
Master Chinese Conversation in Shanghai, China's Economic Hub! 중국 상하이에서 어학연수


Required Options

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start




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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,495USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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This project is a chance to learn Chinese with international friends in Shanghai, China's economic hub. You can witness China's growth firsthand while getting motivated to study Chinese. Also, boost your Chinese conversation skills at a language school focused on speaking!



1. Learn Chinese in a fun way while hanging out with friends from the U.S. and Europe!

Most language schools in China have over 50% Korean students, and classes often have about 20 students. Even if you travel to China to learn Chinese, it can feel like studying in Korea. However, this language school has less than 5% Korean students, allowing you to study Chinese with a diverse group of international friends. Most of the students are from Europe or the US, and classes are small with 6-10 students, so you’ll have to use Chinese actively! Make friends with international students and improve your Chinese skills!


2. Top Chinese language schools in China recommended by Chinese students themselves!

While university-affiliated language schools are cheaper, they tend to focus more on reading and writing rather than speaking and listening. This language school, on the other hand, offers a conversation-centered curriculum that you can use in real life, with systematic communication-focused education based on your level. Local Chinese students who are only taught reading and writing often come here for additional speaking and listening practice, and the satisfaction rate is extremely high! This place has been carefully selected by Gap Year for those who want to learn practical, conversation-focused Chinese!


3. Get up to 1.2 million won in scholarships plus additional travel support!

Stop choosing language schools based only on their low price and reading/writing-focused curriculum! The project coordinator visited numerous language schools in China and carefully compared them to find the best value for money in one top-notch language school!



4.Seize the Opportunity to Enter Shanghai, China—One of the World's Top Financial Cities!

Shanghai, one of the top three financial cities in the world! The moment you arrive in Shanghai, you'll feel the pulse of China's economic development firsthand. Moreover, it's a hub of diverse opportunities! Many people are interested in interning with Chinese or international companies in Shanghai. These companies often prefer candidates who have studied or taken language courses in Shanghai because they believe these individuals will adapt more quickly to the company environment. If you're looking to gain work experience in Shanghai and need to improve your Chinese language skills, I highly recommend this project!



 Comparing Gap Year Projects and Language Schools!!

(Based on 16 weeks)

 University Language School

 Gap Year Project

 Private Language School


2,400,000~4,000,000 KRW

3,650,000 KRW

4,500,000~7,500,000 KRW


 - Strict teacher supervision

 - Unique curriculum

 - Systematic level management

 - Affordable

 - Scholarship programs

 - Free online Chinese classes (app)

 - Speaking-focused curriculum

 - Diverse nationalities and small classes

 - Systematic level management

 - Strict teacher supervision

 - Speaking-focused curriculum

 - Students from various nationalities

 - Small classes

 - Flexible registration periods


 - Writing and reading focused

 - Must register for a full semester

 - Mostly Korean students

 - Higher cost than university language schools

 - Very expensiveㅠㅠ

 - Some advanced classes may not be professional



 Grow with the project

4 Weeks in the Project 12 Weeks in the Project 18 Weeks in the Project



◇ Getting used to Chinese and hearing the language

◇ Adapting to Chinese and Shanghai culture and environment

◇ Feeling a sense of achievement while learning Chinese

◇ Getting motivated by experiencing China’s economic status

◇ Experiencing various cultures and thoughts from international friends

◇ Increased confidence in Chinese!

◇ Broader perspective on the world!!

◇ Greater tolerance for diverse cultures!








This project is a project where you learn Chinese with foreign friends at a Chinese language school located in the center of Shanghai (Huangpu District, Xuhui District).



- The curriculum focuses on Chinese conversation and is designed to encourage students to actively participate in class.

  Therefore, you can learn all areas of Chinese based on real-life situations (vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, writing) evenly.

- Generally, one cultural lesson per week is provided, and one activity related to Chinese culture such as Kung Fu or calligraphy is conducted monthly.

  *Most activities are free, but additional fees may apply for some trips.

- This project is available to start every Monday. However, for beginner classes, the start date is specified.

- For the schedule of beginner classes, please contact Korea Gap Year (KakaoTalk @Gap Year, email separately.

- The classes are operated with an average of 6 students per class.

- This institution has students from various nationalities attending classes together. (50% European students from Germany, France, etc., 30% American students, 10% Asian students from Japan, Thailand, etc.)


+a For those who want to improve their Chinese skills, we've prepared!

To help you study Chinese more diligently, we provide online lectures (self-study app) during the project period. Review what you learned in class comfortably at home and master Chinese completely!



 Class Schedule (Example)

- Classes are held five times a week from Monday to Friday.

- You can choose between Option A (20 lessons per week) and Option B (30 lessons per week) based on your preferred study time.

Option A20 Chinese lessons (4 lessons per day)

Option B20 Chinese lessons (4 lessons per day) + 10 additional lessons (2 lessons per day)



Option A(20 lessons per week)

Option B(30 lessons per week)


Morning Class

Morning Class





Morning Class

Morning Class



Lunch Time


Afternoon Additional Class


* This timetable is an example for understanding. The actual schedule will be arranged according to local circumstances, including morning/afternoon classes. Detailed information will be provided after confirmation of participation.


 Important Notes

Please check the application period!

1) 4 weeks ~ 11 weeks: You can apply according to your preferred schedule and duration.

2) Semester courses (12/16/20 weeks): These are semester-based courses. Beginners will start on the specified start date, while classes for intermediate and advanced levels can start every Monday (except holidays) if the relevant level class is available.

Participants in this course will receive tuition discounts and have opportunities to interact with friends through graduation ceremonies and other events.


* End dates vary depending on the semester chosen, and individual participants will be informed accordingly.

* For other start dates, please contact Korea Gap Year separately. (KakaoTalk @GapYear, Email


■ Chinese Language Requirement ☆☆☆

This project allows you to learn Chinese step-by-step from the basics, so even beginners who are new to Chinese can participate. Just bring your excitement and passion for learning a new language!!






" I am very satisfied with this academy. Since I lived in China and had weak grammar, I was looking for someone to help with Chinese and found this academy. I just decided to try it out, but after just two classes, I realized I made the right choice. I was especially satisfied with the teachers. They did a great job highlighting important parts and clarifying difficult aspects when learning vocabulary. The pace of the classes was neither too fast nor too easy, it was really appropriate. I think it was thanks to the teachers' teaching methods that I was able to reach this level in Chinese. I feel that the teachers and this language school were a really good choice for me. Thank you! "


" Originally, I registered for just one semester (18 weeks), but I liked it so much that I enrolled for the next semester as well. I previously studied at a well-known university-affiliated language school in Shanghai. However, since there were too many students in each class, I moved to this academy to get more stimulation in a smaller class. What I liked most about this academy was the friendly and empathetic teachers and staff. I tend to ask a lot of questions, and throughout my studies, they gave me a lot of help and advice suited to my level!! Also, I really like the teaching method. If you want to study with high quality in a small class or receive well-tailored classes that match your level, I highly recommend this academy^^ "



Gap year planners highly recommend this!!

Here’s the project plan developed and overseen by the planner



To develop this project, we met with several language schools in ShanghaiThe main reason we chose this language school is due to its specialization in communicationand the atmosphere of the school. As seen in the photos, we could end meetings pleasantly with some fun, and the friendly reception we received when meeting students was great. Of course, the students we met also highly recommended this language school!


Moreover, most of the staff and teachers at this language school have experience working at university-affiliated schools and understand the systematic systems of such institutions while also being well aware of students' desires to improve their Chinese conversation skillsTherefore, they always strive to assist studentsIf you encounter difficulties while studying Chinese, feel free to seek help from the staff or teachers at any time^^


* Detailed reviews from participants can be found on Gap Year Story (Click).

More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".







   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Costs      Gap Year Mission Scholarship      OT Materials      Online Application
   Communication-Focused Chinese Classes Chinese Cultural Activities    Local Staff Care    Use of Campus Reading Room and Lounge
   Visa Issuance Guidance and Support    Documents Required for Visa Issuance    


* Chinese cultural activities are held once a month and may incur additional costs.





- Round-trip airfare

- Local living expenses (accommodation, meals, transportation, etc.)

- Textbook costs (varies depending on class type and duration, to be paid locally. Approximately 30,000~110,000 KRW)

- Pickup fees

- Visa issuance fees and insurance





Located in the heart of Shanghai, this language school boasts over 15 years of history. The biggest feature of this language school is that it combines the benefits of a university-affiliated language school, known for its systematic and reasonable approach, with the advantages of a private language school that focuses on enjoyable, conversation-based learning. In fact, this language school started as a university-affiliated institution and became independent as a private language school. It now employs various know-how, such as a systematic and rigorous teacher management system, small class sizes, attracting students of diverse nationalities, developing student participation-based teaching methods, and operating various student communities to help students effectively learn Chinese.





Message from the Local Institution Representative

We extend a warm welcome to all students from Korea. Our goal is to support every student who wishes to learn Chinese in Shanghai, helping them reach their desired level of proficiency and enabling them to express their passion. Our school offers the most excellent and effective Chinese education in Shanghai. We make every effort to ensure you enjoy your studies here. Most of our staff and teachers have experience working or studying abroad, so they understand your needs and strive to support you effectively. Additionally, we will provide generous support to help you achieve your goals through learning Chinese.






This project does not include accommodation costs. If you need accommodation, we can connect you with apartment-style dormitories and homestays linked with the language school.


 Apartment-Style Dormitory

This dormitory is located 10 to 30 minutes away by public transportation from the school. Rooms are private, and you will share the kitchen, living room, and bathroom with 3 to 6 friends, creating an environment where you can naturally use Chinese even in your accommodation. It is equipped with air conditioning, heaters, washing machines, and there is an online manager to assist with any residence-related issues, ensuring a comfortable stay. The rent is approximately 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 KRW per month (excluding deposit and management fees), and it varies depending on accommodation options, location, and the time of participation.


Private Room / Shared Bathroom / Shared Kitchen / Wi-Fi Provided



This accommodation type allows you to live with a Chinese family and deeply learn about Chinese culture. It provides the advantage of practicing Chinese naturally through communication with the host family, but there might be some inconvenience due to differences in living culture (hygiene, customs, etc.) with the host family. Therefore, it is not recommended for those sensitive to living environments. Generally, homestay families are located about 30 to 60 minutes away from the city center by public transportation, and costs vary depending on the duration. Additionally, homestays require a separate selection process.


Private Room / Wi-Fi Provided


* Due to the rapid development of Shanghai's economy and trends, accommodation costs may change quickly depending on the timing. For accurate costs, please contact We recommend applying early if you wish to proceed with both the language course and accommodation.

* The provided items and options may vary depending on the specific apartment you stay in.




Location:     China, Shanghai



Shanghai, the economic capital of China and the world's largest financial center after New York and London, has undergone urbanization for about 200 years since it began serving as a major European trade port in the 1800s, and continues to experience tremendous economic growth. In fact, there is a saying in China, “If you want to see the future, look at Shanghai,” indicating that it is the starting point of China's economic growth. Therefore, if you want to truly experience China's development, we highly recommend visiting Shanghai. Particularly, Shanghai has a dynamic and diverse atmosphere due to its exchanges with Europe, Japan, and Korea since the modernization period, and it appears relatively clean and orderly compared to other Chinese cities. Enhance your Chinese language skills and broaden your perspective on China in this ever-changing city!



Recommended travel destinations TOP 3


Target Audience


- Adults aged 18 and over who want to learn Chinese!

- Those who want to experience the rapid development of China in its economic center, Shanghai

- Those who want to master Chinese conversation in a place with a low percentage of Koreans

- Those who want to learn Chinese with friends from various nationalities


Participation Duration and Fees



 For this project, the minimum participation period is at least 4 weeks.


 Participation Fee


Option A (20 lessons per week)

Option B (30 lessons per week)

4 weeks



8 weeks



12 weeks (Semester Course)



16 weeks (Semester Course)



20 weeks (Semester Course)




* For the 12, 16, and 20-week semester courses, special pricing applies.


* If you wish to take Option B (30 lessons per week), please select the additional time at the top of the project application form.

* If you do not select an option and only choose the participation period, it will be registered as Option A (20 lessons per week).




When calculated with local prices for what is included in the gap year program, the TOTAL is about 5,257,930 won!

However, by participating in the gap year project, you can expect to save up to 1,377,930 won!


* This cost is based on the 18-week program and includes a maximum scholarship benefit of 1.2 million won and gap year care serviceand up to 257,000 won in gap year mission scholarships.



 Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ Click here for more details)


 Payment Plan Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount at once, you can pay a deposit of 500,000 won and settle the remaining amount within 2 weeks. Based on the date of deposit, we will start the process to confirm your participation and check availability and TO (terms of offer). Early registration is crucial to secure your desired date and period!  (No refunds after confirmation of participation) 

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for settling the remaining amount may vary depending on the situation.  


 Early Bird Discounts and Emergency Applications Information

For all gap year projects, it is recommended to apply at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for proper processing and preparation. Applications should be made no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if there are urgent reasons or if you need to join the project quickly, you can use the emergency application service to expedite the process for an additional fee.

* While we assist with the expedited process, please note that there are basic time requirements for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. Therefore, those using the emergency application service should actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Applicants who apply 180 days or more before the start date will receive an early bird discount.

*** Emergency application service is available through the options at the top, and for inquiries related to this service, please contact



- Services Provided: Automatic application for gap year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation of participation / Additional placement of urgent staff / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* For those who have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: For ultra-urgent applications, TO may not be available due to local conditions, and procedures will proceed according to gap year refund regulations. Also, issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.


 Estimated Additional Costs (Per Week)

Item Details and Notes Amount
Round-trip Airfare (Including TAX) Varies by flight Approx. 150,000 ~ 400,000 won
Visa Issuance Fee 30-day single entry visa From 55,000 won
Individual Travel Insurance Varies by insurance company / period Approx. 30,000 won


* Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

* Travel expenses and personal spending are additional.


 Reference (Estimated Local Costs)

Accommodation Per Night Meal Per Meal
Guesthouse Approx. 35,000 won Local Meal Approx. 8,000 won

Approx. 100,000 won

Restaurant Approx. 30,000 won

*The estimated local costs are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant’s preferences.



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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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