
Freedom Music Journey Around the World: First Stop, Varanasi, India 인도 바라나시에서 음악 여행


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    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount175USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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How about escaping the stressful routine and enjoying a relaxing break with new music?

Learn and play traditional Indian instruments that are rarely seen in Korea to gain diverse musical inspiration, and if you can play beautifully for those around you! Experience a new life and hobbies that you might not have known or realized before through music!







English Proficiency: ☆☆☆☆

- This program is conducted in English.

Since the main activities involve learning traditional Indian instruments and vocal training, and Kathak dance, basic understanding of English is sufficient.

English proficiency is not crucial for participating in the program.


1. The program includes 2 hours of one-on-one lessons per day with a local music instructor.

2. Lesson times can be adjusted individually with the music teacher, and participants can stay at the academy for personal practice after lessons.

3. Participants can choose between learning an instrument, vocal training, or Kathak dance according to their preference and learn directly from experts.




A. Traditional Instrument Classes

① Sitar

- This instrument is similar in shape to a guitar but is larger and longer.

It has 26 strings and a gourd-like resonator that produces a lively and mysterious sound.


② Tabla

- A representative percussion instrument of India, consisting of a set of two drums played with the palms and fingers to create various tones.


③ Santoor

- An instrument with 24 strings on a trapezoidal wooden box, played with light mallets to produce beautiful and mystical sounds.



B. Vocal Classes

Classes on Indian vocal techniques.



C. Kathak Dance Classes

Kathak is a traditional Indian dance performed as a form of spiritual worship, expressing harmony with deities.

Dancers express the changes of seasons, nature, and human emotions through elegant movements and facial expressions.






* Detailed participant reviews can be found at Gap Year Stories (Click).

More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".




   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    KGY Note Book
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    OT Documents
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service    Project and Participation Costs
   1:1 Instrument Lessons   Instrument Rental During Program    Practice Room Usage in Music Academy  


Not Included

- Round-trip airfare / Visa issuance fee

- Visa issuance fee

- Individual travel insurance

- Other Local Stay Expenses






This organization, which is so renowned that it is featured in famous guidebooks, has been teaching traditional Indian music and instrument playing to travelers from all over the world for a long time. Skilled and professional performers teach participants how to play instruments in a 1:1 lesson format. They offer lessons in traditional instruments such as the sitar, tabla, and santur, vocal classes that teach India's unique vocal techniques, and classes in the traditional Indian dance, Kathak. Additionally, every Wednesday and Saturday, concerts featuring various traditional Indian instruments like the sitar, santur, and tabla, as well as Kathak dance, are held here.




In the Varanasi area, there are many accommodations ranging from budget guesthouses to 3-4 star hotels.

Participants can freely choose their lodging in Varanasi, India, according to their personal preferences and budget.




ㅣ Location:    India, Varanasi


India - Varanasi


"Varanasi is older than history, older than tradition, older even than legend, and looks twice as old as all of them put together."

This quote by the great American writer Mark Twain highlights Varanasi as the oldest city in India, a sacred place where Indians wish to end their lives. The evening religious ceremonies by the Ganges River add to the sacred and solemn atmosphere of Varanasi. This city is also the birthplace of traditional Indian music, attracting free-spirited musicians from around the world who come to teach and learn Indian music.



■ Recommended Travel Destinations in India




Top Travel Destination 1 - Agra

Agra is one of the most iconic tourist destinations in India. It is home to the Taj Mahal, the epitome of Islamic architecture and a monumental symbol of eternal love, often hailed as one of the most beautiful places in the world. Explore the majestic Agra Fort, with its red sandstone walls and intricate white marble interiors. Experience the pinnacle of romance with the Taj Mahal, the ultimate gift of love. Visit Agra and dream of unforgettable love!





Top Travel Destination 2 - Varanasi Ghats

The steps leading to the Ganges River are known as ghats. Varanasi has over 80 ghats where people perform public rituals or take sacred baths for purification. Sitting by the ghats, you can observe Indians from all over the country and a diverse range of tourists. Varanasi Ghats, a mystical and sacred place where life and death coexist. Visit this place to experience and feel something new like never before!




Top Travel Destination 3 - Rishikesh

Rishikesh, the yoga capital of the world, is an intriguing city where various travelers gather to learn yoga, creating a diverse cultural environment. (Refer to the Korea Gap Year India Yoga Program!)

You can also participate in trekking to the Himalayas or enjoy leisure sports like rafting. Explore the city with buildings and markets concentrated along the upper Ganges. Rishikesh, the birthplace of yoga and the city of the Beatles, is a place where you can heal your mind and body and experience Hindu culture!



- Physically healthy men and women aged 18 and above
- People who want to learn Indian music and have a unique travel experience
- Anyone interested in community development or NGO activities
- Anyone dreaming of a free life and wanting to have their own hobby

Participation Duration and Fees



■ The minimum participation period for this project is 1 week .


■ Participation Fee

1 week (7 days) - 242,000 won

2 weeks (14 days) - 363,000 won

3 weeks (21 days) - 440,000 won


* Popular projects may have no availability, so please apply early to secure your spot.


 Gap Year Mission Scholarship   (▶ More Details)


 Payment in Installments

For those who find it difficult to pay the full amount, you can prepay the registration fee of 500,000 won and pay the balance within 2 weeks. The process for confirming participation will be carried out based on the date of prepayment to check availability and participant slots. Securing your spot quickly is crucial to participate on your desired date and period!   (Non-refundable upon confirmation)  

* Depending on the situation, the balance payment schedule may vary if the start date is imminent.


 Emergency Application Information

For all gap year projects, we recommend applying at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for normal processing and preparation time. The principle is to apply at least 2 months in advance. However, in cases of unavoidable circumstances or if you urgently need to participate, you can use the urgent application service by paying an additional fee, and we will assist with the processing as quickly as possible.


* While we strive to expedite the process, there is basic time required for communication with local institutions and confirmation of participation. All procedures are the same as for regular participants, so participants using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operations team.

*** Emergency application service can be applied for through the top selection options, and inquiries about the service can be sent to



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year mission and note / OT materials provided immediately upon confirmation / Additional urgent personnel deployment / Support for necessary document preparation, etc.

* For those having difficulty calculating dates, refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: In case of ultra-urgent applications, there may be no availability due to local circumstances, and the refund policy will apply according to Gap Year regulations. The participant is responsible for any issues arising from their non-cooperation.


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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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