
Connecting Communities and the World: NGO Internship in Chiang Rai, Thailand

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount2,335USD
Asia/Thailand/Chiang Rai
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety


Project Introduction





+ Details provided





Estimated Participation Cost (8 weeks)

Accommodation and Meals

- Accommodation provided during the project period

- Homestay with local mountain tribe (approx. 4 days)

- Wi-Fi available

- Thai breakfast, lunch, and dinner provided during internship period (excluding weekends)

Approx. 2,200,000 KRW
Project Inclusions

- Project implementation and training

- Local orientation (cultural exchange, making Thai desserts, internship-related information)

- Elephant riding or group tour

- Transportation during the activity period

- Dedicated local manager assigned

- Airport-accommodation pick-up service

Approx. 1,728,000 KRW
Gap Year Inclusions

- Gap Year mission scholarship up to 257,000 KRW

- Online orientation

- Know-how OT materials from Gap Year planners

- Ongoing counseling and care until the end of the project

- Project registration and participant dispatch procedures

Approx. 915,000 KRW
Certificates and Recommendations

- Issuance of internship certificate from local NGO

- Issuance of NGO recommendation letter

- Issuance of Gap Year participation certificate

- Issuance of Gap Year internship completion certificate


Certificates will be issued upon project completion.




Original Cost for 8 Weeks: 4,843,000 KRW   >> All of this for just 1,483,000 KRW  + Additional Discounts!                 

 └ This estimated cost for 8 weeks is based on the projected expenses calculated with local prices including project details.


Project Activities



Our rapidly changing modern society has people living outside the legal framework and without national protection. These are the ethnic minorities living in northern Thailand. The Thai government considers these minorities as foreigners and does not recognize them as citizens. In this reality, the hill tribes live without the basic benefits from the government, and without opportunities or assistance for education or welfare. With the aim of protecting their human rights and assisting them towards self-reliance, young people are coming together to form organizations and carry out various projects. While help is reaching these communities from various countries, there is still a great need for more assistance. Contribute your skills to connect with and support the communities in northern Thailand!


Learn About the Thai Hill Tribes

Thai Hill Tribes: Ethnic minorities residing in northern Thailand

Although less than 2% of the Thai population and living in rugged mountainous areas far from urban centers, they are known worldwide. Most of them maintain their traditional ways of life, allowing people to experience their unique culture. The Thai government considers them as foreigners and does not legally recognize them as citizens. It is only now, after more than 100 years of residence, that some hill tribe members have acquired citizenship status and can enjoy the same rights as Thai nationals. There are over 20 tribes nationwide, with the main tribes being the Hmong, Lahu, Lisu, Akha, Yao, and Karen.

Source - [Naver Encyclopedia] Thai Hill-tribe [Thai Hill-tribe] (Doosan Encyclopedia)



Programs and Activities

English Proficiency ★★★☆☆

Participants need to be able to communicate in English as the tasks are conducted in English. Basic communication skills are required to ensure smooth and active participation in the project.


Thai Proficiency ★☆☆☆☆

Knowing Thai can make communication easier, but it is not mandatory. Participants will have the opportunity to learn basic Thai during their service period, and if communication with Thai residents is needed, interpreters will assist the interns.


※ The first 2 weeks of the program will be dedicated to adaptation as a volunteer.

Volunteers will initially engage in activities to learn about local culture and lifestyle, and participate in homestays in the hill tribe villages. The homestay will take place in the area where the project is being conducted for about 4 days. On the last day of the volunteer period, activities like elephant riding or group excursions will be organized.


1. Volunteer Activities (First 2 Weeks)

Volunteer activities will be conducted daily at different locations according to the schedule of English classes at schools or orphanages. Participants will teach English to children at various places like orphanages, elementary schools, hospitals, and orphanages according to a rotating schedule. Additionally, volunteers will engage in various external activities like construction work that benefits the community.


1) Orphanages:

English classes for toddlers under 4 years old, using songs and games to teach basic alphabets and simple words in an enjoyable manner.


2) Elementary Schools:

English classes for active and bright students from grades 1 to 6 at public elementary schools. Classes will follow the school's curriculum, and tests for the children will be conducted at the end of each month.


3) Hospitals:

English classes for children with incurable diseases in hospitals, focusing on creative activities to bring smiles to their faces. As there are not many children, a maximum of 3 volunteers will be assigned.


4) Orphanages:

Teaching English to children of various ages at orphanages using activities like music, art, crafts, and games to make learning alphabets and simple words enjoyable.


5) English Camps:

During school vacations, English camps are held to provide lessons to a group of 15 children of various ages. Fun and engaging activities are emphasized to captivate the children's interest.


6) Local Staff Training:

Providing English lessons to local staff or hill tribe women living in the village where the volunteers' accommodation is located.

-  On the first day (Monday), volunteers will have time to get to know each other through a local orientation and will also participate in making Thai desserts. The next day will involve learning about the teaching methods, so even those with no experience teaching children can participate comfortably.

- Volunteers will have free time from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon. During weekends, volunteers can explore the surrounding areas or visit the city. Although staying at the organization is an option, meals are not provided. Enjoy your weekends traveling with fellow volunteers from various nationalities!



2. Internship Projects

Participants will choose one of the major projects currently underway at the NGO to apply for.

Please refer to the details below for information about each project.


Handicraft Project

This project is aimed particularly at women among the mountain-dwelling tribes. It helps members of highland tribes who are far from urban areas to engage in economic activities in an independent and safe environment, allowing them to lead their own villages. The handmade crafts produced by highland women are sold domestically and internationally through various channels. The types of crafts include clothing, accessories, and clay whistles. The NGO operates a sewing workshop, continually employs highland women, and focuses on providing stable working environments and job opportunities.


[ Participant Role and Requirements ]

Through this project, participants can learn about marketing, sales, fashion, and design. Participants are required to have basic English skills, marketing experience, computer proficiency, and a sense of responsibility. The project involves document tasks such as proposals, reports, article writing, and proofreading, so strong English writing skills in grammar and spelling will make the work easier.


[ Activities ]

- Project-related tasks in marketing, sales, fashion, and design

- Developing marketing strategies

- Writing proposals for strategy development and implementation

- Planning integrated marketing campaigns

- Assisting with online store and website management and updates



Information and Communication Technology Project 

The organization running this project is one of the NGOs in Thailand with a significant internet network. Information and communication technology plays a role in maintaining an online community for volunteers supporting the NGO’s operations and helps in fundraising and widely disseminating information related to highland tribes. The organization believes that the internet is crucial due to its high accessibility and utility to the public. It can amplify the voices of a few, serve as a teacher for learning, and connect valuable projects, which is why they focus heavily on the ICT field. In fact, they have received over 200,000 books through the internet and are currently collecting useful materials for project operations.


[ Participant Role and Requirements ]

This project requires strong communication skills, so participants need to have intermediate to advanced English proficiency (both conversation and grammar). Participants will be involved in writing and editing articles, and creating proposals and reports.


[ Activities ]

- Web design

- Database design (MySQL)

- Programming (C++)

- Computer networking / servers

- Video production and editing

- Photography

※ Participants will assist in building and configuring MySQL databases and storing data related to refugees at the Thailand-Myanmar border. They will also help with creating videos covering various issues like refugees and human trafficking.



Civic Awareness Project

In Thailand, the lack of citizenship is a serious issue for highland people. Individuals without citizenship are effectively non-existent. They cannot vote, buy land, travel, or find legal employment. Additionally, they are ineligible for government-provided free healthcare and often denied educational opportunities. Currently, about 50% of the highland people, despite having the right to request citizenship legally, still live without it. The process to obtain Thai citizenship is lengthy and complicated, marred by corruption and bureaucratic obstacles. Moreover, with the recent increase in illegal entry of refugees from Myanmar, the process for highland people to obtain citizenship is becoming even more complex. The most basic step in this project is to provide guidance and assistance to those who have difficulty communicating in Thai.

Additionally, the project involves exposing corruption in local bureaucracy to expedite administrative processing for citizenship and collecting data on local residents' nationalities to run internet campaigns. Nationally, efforts are made to advocate for laws that benefit the highland people. To date, the organization has helped around 2,000 highland people obtain citizenship and plans to continue the project for stateless highland people. This project addresses legal issues and works towards justice, equality, and human rights. It requires the dedication of team members to support those unfairly treated or ignored by those in power. Participants may assist with tasks ranging from simple document preparation to more complex tasks, including obtaining genetic samples for genetic evidence.


[ Participant Role and Requirements ]

- University or graduate students majoring in law, human rights, social justice, or related fields

- Participants should be studying law and have intermediate to advanced English writing skills.

- Basic computer skills for document preparation


[ Activities ]

- Writing articles and documents, updating websites, researching fundraising proposals, collecting and analyzing data

- Intermediate English writing and grammar skills

- Writing and proofreading skills, editing articles, proposals, and reports

- Problem-solving skills and effective communication and teamwork


- Applications for internships are accepted year-round.
Since the number of participants for each project is limited, we recommend applying at least 3 to 4 months in advance if you are interested.

- This project is an unpaid internship.






"I had a lot of time to reflect on myself during the internship period because I could do my internship in a quiet village. I initially thought the internship was about giving help, but I received so much more and want to express my gratitude." - ddq7878

"The main task I focused on during the internship was writing reports for a project aimed at preventing human trafficking and promoting it to donors and collaborators. I even participated in a sex education camp for children in a village where human trafficking is still occurring. If you are passionate and want to feel something despite the challenging work, definitely apply. You will gain a lot from the challenge." - emilyprice

"I was assigned to the handmade crafts project internship, where I had a lot of fun making crafts with highland people and foreign interns and discussing ways to sell them better." - yongii_7

"Even though the office staff tried to help a lot, it was tough at first, but I persevered and feel proud of myself for getting through it." - tunani0097


* Detailed participant reviews can be found on Gap Year Story (Click).

* More participant reviews are available at the bottom of the project page under "Participant Reviews".



Institution Introduction



Founded in 2004 by a group of five university students with a shared goal of contributing to community development in Thailand, this NGO has been working on various projects to positively impact communities and improve the lives of marginalized groups. Located about a 40-minute drive from downtown Chiang Rai, the organization operates as a community where local staff, interns, and volunteers live together like a family. The village includes accommodations and dining facilities for interns and volunteers, as well as workshops where ethnic minority women create and sell handmade crafts. The atmosphere is one of harmony and collaboration between local staff and volunteers. Participants from diverse nationalities continuously come to practice warm-hearted sharing for community development.


Story from a Planner's Visit!

When I first visited this place, I was delighted by how quiet and peaceful the village was. In the spacious open areas like playgrounds, there were rest spots where people from various nationalities gathered in small groups to chat. When I approached and greeted them with a 'HI,' they welcomed me as if we had known each other for a long time. I felt confident that working in such a tranquil village with friendly foreign friends, engaging in volunteer work, would help our youth reflect on and appreciate their true selves, ultimately boosting their self-esteem and confidence.





Accommodation Introduction



Shared rooms / Shared bathrooms / Meals provided / Wi-Fi available


Participants will stay in accommodation managed and operated directly by the local organization. The accommodation is situated in a village-like setup that includes the organization’s office building, lodging for local staff, rest areas for interns and volunteers, meeting rooms, a dining area, a crafts workshop, and a shop. This lively village is a place where people gather to eat, chat, play guitar, and sing, creating a constant atmosphere of laughter.


The buildings are designed to be eco-friendly, allowing participants to experience the local culture and way of life firsthand. During the volunteer period (Monday lunch to Saturday lunch), three meals a day—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—are provided. Meals are typically Thai-style and include rice at nearly every meal.


* Accommodations are separated by gender, and detailed information will be provided during the orientation.



Location Introduction


Location: Chiang Rai, Thailand

Chiang Rai, Thailand

Chiang Rai is a fascinating place full of diverse emotions! Located in the north, Chiang Rai is uniquely positioned around the Mekong River, which borders Laos and Myanmar. Due to this geographical situation, the local population has often been caught in the crossfire of border conflicts between Myanmar and Thailand, resulting in significant hardship and displacement. Furthermore, in the 20th century, the region suffered greatly from the production and sale of opium, which devastated the local economy and the lives of its people. Fortunately, since the 1970s, the Thai government has taken strong measures against opium, converting poppy fields into coffee plantations, and Chiang Rai has transformed into a globally renowned coffee production city. Despite this, traces of its painful history remain throughout the city. However, the unspoiled natural scenery, hidden attractions, and the bustling night markets create a quaint yet vibrant atmosphere, making it a captivating destination for backpackers. Experience the joy of serving in this humble yet lively city as you plan your own gap year.



Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations

Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


- The minimum participation period for this project is 8 weeks or more.


Participation Fees

8 weeks: 3,260,000 KRW

9 weeks: 3,550,000 KRW

10 weeks: 3,830,000 KRW

11 weeks: 4,110,000 KRW

12 weeks: 4,390,000 KRW


* For popular projects, there might be no available slots, so please apply early to secure your spot.




Gap Year Mission Scholarship

Paid in cash immediately after the project ends!

        Up to 257,000 KRW Refund! (Click for details)



* If you are unable to pay in full, you can make a 50,000 KRW deposit and pay the remaining amount within 2 weeks. This will initiate the process for confirming your participation and checking availability. It is important to secure your spot early to participate on your desired dates and duration! (Refunds are not available once confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining amount may vary depending on the situation.


Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information
We recommend applying at least 3 months before the project start date to complete all necessary procedures and preparations. Applications should be submitted no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you need to apply urgently, additional fees for emergency application services are available, and we will assist with the process as quickly as possible.
* While we aim to expedite the process, communication with local agencies and time required for confirmation may vary. Emergency applications will follow the same procedures as regular applicants, so please cooperate actively with the Korea Gap Year operations team.
** Apply at least 180 days before the start date to receive the Early Bird Discount.
*** Emergency application services can be requested from the options above. For inquiries about emergency applications, please contact


- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year Missions and Notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Emergency personnel deployment / Support for document preparation if needed

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please use Naver's date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For extremely urgent applications, there may be no available slots due to local circumstances. The process will follow the refund regulations of Korea Gap Year, and issues caused by the participant's lack of cooperation are their responsibility.

Excluded Items

 - Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses


* Please book your flight and transportation after final confirmation of your participation and departure schedule.



Participants will arrive at 'Mae Fah Luang Chiang Rai International Airport' in Chiang Rai, Thailand. The project location is about a 30-minute drive from Chiang Rai city. Upon arrival at Mae Fah Luang International Airport, participants will meet the local staff and take a vehicle to the accommodation. After leaving the city, you'll drive through serene rural landscapes and narrow country roads until you reach the village where the organization is located. To be eligible for pick-up, your flight must arrive by 5 PM on the start date (Monday).

* The pick-up method may vary depending on local conditions.





1. Up to 257,000 KRW in scholarships for the "Gap Year Mission"





2. "Overseas Experience Certificate" for Gap Year Participation


Although you don't participate in the project just to get this certificate, having it can be quite satisfying! This certificate serves as a record of your activities and can be used anywhere you need to prove your experience or skills. For this project, the local organization will issue a certificate that will add credibility to your experience.



3. Create Your Portfolio with Media Appearances and Interviews



As Gap Year becomes a significant concept for young adults in Korea, you may receive interview requests from media outlets like TV, newspapers, and magazines after completing your Gap Year. Your Gap Year experience and subsequent interviews might even get featured on major platforms like Naver or lead to speaking engagements. Many participants have successfully leveraged their Gap Year experience and media appearances to secure their desired jobs. If interested, you can look forward to various media appearances and interviews, making the post-Gap Year experience even more exciting! :)



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Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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