
Start Learning Spanish with the Best Value! Spanish Language Immersion in Antigua, Guatemala 과테말라 안티구아에서 어학연수


Required Options

  • Select Duration :

  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start



  • OTHERS :

  • Participation Fee
Total Amount500USD
North America/Guatemala/Antigua
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety





Start learning Spanish in the beautiful and peaceful city of Antigua, Guatemala!

Antigua, with its Spanish-style architecture, towering volcanoes, diverse Central American cuisine, and countless travelers, is the ideal city to enjoy both learning Spanish and traveling through Latin America. Experience rapid improvement in your language skills while studying with friends from around the world in Antigua, Guatemala. You'll discover a broader world right before your eyes.


Guatemala is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture that dates back to the ancient Maya Empire. That’s why countless travelers visit Guatemala every year. And another thing! Guatemala is famous for being one of the most affordable countries in the world to learn Spanish. This is why many students, as well as a significant number of Latin American travelers, come to Guatemala to learn Spanish and start their travels. With around 20 countries in Latin America, including Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, and Cuba, using Spanish, knowing the language will greatly enhance your travel experience in the region.

Start new studies with ease in Guatemala, which boasts excellent value for money. You’ll meet people from all over the world in this charming South American city.


* A Note from the Planner: Cost-effective Spanish Language Studies in Guatemala!

People from all around the world are heading to Guatemala to learn Spanish. While you can start learning Spanish in several Latin American countries, Guatemala is chosen for its relatively lower tuition fees.

The tuition fees for Spanish in countries like Argentina, Costa Rica, and Peru are about 1.5 to 3.5 times higher (as of 2023, per week) compared to those in Guatemala. This makes Guatemala’s tuition significantly cheaper, allowing you to start new studies without financial pressure.

Learn Spanish as much as you want in Guatemala!


Guatemala in Central America is known for its active volcanoes, rich ecosystem, ancient Maya ruins, and high-quality coffee. It shares borders with several countries like Mexico, Belize, El Salvador, and Honduras, making it an excellent location to start a variety of travel routes.

Learn Spanish in Guatemala, experience the diverse cultures of Latin America, and meet many people for a broadened experience. New languages and cultures will open up your perspective and help you see a wider world.


Antigua, Guatemala is not only a city where people from all over the world come to learn Spanish but also a place where many students from Latin American countries like Costa Rica and Peru come to study English. This means you can mix with a diverse group of friends, exchange languages, and create enjoyable memories.

Moreover, there are various activities for students from around the world, ensuring you have a fun and enriching time beyond just language studies. Participate in salsa dance classes, language exchange programs, and cooking classes where you make traditional Guatemalan dishes. Every day in Antigua will be filled with more joy.








This project is a language immersion program for learning Spanish in Antigua, Guatemala. Start your studies in Guatemala, where you can learn Spanish at a great value compared to other Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America! You'll have the chance to meet friends from around the world who come to learn Spanish and build special friendships with Latin American students.



Project Activities

  • 20 lessons of Spanish classes per week, with 55 minutes per lesson. Classes are typically 3 to 5 students per class (maximum 8 students). Because of the small class size, teachers can give individual attention and greatly assist in improving your Spanish skills.
  • Classes are available for all levels, so you can participate regardless of your current Spanish proficiency.
  • If desired, additional private Spanish lessons can be arranged. (Contact: 02-318-2553, KakaoTalk @GapYear)



  • In addition to classes, you can experience various social activities to interact with friends from around the world and immerse yourself in different cultures and languages. Make new friends and fully enjoy Antigua with diverse experiences! Some activities may incur additional costs locally.
Sample Activities
Salsa dance classes, cooking classes, language exchange programs, colonial art museums, chocolate museums, volcano hiking, coffee farm tours, etc.

* These are examples for understanding and may vary depending on the time of participation and local conditions.


Additional Information

  • This project runs year-round and starts every Monday. Participants can choose a language study period between 2 to 12 weeks.
  • An orientation is held on the Monday when the project starts. You will meet the Spanish school staff and classmates, and receive useful information about classes, activities, and life in Guatemala.
  • Accommodation options are available as needed. You can choose between homestay and student dormitories based on personal preference and budget. Travel time from accommodation to school is approximately 5 to 25 minutes by walking or public transportation, with a bus ride costing about $1 per trip (as of 2023).


Spanish Proficiency Required ☆☆☆☆☆

  • Since classes are offered at all levels, even beginners can participate. If you want to become familiar with Spanish more quickly, doing some basic preparation can be helpful! Your skills will improve faster and more effectively.


* Detailed reviews from participants can be found on GapYearStory (click here).

* More participant reviews are available in the "Participant Reviews" section at the bottom of the project page.







   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Fee     Gap Year Mission Scholarship     Orientation Materials     One-Way Airport Pickup Service
    Local Accommodation Coordination      Spanish Group Classes    Walking Tours    Snack Bar
   Campus Wi-Fi     Local Activities    



  • Round-trip airfare
  • Accommodation and meals during the project period (can be added as an option)
  • Other local expenses (such as extra accommodation, dining out, transportation, etc.)
  • Individual travel insurance


* Please book your flight and transportation after confirming your project participation and departure schedule.




Founded in 2003, our organization aims to provide a unique opportunity for people from around the world to experience Latin America. We strive to help participants immerse themselves deeply in the local culture and ensure that their time in Guatemala is more than just a language study; it becomes a transformative life experience.

Our local center is located in the heart of Antigua, close to various amenities for students' convenience. Enjoy studying in classrooms filled with fresh air and bright sunlight, and take in the majestic and beautiful volcanic scenery of Antigua from our rooftop terrace. Start your Guatemalan adventure in a space designed for students.


Message from the Local Coordinator

Welcome to all of you who will be joining us. We are committed to making every moment you spend in Guatemala an exceptional experience. By staying with us, you will have the opportunity to push your limits, learn, grow, and have a life-changing positive experience. We look forward to sharing this valuable journey with you.





Accommodation is an optional choice. Participants can select their preferred accommodation option based on their lifestyle and preferences. To experience the unique Latin American culture up close and create special memories, choosing the most suitable accommodation for you can be very helpful. Prepare for a more enjoyable day-to-day life in Guatemala!

* The accommodation photos are for illustrative purposes. There may be differences from the actual accommodation.


■ Homestay

Single Room / 2 Meals per Day (Breakfast, Dinner) / Shared Bathroom


Staying with carefully selected families provides the closest experience of local culture. You can improve your language skills naturally by conversing in Spanish in a comfortable atmosphere with the family. This is the most vivid way to experience life and culture in Antigua, Guatemala, in an environment full of understanding and consideration.

  • It takes about 5-25 minutes by public transportation from the homestay to the school.
  • Two meals per day, breakfast and dinner, are provided. You can have meals and converse in Spanish with the host family.
  • Options with private bathrooms are available; please inquire separately if desired.


2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks
630,000 890,000 1,100,000
5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks
1,350,000 1,600,000 1,840,000
8 Weeks 9 Weeks 10 Weeks
2,090,000 2,340,000 2,590,000
11 Weeks 12 Weeks  
2,830,000 3,080,000



■ Student Dormitory

Single Room / 2 Meals per Day (Breakfast, Dinner) / Shared Bathroom


A student dormitory where you can live with about 10-20 students from around the world. This accommodation allows you to create various memories and quickly improve your language skills while living with friends who have come to learn Spanish.

  • It takes about 10-25 minutes on foot or about 5-10 minutes by public transportation from the dormitory to the school.
  • Two meals per day, breakfast and dinner, are provided.
  • Up to 4 people share a common bathroom. If you prefer a private bathroom, please inquire separately.


2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks
780,000 1,120,000 1,390,000
5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks
1,700,000 2,020,000 2,330,000
8 Weeks 9 Weeks 10 Weeks
2,650,000 2,960,000 3,280,000
11 Weeks 12 Weeks  
3,590,000 3,910,000



Contact:, KakaoTalk @GapYear






Location:   Antigua, Guatemala

Antigua is a charming city located about 25 km from Guatemala City, the current capital. Despite the frequent earthquakes and floods caused by the surrounding volcanoes, the city has retained its historical significance as the former capital of the kingdom. With numerous ruins scattered throughout, Antigua offers plenty of sights and activities. It's also known for its affordable Spanish language schools, attracting travelers from around the world. Create unique memories with friends from various backgrounds in Antigua, Guatemala!


Recommended Travel Destinations

01 Cerro de la Cruz

Cerro de la Cruz in Antigua, Guatemala, is the highest point in the city and serves as a lookout offering panoramic views of Antigua. Due to the influence of Spanish colonialism, most locals are either Catholic or Protestant, and a large cross stands at the top of the hill. Enjoy the view of the distant Agua Volcano spewing smoke and the beautiful cityscape.


02 Acatenango Volcano

One of the most vivid experiences in Guatemala is volcano trekking. The Acatenango Volcano trek is a popular route among Central American travelers, offering a 1-night, 2-day tour where you can witness the spectacular eruption of magma from the volcano. It requires considerable physical effort as you hike up the volcano, but don't miss the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a volcanic eruption!


03 Tikal National Park

Tikal National Park, located in the northern tropical rainforest region of Guatemala, is known for its Maya ruins, which are some of the largest among Maya cities. Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the park preserves an extensive jungle ecosystem and provides insight into the diverse lifestyles of ancient Maya civilization. Experience the vivid remnants of an ancient culture.




Participation Duration and Fees



■ This project starts every Monday.

■ The minimum participation period for this project is 2 weeks.

■ The fees below include registration, class fees, textbook fees, and one-way airport pickup service.


Duration Fee
2 weeks 620,000 KRW
3 weeks 830,000 KRW
4 weeks 1,060,000 KRW
5 weeks 1,240,000 KRW
6 weeks 1,420,000 KRW
7 weeks 1,600,000 KRW
8 weeks 1,780,000 KRW
9 weeks 1,960,000 KRW
10 weeks 2,140,000 KRW
11 weeks 2,320,000 KRW
12 weeks 2,500,000 KRW


Eligibility and Requirements

  • Healthy adults aged 18 and over
  • Able to communicate in English
  • Interested in learning about Latin American culture and Spanish
  • Looking to make friends from various nationalities
  • Looking for affordable language study opportunities
  • Preparing for travel in Latin America


 Gap Year Mission Scholarship (▶ Learn More)


 Payment Plan

For those who cannot pay in full, a deposit of 500,000 KRW is required. The remaining balance should be paid within 2 weeks. Once the deposit is received, the process to confirm participation will begin based on the date of deposit, and you will be informed about availability and TO (Terms of Office). Early confirmation is crucial for securing your preferred dates and duration! (No refunds once participation is confirmed)

* If the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining balance may change depending on the circumstances.


 Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months prior to the project start date due to normal processing and preparation times, and no later than 2 months before as a principle. However, if you need to apply urgently, you can use the emergency application service to expedite the process for an additional fee.

* Although we assist with expedited procedures, some time is required for communication with local agencies and confirmation. Emergency applicants must cooperate actively with the Korea Gap Year operations team.

** Early bird discounts are available for applications made 180 days before the start date.

*** Emergency application services can be selected from the options above. For inquiries about emergency applications, please contact



- Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year mission and notes / All materials provided immediately upon confirmation / Additional urgent staff allocation / Support for necessary documents if needed

* For those who have difficulty calculating dates, refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: For extremely urgent applications, there may be no TO available depending on local circumstances, and the refund policy will apply. Issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the participant's responsibility.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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