
Employment Success Project: Helping You Secure a Job in Osaka, Japan 일본 오사카 취업 프로젝트


Required Options

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  • OTHERS :

  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,490USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety


Project Introduction





Amid the downturn in the domestic job market, the unemployment rate among young people in their 20s continues to rise. According to a Bank of Korea report, the youth unemployment rate in Korea is 9.5%, more than twice that of Japan (as of 2017). As youth unemployment becomes a serious social issue, there is a recent trend of Japanese employment fever in Korea. In fact, many young Koreans are turning their attention to Japan, not only for employment but also to gain job experience. Some media outlets focus on the advantages of this Japanese employment fever. But is Japanese employment really easy for everyone?


Although the Japanese job market is said to be open, it remains firmly closed to those who are unprepared. If you are ready to put in your best effort, I am confident that this opportunity will allow you to build your career and approach employment with a more prepared attitude. Are you mentally prepared? Then join this project!


This project offers participants the chance to gain real business experience at a professional training institution in Osaka, Japan, including basic business Japanese classes and job-specific training. Prepare thoroughly from A to Z for Japanese employment!


* This project operates on a semester basis and recruits a limited number of participants on a first-come, first-served basis



1. The top skill Japanese companies want from international students: Communication skills



A major Japanese corporation conducted a survey of Japanese companies regarding the 'desired qualities in international students,' and the top quality was 'communication skills'. The next qualities were 'Japanese language ability,' 'cooperation,' and 'sociability.' While there are jobs that do not require Japanese language skills, if you are preparing for a proper job in Japan rather than a short-term part-time job, communication and Japanese language skills are essential. Prepare everything necessary for job readiness with our employment support program and business Japanese classes!



2. Receive professional job training in Japan's second city, Osaka!  


The institution running this project is a professional training organization in Osaka, Japan, offering educational programs for international students from various nationalities. This course, aimed at students seeking employment in Japan, is designed to teach basic business Japanese as well as communication skills needed in actual job settings. The program includes not only language classes but also guest lectures, panel discussions, company visits, and other activities to experience real business environments in Japan. Learn real Japanese used in actual settings, not just from books!


3. Understand Japanese business etiquette and culture, which even Japanese people find challenging!


Recently, the number of young Koreans finding employment in Japan has increased. However, at the same time, there is also a growing number of young people returning to Korea due to difficulties adjusting locally. In Japan, there are specific rules and manners that are unique to Japanese society, so prior preparation is necessary for employment. Even Japanese people often struggle with business language and etiquette, and mastering them requires significant effort and time.

This project aims to help you understand Japanese business culture, language, and etiquette, and acquire the basic skills required for your job in advance. Learn and experience the most crucial aspects of the country’s culture and etiquette as you prepare for overseas employment!



The Gap Year planner visited the program personally

Real visit story and planning intentions of the planner


* The images are reference photos taken by the project planner during a school visit and may differ from reality.

The institution where this project is conducted is located in the center of Osaka. It attracts international students from various nationalities who come to study Japanese. Generally, students from Asia, such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Europe, and other countries, come to learn about Japanese culture and economy.


The school's atmosphere is lively, with various events held every month to encourage student interaction. If you need consultation, you can receive guidance at the designated counters. Additionally, a staff member who speaks Korean is available, so you can receive assistance if needed. Students with working holiday or student visas wishing to work in Japan can easily obtain employment information through the bulletin board on the first floor. Stop struggling alone and receive proper support and education at an accredited professional training institution!




■ Growing with the Project

 Week 2 of the Project Week 6 of the Project Week 12 of the Project








1-1. Adapting to a New Environment

2-1. Getting a Sense of Business Japanese!

3-1. Learning Japanese Business Manners!

1-2. Gaining Resilience and Courage to Adapt Anywhere

2-2. Basic Business Conversation in Japanese is OK!

3-2. Learning Japanese Business Culture and Etiquette

      Making Friends with Students from Various Nationalities!

1-3. Developing a Challenge Spirit and Increased Confidence

2-3. Completing All Preparations for Employment!

3-3. Learning Japanese Business Culture and Etiquette Through Actual Business Experience!




Project Activities




This project is a program to learn business Japanese and receive career training with international friends in Osaka, Japan's second city.

Classes are divided into employment support and business Japanese courses.


Project Information

- This project recruits 20 participants per semester, and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

For thorough personal guidance, the average number of students per semester is 10-15. (If more than 15, classes are divided into two)

- The project offers a 3-month or 6-month curriculum, allowing participants to choose their preferred duration.




Employment Support

- The employment support program is held twice a week (from 9:00 AM to 2:40 PM).

- Through the employment support program, you can attend lectures by invited company representatives and participate in discussions about actual work environments.

Additionally, you will have discussions with industry professionals about industry research, business manners, practical interviews, and conversations.

- Conduct mock interviews with actual HR representatives and practice interviewing as if in a real scenario.

- Visit actual companies to attend seminars, participate in discussions with professionals, and tour facilities. This provides hands-on experience and allows you to use the business Japanese learned at school in real-life settings.



Business Japanese Classes

- Business Japanese classes are held three times a week (from 9:00 AM to 12:20 PM).

- The classes include business reading, grammar practice, BJT (Business Japanese Proficiency Test), Japanese culture, politics, society, listening comprehension, and guidance on job-related documents.


Sample Class Schedule








 Business Reading Course

- Career Guidance

- Business Manners Training

- Business Conversation Class

Business Japanese Qualification Test / N1 Test Course


- Career Guidance

- Business Manners Training

- Business Conversation Class


Academic Listening Comprehension

Grammar Practice

Japanese Society and Culture

 Employment Documents







* The basic curriculum is the same every semester, and the above schedule is an example. It may change depending on the semester.




* Business Reading

Develop reading skills using textbooks on business-related documents, newspapers, and economic journals. Practice expressing your own opinions accordingly.

* Grammar Practice

Learn how to apply business-specific grammar based on the grammar learned up to JLPT N1 level.



Theoretical classes are conducted to prepare for the Business Japanese Proficiency Test.


* Japanese Culture / Society / Politics

Understand and discuss social etiquette, Japanese modern society, and politics based on Japanese culture and social content.


* Listening Comprehension

Improvement of listening comprehension as well as vocabulary using news and Japanese social culture.

* Job Application Document Guidance

Learn about entry sheets, resumes/cover letters, business document writing, correct use of kanji and honorifics, and meanings of kanji.





Experiential Activities

Students can participate in volunteer activities and local events such as the Osaka International Marathon and Tenjin Matsuri to aid in local adaptation and cultural experience.

These activities provide experience in Japanese society and culture, which can be utilized in interviews with Japanese companies.



Employment Achievements


Students who have participated in this project so far have been employed in various sectors such as:

Construction, Equipment Engineering, Food Manufacturing, Telecommunications Machinery Manufacturing, Real Estate Leasing, Travel, Hotel/Ryokan, Information Services, Beverage Retail, Professional Services, Personnel Dispatch, etc.

- Employment counseling for students is provided with the help of career counselors and is operated continuously.



Year-Round Curriculum Example

- This project can be applied for according to the designated admission dates: January / April / July / October.



Japanese Language Requirement ★★★★★☆

This project is a specialized business Japanese education program aimed at gaining job experience. Since it involves specialized training, basic Japanese language skills are required. You should generally have Japanese language proficiency equivalent to JLPT N1.

* Classes are conducted in Japanese, but a Korean local staff member is available to assist students in adapting to the institution.




Institution Introduction




This institution is located in Osaka, Japan, and is a specialized educational institution that provides Japanese language education to foreigners of various nationalities. It particularly operates business Japanese language courses aimed at employment in Japan and has received ample achievements and high evaluations for its business Japanese courses.

Recognized by the Japanese Language Education Promotion Association, this institution offers specialized programs to help international students acquire the basic knowledge and practical experience needed for employment in Japan. It collaborates with numerous companies to provide various opportunities for students. Additionally, it supports international students with various aspects of local life during their stay in Japan, including residency cards, permission for activities outside the visa status, national health insurance, and more. It also conducts on-campus traffic safety training to ensure safe living.


Accommodation Introduction




* Accommodation is an optional selection and can be chosen based on personal preference. If you wish to book accommodation, we can assist with reserving student dormitories. Details may vary depending on each option and availability.


■ Example of Dormitory (Single Room)

Included Items

Bed, wardrobe/storage case, desk and chair, air conditioner, TV, refrigerator, microwave, rice cooker, gas stove, curtains, etc.

Utilities/internet fees included (water fee up to 2,000 yen included)

* Bedding sets can be purchased or rented. (Purchase: 8,500 yen / Rental: 3,750 yen for 3 months)

Dormitory Rent

- 3-month contract: 420,000 won

- 6-month contract: 690,000 won


Cost Examples

The dormitory costs listed below are examples for understanding purposes and may vary depending on assignment.



(3-month basis)

 Room Type



 Cost (per month)

 Single Room

360,000 won


 55,000 yen

 Double Room

 39,000 yen



1. Accommodation may change depending on local conditions, and options include single, double, or four-person rooms.

2. Typically, beds in Japan are wooden, and futons are used. It is recommended to request bedding when applying for dormitory accommodation.

3. The above dormitory rent is based on a short-term (3-month contract). If you wish to stay for more than 3 months, a separate rent will apply.

4. If you wish to apply for dormitory accommodation, please select option ② 'Dormitory Rent' when applying.

5. The dormitory has specified check-in dates, and entry is not possible outside these dates. You will be informed of the schedule after confirmation of participation.



Location Introduction



Location  :   Osaka, Japan


■ Regional Introduction


Osaka, Japan's second-largest city. It grew as the port city for Kyoto, the thousand-year-old capital, and today it is the commercial center of western Japan. Osaka has deep connections with Korea, with the largest Korean community in Japan and the largest Korea Town in Japan. Recently, the number of low-cost flights to Osaka has increased, leading to a rise in Korean tourists visiting Osaka. The charm of Osaka is its food! Osaka is known for its diverse food culture, to the point where there's a saying "You can go bankrupt from eating too much."


Additionally, it is possible to take day trips to nearby cities such as Kyoto, Kobe, and Nara, each with its own attractions. Many tourists from around the world visit Osaka to enjoy various types of travel, including food tours, historical tours, and city exploration. Osaka is geographically close to Kyoto, the former capital of Japan, making it a key transportation hub. As a commercial city that was the first to embrace Western culture, it is known as the second-largest economic city in Japan.


Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner


Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices




- Anyone over 18 years old who is physically healthy

- Those with Japanese language learning experience and JLPT N1 or higher proficiency

   * If you do not have an N1 certificate, a level verification process will be conducted via KakaoTalk or Skype interview.

     However, if your skills in reading and writing are weaker compared to conversation, participation in the project may be difficult.

- Those who have graduated or are expected to graduate from a higher education institution such as a university or college

- Those who want to gain professional experience and receive job search training in Japan and succeed in finding employment

- Those who want to stay in Osaka, Japan, receive specialized Japanese language education, and gain real-world experience


Recommended target audience by the planner

This project does not guarantee 100% employment in Japan, but provides participants with job search training and support to help them gradually prepare for and secure a job with a suitable company. We believe that this training course will be a valuable opportunity to gain real job experience and insights into the field. If you have Japanese language study experience but are unsure about understanding Japanese culture or how to prepare for employment, or if you dream of overseas employment through a new career but are unsure how to start, we recommend this project to you :)



Participation Schedule and Costs


- The minimum participation period for this project is 3 months.


 Participation Costs

The cost of this project varies depending on the type of visa the participant holds.
1. Working Holiday Visa Holders

3 months: 2,080,000 KRW

6 months: 3,830,000 KRW

2. Tourist Visa Holders

3 months: 2,620,000 KRW

3. Student Visa Holders

6 months: 5,860,000 KRW

* For popular projects, there may be no slots available, so please apply quickly to secure your place.



■  Gap Year Benefits

Item Details



- A one-time registration fee

- Detailed local orientation for life in Japan

- Business specialized education and classes from expert instructors

- Up-to-date local job search information for employment in Japan

- Reliable local support staff for daily life

- Airport pick-up service (one-way) to ensure safe transfer from the airport to the school



- Participant dispatch procedures: Project registration and dispatch procedures

- Orientation provided: Various information to ensure a successful gap year experience

- OT materials: Materials containing tips from planners to ensure safety for first-time travelers abroad

- Gap Year Notebook: A notebook for self-reflection during the gap year (▶ More Details)

- Gap Year Mission Discount: (See below)




- Issuance of a local activity certificate

- Issuance of a participation certificate and activity completion certificate from Korea Gap Year


* Certificates and recommendations are issued upon the participant's request after the project's completion. The format and issuance of the local certificate and recommendation may vary according to the local institution's format and issuance conditions.

* Certificates and recommendations are issued after completing the project properly and submitting feedback.


■  Pick-Up Service Included

This project provides a one-way airport pick-up service to ensure safe transfer from the airport to the school. The pick-up is arranged according to the designated schedule for each term, so please follow the instructions from the coordinator when preparing your flight. Pick-up from Kansai Airport is available for flights arriving between 10 AM and 2 PM.


* If you choose not to use the pick-up service and travel individually, information on how to get to the school will be provided individually to confirmed participants during the online orientation.


 Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ More Details)


 Installment Payment Information

If you are unable to pay in full, please make a prepayment of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the prepayment, we will process the confirmation of your participation and check availability and spots. To participate on your desired dates and duration, early spot reservation is important!  (Refunds are not possible once participation is confirmed) 

* Note that the remaining balance payment schedule may vary depending on the timing of your application.  


 Early Bird Discount and Urgent Application Information

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date for normal processing and preparation. Applications should be made at least 2 months in advance. If you need to participate urgently, you can use the urgent application service to expedite the process with an additional fee.

* While we strive to expedite the process, there may be time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures will be the same as for regular participants, so those using the urgent application service should actively cooperate with the Gap Year Operations Team.

** Those who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

*** Urgent application services can be selected from the options above, and inquiries about urgent application services should be sent to



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Additional urgent personnel allocation / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For extremely urgent applications, spots may not be available depending on local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to Gap Year refund regulations. Additionally, any issues arising from the participant's non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.



■ Exclusions


- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance / Working Holiday visa issuance fee

- Other local expenses

- Accommodation during the project period

- Textbook fees and transportation costs for off-campus study


* Please book your flight and transportation after your project participation is confirmed and you receive final departure instructions.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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