
Building a Village Together in Chiang Rai, Thailand with International Friends

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Required Options

  • Select Duration :

  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every 1st and 3rd Monday


  • Others :

  • Participation Fee
Total Amount955USD
Asia/Thailand/Chiang Rai
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety


Project Introduction





In this project, you will engage in various village-building activities such as supporting school construction for Chiang Rai's development, assisting rural labor, and aiding irrigation expansion. Supporting village life improvements plays a crucial role in enhancing residents' health and fostering economic growth. Moreover, facilities essential to daily life such as schools, roads, and homes serve as a foundation for sustainable local development even after volunteer activities conclude. Please unite your efforts to empower local residents with new hopes for their lives!





1. Real Community Life that Can Change Even Outsiders

While living in the village community, you can naturally mingle with staff, local residents, and multinational friends, forming a special family! Even if you find it awkward or difficult to socialize with people normally, you don't need to worry at all. Living in a village-like setting allows you to interact intimately with staff at any time and quickly bond with volunteer friends while participating in local cultural experiences or volunteering activities. Living together in the same accommodation with international friends during the project period, you'll share everyday stories and sometimes share the lives of village residents through homestays. Take this opportunity to easily and enjoyably establish relationships with diverse people and fully unleash your sociability!


2. Recovering My Presence that I Have Forgotten So Far, 200%

Engage in various volunteer activities aimed at improving the lives of actual village residents, and discover your own value in places where your help is desperately needed. Provide homes for those without shelter, schools for students lacking education opportunities, and vibrant, colorful murals to breathe life into dull villages. With just your sweat and small efforts, villagers will gain dreams and hope. If you've only thought about it before but haven't taken action, or if you're wondering what you can really do, join this project right away! You'll experience firsthand that you are indeed a person of great worth.


3. Volunteering is also Self-Making Now! DIY Volunteer Project

You can also initiate your own projects aside from designated activities. Within the village community, you can closely observe their lives and plan projects that look small in the beginning but gradually change their lives. Challenge yourself with a sincere heart towards local residents. The more actively you engage, the more you'll see, learn, and feel. Perfect for those who seek something different from ordinary volunteer work! Take the initiative with the Village Volunteer Project you create yourself! It's an exciting opportunity just thinking about it, so make sure to seize it.




Opportunity to Immerse Yourself in Thai Culture with International Friends!

Creating a single village requires more than just conversation. It demands diverse communication. You must always consider the needs of residents, show consideration to colleagues working together, and sometimes overcome challenges with laughter. However, as we live together with the common goal of creating a "healthy village," we naturally discover our community, harmonizing with colleagues and residents who come from different cultures and backgrounds. Share meals, work together, and share life experiences to learn about Chiang Rai's unique culture and forge deep friendships with people from around the world!



Growing with the Project

After 4 weeks After 6 weeks After 12 weeks

◇ Adapting to Thai culture And Environment While Mingling with Local Residents

◇ Learning Methods of Construction Volunteering or Assisting in Rural Labor

◇ Experiencing a Family-like Bond through Community Living

◇ Feeling Pride in Helping the Village with Your Own Hands

◇ Restoring Relationships While Interacting with Diverse People

◇ Building Confidence that I Can Also Accomplish Something




Project Activities



* Planner's Tip! 

In volunteer settings, unexpected challenges can arise, and living conditions may be less comfortable than in Korea due to the village's modest environment. Despite these circumstances, an open mind to accepting differences and a proactive attitude in resolving issues will provide us with valuable experiences. Therefore, I highly recommend this project to those who want to grow alongside others, take proactive control of their lives, and embrace valuable experiences together!


Project Activites

This is a volunteer project aimed at creating a village to support the growth of Chiang Rai residents. Specifically, living and interacting within the village community allows participants not only to understand the local area better but also to learn about various cultures.


- The project's first orientation day (local orientation) is held every first and third Monday of the month.
  (Participants should purchase flights arriving on the first or third Monday of each month.)

- On the first day, participants will get to know each other through local orientation and engage in a Thai dessert-making activity. The following day, they will learn Thai culture and village life in preparation for volunteer activities.

- Activities take place from Tuesday to Saturday. Participants have free time from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon.
  (During this time, they can explore the surrounding areas or the city, and meals will not be provided.)

- Tasks directly related to the daily lives of village residents, such as construction support and assisting in farm work, are assigned based on the village's main issues, with different tasks given each day. (The schedule can be adjusted with other volunteers.)

- Depending on participants' skills and willingness, they can take the initiative to plan and carry out various activities such as caring for elderly villagers or repairing village farms.

- Homestays are conducted a minimum of twice a month for about 3 nights and 4 days each time in different locations. During homestays, volunteers engage in activities requested by villagers, such as home repairs or farm assistance. (Typically, homestays begin from the second week after adapting to duties.)


* Participants must submit an English Criminal Record Check, an English Insurance Certificate, and a Copy of Their Passport to join this program. Other necessary preparations will be guided by the responsible personnel.




Example of Activities

Below are examples of activities. Actual activities may vary depending on the main issues in the village. Also, tools and materials used for manual labor are generally different from those used in Korea, so the activities may differ in content and approach from what you imagine.


1Construction Support Activities: These involve expanding and renovating the village's infrastructure.

  • Support the construction of educational facilities such as schools and child centers, and expand or renovate dams, waterways, and water tanks to ensure stable water supply in water-scarce mountainous areas.
  • Repair and maintain homes of elderly villagers, toilets, and damaged roads.
  • Produce bricks for construction support of schools, houses, roads, etc.
  • Renovate volunteer facilities used by participants.


2. Assisting with Rural Farm Work: Support farms in need of extra manpower.

  • Assist with farm work in fields and farms within the village.
  • Plant trees for landslide prevention.


3. Other Activities:

  • Paint murals depicting children's aspirations on school walls, classrooms, etc.
  • Provide manual labor support as needed by village residents during homestays.
  • Take care of village dogs.
  • As part of community living, volunteers rotate tasks such as cleaning and dishwashing.


Example Daily Schedule


Tue to Fri Sat Sat Afternoon
to Mon Evening
7:30 Breakfast Free Time
8:15 Morning Meeting
8:30-12:00 Morning Volunteer
 12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:30 Afternoon Volunteer Moving to the Downtown and Free time
17:00 Dinner


- Please note that this schedule is provided as an example and may be subject to change based on local conditions, activity specifics, and detailed scheduling.

- Activities are conducted from Tuesday to Saturday. Volunteers have free time from Saturday afternoon to Monday evening.

   During this time, volunteers can explore nearby areas or visit the city, but meals will not be provided.



English Proficiency   ☆☆

If you are capable of basic communication, participation in the project is possible, as the main activities involve supporting the village community.


Physical Demands ☆☆

- Most activities take place outdoors and require physical strength. Before starting the project, please assess your health and fitness level.

- You'll have many opportunities to live with friends from different countries and experience various cultures such as local homestays. Therefore, if you prepare actively and positively to understand different cultures and take responsibility for volunteering activities, it's perfect!!


Local Living Conditions ☆☆

This project takes place far from urban areas and focuses on activities aimed at local social development. Operating in areas that require development means living among local residents in a more natural and environmentally friendly environment, rather than a tidy and convenient one. It may require some initial adjustment time, but after adaptation, you'll find yourself closer to nature and have a better opportunity to experience local culture more authentically!






- Detailed participant reviews can be found on GapYear Story (click).
- More participant reviews are available under "Participant Reviews" at the bottom of the project page.






  Local Orientation   Online Orientation   Online Consultation   Certificate of Completion 
  KGY Certification   Pre-Departure Care   KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service   KGY Note Book
  Project and Participation Costs   KGY Mission Scholarship   OT Documents   Local Volunteer Accommodation
  Airport Pick-Up (Round-trip)    3 Local Meals
  Local Manager   Project Progress and Education
    Wifi in Accommodation      



Details of Support

- Meals are provided from Monday lunch to Saturday lunch.


Not Included

- Round-trip airfare 

- Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs 

- Other Local Stay Expenses


* Please make flight and transportation reservations only after receiving final confirmation of project participation and departure schedule.


Institution Introduction


In 1991, five university students came together with the goal of contributing to the development of local communities in Thailand. This initiative eventually led to the establishment of an NGO in 2004. The organization conducts various projects aimed at making a positive impact on local communities and enabling people in marginalized areas to lead better lives. Located approximately a 40-minute drive from downtown Chiang Rai, the organization gathers local staff and volunteers to form a close-knit community akin to family. Within the village, there are buildings such as accommodations and dining areas for volunteers, as well as workshops where ethnic minority women craft handmade products for sale. The atmosphere is filled with camaraderie and passion as local staff and volunteers from around the world come together to live harmoniously.

* The Planner's Visit Story

When I first visited this place, I was instantly captivated by its serene and tranquil village atmosphere. There were shelters scattered around spacious areas like a playground, where people from various nationalities gathered, chatting and socializing. Approaching them and saying 'HI', they warmly greeted me as if we had known each other for ages. In such a peaceful village, working on volunteer activities and sweating alongside friendly international friends, I became convinced that Korean youth would also gain higher self-esteem and confidence by embracing their true selves without pretense.


Word from the Local Institution Representative


Do you want to learn about diverse cultures, return to nature, live simply, and help minority communities?

Then, be sure to participate in this project. Through this project, you will engage in hands-on activities, living a healthy lifestyle and immersing yourself deeply into the culture and life of northern Thailand.

We look forward to meeting you through this project starting every first and third Monday of the month :)



Accommodation Introduction


Participants will live in volunteer accommodations managed and operated directly by the local organization. These accommodations are clustered in a village-like setting, alongside the organization's office building, local staff quarters, spaces for volunteers to relax, meeting rooms, a dining area, a crafts workshop, and a shop. In this vibrant village atmosphere, people gather to eat together, chat, play musical instruments, sing songs, and live together, making it a place where laughter never ceases.


Sex-separated Accommodation / Shared Room / Shared Bathroom / 3 Meals Privided / WIFI


The buildings are all designed in environmentally friendly styles, allowing you to directly experience the local culture and lifestyle of the residents. Regarding meals, during the volunteer period excluding free time on weekends, three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) are provided (from Monday lunch to Saturday lunch). Meals consist predominantly of Thai dishes served with rice.
* Accommodations for volunteers are separated by sex.



Location Introduction

ㅣ Location   :  THAILAND, Chiang Rai


Chiang Rai, a fascinating place where various emotions come alive!
Chiang Rai is a unique region centered around the Mekong River in the north, entangled with the borders of Laos and Myanmar. As a result, its residents have long endured displacement and suffered the consequences of wars over the Myanmar-Thailand border. Moreover, in the 20th century, the area suffered economically and socially due to the flourishing opium production and trade. Fortunately, in the 1970s, the Thai government intensified efforts to combat opium, converting all poppy fields into coffee plantations. Today, Chiang Rai has transformed into a globally renowned city for coffee production. Nevertheless, traces of its painful history still linger in every corner of the region. Despite this, the city remains charming, attracting backpackers with its untouched natural landscapes, hidden attractions, and lively night markets bustling with activity. It's a place where people live modestly yet joyfully, so why don't you plan volunteer activities and discover your adventure?




- Anyone who is 18 years of age or older

- Anyone who can communicate in basic English

- Anyone interested in International Development Cooperation (especially in regional development fields)

- Anyone who wants to do volunteer work with international friends



- Someone who has been diagnosed with either 'Self-Reflection' or 'Lack of Affection'

- Someone who wants to participate in overseas volunteer work but feels daunted by using English, and prefers to engage in physical activities.

- Someone who wants to make international friends but lacks language skills! Just sweating it out together already makes us friends!

- Someone who gets stressed from a busy daily routine and wants to reflect on themselves by doing volunteer work without much thought.



Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


This project starts every FIRST and THIRD Monday of every Month.

The minimum duration of participation in this project is at least 2 weeks.


 Project Costs



2 weeks

1,330,000 KRW

4 weeks

1,510,000 KRW

6 weeks

1,800,000 KRW

8 weeks

2,130,000 KRW

10 weeks

2,470,000 KRW

12 weeks

2,760,000 KRW


* For popular projects, there may be no TO, so please apply quickly to secure your spot.

* This is a project with flexible duration. If you wish to adjust the duration, please contact us at



When calculated based on local prices, the TOTAL amounts to approximately 2,285,000 KRW!

However, participating in the Gap Year Project could potentially save up to 775,000 KRW!

* These costs are based on a 4-week participation period, including Gap Year Care Services and a maximum Gap Year Scholarship of 257,000 KRW.





 KGY Mission (▶MORE


 Notice of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 KRW in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation.


 Early Bird And Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact



☞ Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.


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Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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