
Learn British English Affordably in Manchester, One of the UK's Top 3 Cities 영국 맨체스터에서 어학연수


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    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon(Excl. Holidays)




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Total Amount1,070USD
Europe/United Kingdom/Manchester
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
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Do you want to catch all three rabbits: football, English language study, and affordable cost?

Head to Manchester, UK for language study!


Manchester, famous for football, is a city with great merits for those considering language study in the UK.

Let's explore the charms of Manchester for language study, which we highly recommend not only to football fans but also to those thinking about studying abroad!



1. Manchester, one of the three major cities in the UK

One thing that surprises many visitors to Manchester is that it is far from being a small city. Manchester is one of the UK's three major cities, alongside London and Birmingham. Additionally, Manchester is home to prestigious universities, including the University of Manchester, which means the population is relatively young. Therefore, Manchester is a great city to live in comfortably, and it also offers vibrant music, arts, and fashion scenes.


2. Cost of living about 15% cheaper than London

When you hear 'a major city in the UK,' you might already worry about the cost of living. However, Manchester is a city where you can significantly reduce your cost of living concerns. Comparing living cost indices, London has a score of 85, Seoul 79, while Manchester is around 73. Manchester is cheaper than London and also more affordable than Seoul! When considering 'language study,' you can't ignore the cost of living. Manchester offers many activities as a city and is affordable compared to other cities in the UK, making it truly attractive.

* These figures are based on average prices and may vary depending on the time of study and where goods are purchased.



3. Very low percentage of Koreans, a perfect environment to use only English

Manchester has very few Koreans compared to other UK cities, especially the capital, London. This makes it an ideal place for a fully English-speaking environment. Manchester is a language study destination not to be missed by neighboring countries in Europe, Africa, and South America, who are already aware of its appeal. In fact, if you list the nationalities of students at the school you will attend, there are no Asian countries, including Korea, among the top ranks.


* Student nationality distribution

The nationalities are listed as follows: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Switzerland, Libya, Brazil, Japan, Italy, Colombia, Korea, Germany, making up about 85-90% of the total population! (*As of September 2023)



Manchester: A Perfect Location for Football Travel and UK Tours

Want to explore various cities in the UK or considering a football tour? Manchester, located in the heart of the UK, is well-connected and convenient for traveling to other cities. How about combining English learning with football travel? Liverpool is just an hour away by train or bus, and Birmingham is about 1-2 hours away. London can be reached in 3 hours and 30 minutes by train!







In this class, you will learn all four areas of language: speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Depending on the class schedule, you can choose from three options, and you should select based on your personal schedule and language study goals.

- Classes are held Monday to Friday, five days a week, with a maximum of 15 students per class.
- Class hours are offered as 15, 20, or 25 hours per week, depending on your choice.
- After arriving locally, you will go through an orientation and a level test before being assigned to a class.
- In addition to class time, homework will be assigned in speaking, listening, writing, and reading.


◼︎ Class Schedule

The schedule below is an example and may change depending on the situation.


  Option A (15 hours/week) Option B (20 hours/week) Option C (25 hours/week)
08:30-09:30 Morning A Morning B  


12:15-13:15   Lunch Time


Afternoon A Afternoon B  





  Not sure which course to choose? Check out the recommended courses based on your purpose of visiting Manchester!


- If you want to combine traveling around Manchester and England with English classes → Option A

- If you want to focus on studying English while still enjoying personal time and time with friends → Option B

- If you want to focus entirely on studying English → Option C





Sample Class Structure



- Develop speaking skills and confidence simultaneously

- Reduce speaking errors

- Increase time spent speaking without pauses




- Listen for key words and phrases without missing them

- Identify question types and provide appropriate answers




- Effectively communicate your opinions; present arguments or refute specific positions

- Build basic skills for writing, including vocabulary and grammar




- Learn various reading techniques such as skimming, scanning, and detailed reading

- Recognize content expressed in different words

- Predict what content will be about





◼︎ Activity Schedule 

The school conducts activities to provide students with opportunities to interact and socialize.

Make the most of your time in Manchester and your language study with these activities! Activities vary and may be free or paid, and are held in the evening after classes on weekdays. On Saturdays, there are one-day tours to nearby areas or one-day classes.


The activity schedule below is a sample and may change depending on the situation.

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
IELTS Class Traditional British Baking Class Conversation Club Pre-Dinner Drinks Event* Art Class Visit to Alton Towers (Amusement Park)


Other activities include graffiti workshops, dance clubs, survival games, idiom games, and one-day tours to nearby lakes. The Conversation Club meets weekly.

*Pre-Dinner Drinks Event is a social event where you enjoy a simple drink or beverage before dinner and interact with friends from various backgrounds.

*Even if the activity is free, there may be additional costs for food and transportation.


Additional Information

- Classes start every Monday, except on national holidays, and end on Friday.

- On the Monday morning when the project starts, there will be an orientation with information about the school and classes.




Language Study Tip: "Where is the best country to study English?" 


Many people ponder this question when they are about to go on a language study trip. Although the main goal is to study English, the effectiveness of improving English skills depends on how well the teaching methods, environment, and culture fit with you. Make sure to check if the language program of each country and institution suits you well!




UK - Learn British English affordably compared to European friends!

A great educational environment and systematic English education! Recommended for those who want to learn authentic English in the birthplace of the language. The proportion of Koreans is very low, and most students come from Europe and South America, so you can study English while traveling in Europe and making European friends. Moreover, Manchester is popular among friends from Europe, the Middle East, and South America due to its more affordable language study options compared to London. However, be aware that from June to September, which is peak season (European vacation period), the number of European students may be so high that there may be no available spots, so please keep this in mind when applying!



Philippines - One-on-one English education, solid foundation from basic to advanced!

The biggest attraction is the low cost of both tuition and living expenses! You can study English according to your level through mainly one-on-one classes and a well-organized schedule. Therefore, it is recommended for those who want to build a solid foundation in English from the basics! Moreover, as a vacation destination, it's perfect for having fun. You can study in clean and good facilities and stay safely with thorough management by the language school. The proportion of Koreans is strictly limited, and you can meet friends of various nationalities such as Japanese and Taiwanese.

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Australia - Perfect for those who want to work and study English on a working holiday!

Australia offers the opportunity to study English while working on a working holiday, which helps reduce the cost of language study. Australian language schools are top-rated institutions recognized by the government, where you can receive systematic lessons from excellent teachers. The use of English is strictly managed within the school, so you can effectively study English even in a short period. Additionally, Australia's natural environment allows for various activities! Compared to other language schools in Australia with a high proportion of Koreans, this institution strictly limits the number of Koreans, allowing you to meet friends from Argentina, Japan, and other diverse nationalities.

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Canada - Experience North American traditional English in a safe environment?

Canada is renowned for its advanced language education and systematic English teaching. Furthermore, it offers a safe and clean natural environment, high quality of life with excellent medical care and human rights. It's a place where you can be highly satisfied with living conditions. Notably, short-term studies within 6 months are possible without a visa, making Canada suitable if you need to start your language study right away! Compared to other language schools in Canada with a higher proportion of Koreans, this institution has a strict limit on the number of Koreans, providing the opportunity to meet friends from South America, Japan, China, and other diverse nationalities.

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   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Local Institution Completion Certificate
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  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents    Local Coordinator
Course Fee    Learning Materials Provided in the Course    Course Textbooks (Applicable for 20+ hours of classes per week)    Various On-Campus and Off-Campus Activities



Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Accommodation (available as an option)

- Airport pickup fee (available as an option)

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses (e.g., meals, transportation, etc.)




Academic Team


This school is the Manchester campus of a global language education institution established in 1953. With approximately 160 branches across 52 countries, it boasts a robust system and a wide range of language courses. The institution not only teaches languages to students but also runs training programs for teachers, paying attention to all aspects of education.

Located very close to Manchester's largest train station, Piccadilly Station, the school was founded around 2006 and has been teaching students from around the world for over 15 years. The four directors who manage this school each bring different skills and expertise, working hard to create the best educational environment for students. With their dedication and passion, this place serves as more than just a space for knowledge transfer.



 Planner's Impressions of the Institution

The directors I spoke with were warm and kind individuals who make extensive efforts for the students. Are you worried that being part of a large institution might create a formal or mechanical atmosphere? With numerous student reviews praising the school for being ‘student-friendly and comfortable,’ you can expect a very pleasant learning environment. :)







For accommodation, you can choose to stay with a local family through a homestay.


* Participants aged 16 and 17 can only select homestay accommodation.

* Transportation costs are to be covered individually. In Manchester, public transport is mainly by tram and bus, and transportation costs can vary depending on your residence area (approximately 30,000 to 60,000 KRW per week).

* All check-ins and check-outs are done on Sundays.

* There may be up to 3 other students besides the participant in the homestay.

* During peak seasons when many students visit, additional costs of about 20,000 to 40,000 KRW per week may apply. Additional costs may also apply during the Christmas peak season. For inquiries, please contact Korea Gap Year at



Experience life with a carefully selected homestay family. One of the most effective ways to improve your language skills is to be immersed in a situation where the language is spoken 24/7, and to experience and learn the culture associated with it. After finishing school classes, living in a homestay will allow you to gradually immerse yourself in English and British culture.


Option 1)

Breakfast and dinner on weekdays & three meals on weekends

Option 2)

Breakfast only, 7 days a week

Common Features: Private room / Personal desk / Towels and bedding / Wi-Fi / Approximately 20 - 40 minutes from the school


* Host families provide weekly laundry services for participants.


London Image

* The images are for reference only and may differ from the actual.

Option 1

2 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 8 Weeks

10 Weeks

880,000 KRW 1,570,000 KRW 2,250,000 KRW 2,940,000 KRW 3,620,000 KRW
12 Weeks 16 Weeks 24 Weeks 48 Weeks

52 Weeks

4,300,000 KRW 5,670,000 KRW 8,410,000 KRW 16,630,000 KRW 17,990,000 KRW


Option 2

2 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 8 Weeks

10 Weeks

790,000 KRW 1,380,000 KRW 1,970,000 KRW 2,570,000 KRW 3,160,000 KRW
12 Weeks 16 Weeks 24 Weeks 48 Weeks

52 Weeks

3,750,000 KRW 4,930,000 KRW 7,300,000 KRW 14,410,000 KRW 15,590,000 KRW

* Additional fees may apply for private bathrooms and special diets. For these matters, please contact for individual inquiries.

* If you are interested in accommodation options other than homestay, such as residences, please contact for individual inquiries.





Location: Manchester, UK



When you think of Manchester, many people immediately think of 'football.' This city, home to Manchester United, where Park Ji-sung played, and Manchester City, which was acquired by Mansour, is undoubtedly one of the most iconic football cities. Manchester, with its passion for football, is one of the UK's major cities and is also famous as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution, blending modernity and tradition. Compared to other major UK cities, Manchester offers a lower cost of living while still providing everything you need. It's an attractive city for both football enthusiasts and those who want to experience British culture while studying English.


Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner

University of Manchester

ⓒ 2021 The University of Manchester, ⓒ The Board of Trustees of the Science Museum

Grey Line



- Individuals aged 16 and older

- Those who are eager to learn English regardless of their current level

- Individuals who want to learn British English in a major city with a relatively lower cost of living compared to London, without compromising on amenities

- Football enthusiasts who want to create memories related to football while studying English

- Those interested in both language study and football or travel in the UK


Participation Duration and Fees



 The project starts every Monday.

 The minimum duration for participation in this project is 2 weeks.

 The costs below include tuition, registration fees, orientation fees, online course materials, and educational services.



Option A

(15 hours/week)

Option B

(20 hours/week)

Option C

(25 hours/week)

2 weeks 1,490,000 1,700,000 1,860,000
4 weeks 2,390,000 2,800,000 3,120,000

6 weeks

3,280,000 3,890,000 4,380,000
8 weeks 3,820,000 4,560,000 5,160,000
10 weeks 4,630,000 5,560,000 6,300,000
12 weeks 5,440,000 6,550,000 7,440,000
16 weeks 7,050,000 8,530,000 9,710,000
24 weeks 10,280,000 12,500,000 14,270,000
48 weeks 19,960,000 24,400,000 27,950,000
52 weeks 21,570,000 26,380,000 30,230,000

* The project costs vary based on the duration of participation. Please inquire individually for participation in 2024.


 Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ More Details)


 Installment Payment Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount, please make an advance payment of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of your payment, the process for confirming your participation in the project will proceed, and we will check your availability and the number of spots. It is important to secure your spot quickly to participate on your desired dates and duration!  (No refunds once participation is confirmed) 

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining balance may vary depending on the situation.  


 Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

For all Gap Year projects, we recommend applying at least 3 months before the project start date due to the normal processing procedures and preparation time. We request that applications be made no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you need to participate urgently, you can use the emergency application service by paying an additional fee to expedite the process as much as possible.

* While we strive to expedite the process, there are basic times required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures are conducted the same as for general participants, so those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can receive the early bird discount.

*** The emergency application service can be applied for in the selection options above. For inquiries regarding the emergency application service, please contact



- Services Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation of participation / Additional urgent staff placement / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator Direct Link

**Note: In the case of ultra-urgent applications, there may be no spots available due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Also, any issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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