physical therapy, speech therapy, medical etc. Anyone who wants to gain experience in related fields



Participation Duration and Fees




■ The minimum participation period for this project is  4 weeks .


■ Participation Costs

4 weeks: 2,100,000 won

6 weeks: 2,490,000  won

8 weeks: 2,890,000  won

10 weeks: 3,280,000  won

12 weeks: 3,680,000 won


4-week rate 3,374,000 won   >>  2,100,000 won!

                                └ The cost for the 4-week program is an estimated cost based on local prices for the included project items. 


* For popular projects, there may be no availability, so please apply as soon as possible to secure your spot.

* If you wish to participate for 12 weeks or more, please contact us individually. (☎02-318-2553)

* Participants in volunteer/internship programs in Vietnam will need to obtain a visa, which incurs additional costs.

   Please note that preparing a visa takes at least 1 month, so we recommend applying for the project at least 6 weeks in advance.



 Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ Learn more)


 Payment Installment Information

If you have difficulty paying in full, please make a prepayment of 500,000 won and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the prepayment, the process for confirming participation in the project will proceed, and availability and spots will be checked. Early reservation is crucial to participate on your desired dates and duration!  (No refunds once participation is confirmed) 

* Note that if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining balance may vary depending on the situation.  


 Early Bird Discounts and Emergency Application Information

All Gap Year projects recommend applying at least 3 months before the project start date for proper processing and preparation time. It is principle to apply no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you need to join urgently or for unavoidable reasons, we offer an emergency application service for an additional fee to expedite the process as quickly as possible.

* Although we strive to expedite the process, there is a basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. Emergency applicants must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operations team as all procedures are conducted similarly to general participants.

** Applicants who apply 180 days before the start date will receive an early bird discount.

*** Emergency application services can be requested from the options above. For inquiries regarding emergency applications, please contact



- What We Offer: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Full provision of orientation materials upon confirmation / Emergency staffing arrangements / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* For those having difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: In cases of extreme urgency, availability may be affected due to local conditions, and the procedure will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Also, any issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation will be the participant's responsibility.



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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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