
Experience the Joy of Travel and the Heartfelt Impact of Volunteering! Thrilling Volunteer Trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon (Arrival Sun)


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount815USD
Asia/Vietnam/Ho Chi Minh City
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Project Introduction




This volunteer activity is designed for those who want to enjoy the fun of traveling and leisure, yet also seek something special and meaningful.


For children who spend all their time within the center, your presence alone makes their daily lives extraordinary. Besides volunteering around 3-4 hours a day with these lovely children, you can spend your free time differently. You can go to pubs with foreign friends in the city or travel to suburban areas according to your schedule. Give yourself a unique journey unlike anyone else's!


1. Let's make foreign and local friends at the same time through city tours and cultural classes!


We are conducting pre-orientation, education, and volunteer exchange activities for volunteers at local institutions to make settling into Vietnam enjoyable. Influenced by French colonization, Vietnam blends European-style buildings like Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Presidential Palace, the Opera House, the Central Post Office, and Ho Chi Minh City Hall, earning the nickname 'Little France.' Immerse yourself in the European culture of 'Little France' in Ho Chi Minh City alongside foreign friends.


 In Vietnam, people commonly travel by motorcycle, so local volunteers often ride motorcycles to the volunteer centers. After participating in cultural classes with local friends, getting closer to them, riding motorcycles together and exploring Vietnam's cities like locals could be another enjoyable experience.


2. Low cost of living, ample leisure time! Suburban travel is always OK at anytime.

Vietnam is a trending travel destination these days! Did you know that, unlike many typical countries, Ho Chi Minh City has developed larger and more glamorous than the capital, Hanoi? 
Not only Ho Chi Minh City itself but also its surrounding areas are so beautiful that you'd regret missing them!


From the globally famous beach resort town of Vung Tau to Mui Ne where you can see both desert and sea in one place, and Nha Trang with its stunning natural landscapes earning it the nickname "Eastern Naples," there are so many beautiful and recent popular vacation spots here. With costs about a quarter of what you'd find in Korea and the flexibility to adjust volunteer schedules to fit your plans, you can enjoy your travels here without any worries.



3. If you can play with children joyfully with a pure heart, you are eligible to participate!

This center cares for children who suffer long-term effects of exposure to Agent Orange, a chemical weapon used indiscriminately across Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Many of these children have disabilities, which confine them to the center all day. When volunteers visit, simply their presence prompts the children to run up, hug them, and smile. Here, the volunteers' role is solely to play with the children and assist them with meals!


Therefore, no special talents are needed, and there are no strict qualifications or burdensome responsibilities to prepare or carry out specific tasks. Anyone can participate as long as they love the children and have fun with them with a pure heart!




Growing Together with the Project.

After 2 weeks After 6 weeks After 12 weeks

1-1. Adaptation to the New Environment

2-1. How to Care for Children

3-1. How to Enjoy Solo-Independet Travel

1-2. Develop and be Brave
/ Courage to adapt anywhere 

2-2. Increasing Communication and Intimacy with the Children          

3-2. Deeper Understanding What I Like and Dislike!

1-3. Increasing the spirit of challenge and confidence in new things

2-3. Fulfilling Self-Esteem Through Affection

3-3. Self-Assurance and Self-Satisfaction


If you're unsure about the participation period, pay attention!


This project involves volunteering with children, and as time passes, the intimacy with the children will increase, leading to greater satisfaction and self-esteem from the relationships. Typically, during the first 2 to 4 weeks, many participants may miss out on certain aspects while adapting to the unfamiliar environment. To fully experience a genuine Gap Year, we recommend a minimum of 6 weeks, with many participants opting for around 12 weeks.


Project Activities


Activities Schedule

Days Class Time
Weekdays Morning Activity 08:00 – 10:15 (2h 15m)
Lunch and Free Time 10:20 – 13:20 (3h)
Afternoon Activity 14:00 – 15:30 (1h 30m)
Return to the Accommodation
and Free Time
15:30 -


* Workdays are Monday to Friday, with morning activities from 8:00 AM to 10:15 AM and afternoon activities from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM.

* During lunchtime, you can return to the accommodation for lunch and rest, or freely spend time nearby, such as taking a walk.

* After activities and during leisure time and weekends, you can enjoy travel and personal time.

* There are no fixed schedules for city tours, Vietnamese cultural classes, or additional travel schedules.

* Schedules and activity times may vary depending on local circumstances.


※ During the Lunar New Year, Tet, which lasts approximately one week starting from the first day of the lunar calendar year, Vietnam's largest holiday period, the schedule may be adjusted depending on local circumstances if you are participating during this time.


 ▲ These photos were taken by an actual participant.


Activities Example

- Engage in activities to play freely with the children at the center.
- Assist children during meal times to ensure they can eat their meals.
- Support physical activities and walks for children with physical disabilities to go outside.
- Clean the living space after activities and meals are finished.



* Please read carefully!

The children at this center range widely in age and ability. Some children are able to move freely around while others require assistance as they cannot move independently throughout the day. Therefore, there are no set activities or tasks; most of the time is spent interacting with the children. Initially, you might question whether this is real volunteer work. However, for the children who can only stay within the center and cannot go outside all day, having volunteers present brings them sincere happiness. Your mere presence becomes a form of volunteering—a simple yet profound act of service!


When you first visit the center, you might feel intimidated by the atmosphere of children with disabilities, or you might feel quite overwhelmed. Some children may run up to you with a smile, wanting to be hugged, while others may quietly approach you, offering something they cherish. And others might cry all day or suddenly make loud noises. However, by adapting to this environment alongside foreign and local volunteers, you will discover that these children, who always smile brightly and find joy in small things, will shower you with endless love and positive energy.


▲ These photos were taken by an actual participant.



English Proficiency ★☆☆☆☆

Because the main activities involve caring for young children, a high level of English proficiency is not required. However, basic communication skills in English are necessary as they serve as the common language among local staff, foreign volunteers, and friends. Initially, new communication may feel awkward, but with a proactive attitude, you can participate more quickly and enjoyably in the project. Engage actively with staff and friends, and build confidence in English!


Travel TIPS from the Planner for Vietnam

Most overseas volunteers will live and work together in shared accommodation. Initially, adjusting to the various English accents of friends coming from different countries may keep you busy. Many participants find it challenging during their first volunteering experience to adapt to the diverse accents of Western friends all staying in one place.


The first 2-4 weeks can be particularly tough. However, the participants say once they got used to the accents and even if their English wasn't perfect, joining in and hanging out with foreign friends became the most enjoyable time of their lives. They also say to have learned a lot from peers with different values. So, don't stress about unfamiliar English when you first join the volunteering effort. Take it slowly and adapt at your own pace!


 ▲ These photos were taken by an actual participant during a Ho Chi Minh City Tour.


Especially in Ho Chi Minh City, there's a traveler's street known as 'Bui Vien Street,' similar to Thailand's Khao San Road, where you can enjoy a vibrant nightlife every evening. It's filled with various pubs, clubs, restaurants, sky bars, jazz bars, massage shops, and other elements that travelers love, making it easy for anyone to make friends with fellow travelers they meet here.


During weekday evenings, explore Vietnam's diverse hotspots and experience true freedom, and on weekends with good weather, venture to the outskirts for your own healing time!


 ▲ These photos were taken by actual participants during a Ho Chi Minh City Tour.










For those who feel something is missing from just overseas travel, I planned this with the hope of creating memorable experiences through meaningful volunteer activities during the trip. You might wonder how helpful short-term volunteer work abroad can be or worry about juggling both travel and volunteering, but spending even a brief moment or lending a small helping hand to children who spend all day at centers and need individual care can make a significant difference to teachers who are short-handed every day.



- Detailed participant reviews can be found on GapYear Story (click).
- More participant reviews are available under "Participant Reviews" at the bottom of the project page.





  Local Orientation   Online Orientation   Online Consultation   Certificate of Completion
  KGY Certification   Pre-Departure Care   KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Airplane Ticket    Real-Time Consultation Service   KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs   KGY Mission Scholarship   OT Documents   Accommodation
  Airport Pick-Up (One-Way)  Project Progress and Education   On-Site Coordinator    City Tour
  Personal Locker

  Meals and Beverages 

   Wifi on Campus    Air Conditioner
   Safety Gear        


Details of Support

- Volunteers will have their meals at the campus cafeteria provided by local institutions, mainly featuring Vietnamese cuisine. Western-style options such as sandwiches, spaghetti, and bread are also available.


Not Included

- Round-trip airfare 

- Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs 

- Airport Pick-Up after the Project

- Visa Issuance Fees for Stays Longer Than 45 Days

- Other Local Stay Expenses


Institution Introduction


Institution Introduction

At this disability children's center, we provide rehabilitation therapy for children facing challenges such as cerebral palsy or autism. Children are grouped into two classes based on their respective conditions. To enhance their quality of life, the most crucial aspects to care for are language and physical abilities. Volunteers assist local teachers in nurturing and caring for these children with disabilities, providing them with love and support.


■ Word from the Local Institution Representative

Hello! We are project coordinators Anna & Quyen.
We sincerely thank volunteers for dedicating their valuable time to caring for the children and spreading love. We are committed to ensuring your safety and creating a warm environment during your time here.
Through this project, you will have the opportunity to meet friends from around the world with diverse cultures, volunteer together, and create cherished memories. It will be a meaningful experience where you will grow personally. Let's make this a rewarding journey together!




Accommodation Introduction

Accommodation Features and Information

The project includes accommodation in the form of university campus dormitories located in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City. You will be living with other foreign friends, and the dormitories are managed separately by gender. Living with diverse international friends will provide opportunities to learn about their cultures and languages. Additionally, the dormitories are conveniently situated in the central part of Ho Chi Minh City, close to local restaurants, ATMs, and various amenities. Within the campus, there are office spaces and charming cafes where volunteers can spend peaceful and leisurely time.

< Shared room (4-8 people) / Gender-segregated / Shared bathrooms
/ Provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner / WiFi available


Accommodation Guidelines

* Check-in for accommodation is on the Sunday before participating in volunteer activities, and check-out is on Saturday.
* There are rules in the campus dormitories, such as prohibiting late-night activities. Please follow these rules during the project for a safe stay and activities.
* If you wish to stay beyond the official schedule, additional accommodation can be arranged after paying an extra fee. Please inquire individually about availability and costs.
* For detailed information, please contact Korea Gap Year at


Location Introduction


ㅣLocation  :  VIETNAM, Ho Chi Minh 

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City leads Vietnam's economy as its largest city, covering an area three times larger than Seoul. Due to Vietnam's long history under French colonial rule, the country exhibits a blend of French and Vietnamese cultures throughout. Since the French occupation, Ho Chi Minh City has rapidly developed since the early 20th century, featuring French-style buildings, the Central Post Office, and Notre-Dame Cathedral, earning the nickname 'Paris of Asia.'


While Ho Chi Minh City dazzles with grand buildings, bustling motorbike traffic, and delicious local street food, it is also a place where you can capture the scars of rapid urbanization and meet people living with the pain of war. The city's rapid growth has led to severe socioeconomic disparities, resulting in a significant population living in poverty. Many struggle with basic welfare needs, facing dire living conditions where immediate sustenance is a concern. Ho Chi Minh City is home to numerous orphans who have lost parents due to war and poverty, in need of a helping hand. Please extend your love and courage to the children of Ho Chi Minh City, living amidst the shadows of a metropolis,  through your support.

▶ COORDINATORS: TOP#3 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

1. White Sand Dunes Mui Ne 
White Sand Dunes Mui Ne is the only place in Southeast Asia where you can see both the sea and the desert simultaneously. Formed by sand deposited by the wind, it has a unique charm distinct from regular sand deserts. One side features blue sea and palm-fringed beaches, while the other side showcases the city center with luxury hotels and resorts. Divided into White Sand Dunes and Red Sand Dunes based on the color of the sand, enjoy thrilling experiences like riding ATVs and sandboarding while admiring the beautiful views where the lake meets the desert.
2. Nha Trang
Located about a one-hour flight from Ho Chi Minh City, Nha Trang is Vietnam's premier resort destination renowned for its beautiful beaches, often called the Naples of the East. With over 300 days of clear weather annually and pristine nature, it's already popular among Europeans. In particular, unlike crowded tourist destinations in Southeast Asia, it remains relatively undiscovered, offering a peaceful atmosphere. If you want to enjoy untouched nature and a transparent, expansive sea, visit Vietnam's hidden gem, Nha Trang!

3. Ben Thanh Market

Ben Thanh Market, Ho Chi Minh City's largest market, originally sold daily necessities cheaply to locals but has transformed into a market catering to tourists as the number of visitors to Ho Chi Minh City has increased. Its interior is reminiscent of our Dongdaemun Market in Seoul. With over 4,000 shops offering a wide range of products from household items to bags, shoes, handicrafts, and coffee beans, you can purchase local specialties at prices cheaper than duty-free shops. How about finding your treasure here like a treasure hunt, tasting delicious local food, and ending your day?






Anyone over 18 years old in good physical health

- Anyone who wants to volunteer alongside friends of diverse nationalities

- Anyone who seeks healing through the innocent smiles and warm hearts of children

- Anyone interested in special education, social welfare, child welfare, or gaining experience in related fields


Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


The minimum duration of participation in this project is at least 2 weeks

The following costs include project fees, accommodation expenses, and one-way airport pick-up service.

Project Costs

2 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks
1,130,000 KRW 1,820,000 KRW 2,510,000 KRW
8 Weeks 10 Weeks 12 Weeks
3,210,000 KRW 3,900,000 KRW 4,590,000 KRW

 When calculated based on local prices, the TOTAL amounts to approximately 3,092,000 KRW!

However, participating in the Gap Year Project could potentially save up to 1,272,000 KRW!


* These costs are based on a 4-week participation period, including Gap Year Care Services and a maximum Gap Year Scholarship of 257,000 KRW.



 KGY Mission (▶MORE


Notice of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 KRW in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation.


Early Bird And Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact



☞ Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.


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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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