
Turn 'Roman Holiday' into Your Everyday Life: Live in Rome for a Month While Learning Italian 이탈리아 로마에서 한달살기


Required Options

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  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount960USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety





Start your one-month stay in Rome, Italy, a city where everyday life feels as beautiful as a movie!

In this city, where every corner still holds traces of history, and the aroma of coffee and the sound of laughter fill the streets, your new daily routine will gift you unforgettable memories and a special time of healing.

Rome, the city where Princess Anne from "Roman Holiday" fell in love, is a beloved destination for people around the world. The entire city is like a museum, filled with cultural heritage and masterpieces, and the variety of cultures to experience, thanks to the many visitors, adds to its charm. Plus, the diverse cuisine, fragrant coffee, and sweet desserts will satisfy all your senses.

There's so much to see and do in Rome that a short trip isn’t enough. Enjoy a leisurely month in this city full of sights and experiences. New pleasures await you during your stay in Rome.


Italian is a language learned and used by many people around the world. Knowing Italian also makes it easier to learn other European languages like Spanish, French, or Portuguese, which share the same roots. Additionally, Italian plays an important role in the arts, so understanding the language allows for a deeper appreciation of music, crafts, art, and cuisine. If you're considering a career in the arts, Italian can open up more opportunities for you.

Challenge yourself to learn a new language in the heart of Italy, where many paths lead to new experiences! You might just discover a new direction in life.


A one-month stay is a meaningful time to leave behind familiar routines and meet a new version of yourself in an unfamiliar place. You can fill your days with various tours, activities, and new relationships. To make the most of this special time, learning the local language can be very beneficial.

During your month in Rome, learn Italian and enrich your everyday life. Using the local language will help you build closer relationships with Italians, broaden your perspective on the world, and offer you eye-opening experiences that break the mold of your thinking.

The more you learn about Italy, the more special each day in Rome will become.


If you’re planning a trip to Europe, why not start with a one-month stay? Spending a relaxed month in Rome will help you get accustomed to life abroad, and learning a new language will bring you closer to the people of Europe.

Most importantly, listen to the stories of the foreign friends you meet in Rome! You’ll hear firsthand accounts and gain valuable insights that you won’t find in books or online, helping you prepare for an even more special and fulfilling European adventure.

Plan your time to create unforgettable memories in Rome and beyond, across the wider Europe.






This project offers a one-month stay in Rome, Italy, where you can learn Italian and experience the Roman lifestyle firsthand. Start living in Rome with friends from all over the world! Rome, where European history lives and breathes, will become a part of your life.



▶ A deeper understanding of Italy! Learn Italian

During your one-month stay in Rome, Italian language classes will be provided. Enjoy the pleasure of learning a new language with friends from all over the world!



  • 20 lessons per week of Italian classes are provided, each lasting 45 minutes, and organized in groups of up to 14 people.
  • If you want to focus more on learning Italian, you can choose the 25-lesson per week course. Detailed schedules will be provided locally.


09:00 ~ 10:30 Class
10:30 ~ 10:45 Break
10:45 ~ 12:15 Class
12:30 ~ Additional 25-lesson class

* The schedule above is just an example to help you understand. You will receive a detailed schedule after a level test on-site.


▶ Enjoy various activities and make your Roman life even richer!

In addition to language classes, you can participate in various activities organized by the school. These activities are optional, and you can join them freely according to your travel schedule and free time.

Example Activities

Language exchange / Trips to Tivoli, Ostia Antica, Castel Sant'Angelo, etc. / Dinner with Italian pizza / Italian film screenings / Art history guided tours / Museum tours, and more

* Additional costs may apply to some activities.


Additional Information

  • This project starts every Monday, with specific start dates designated for complete beginners in Italian.


2023 Beginner Level Start Dates
January 2nd, 16th, 30th July 3rd, 17th, 31st
February 6th, 20th August 7th, 21st
March 6th, 20th September 4th, 18th
April 3rd, 17th October 2nd, 16th, 30th
May 2nd, 15th, 29th November 13th, 27th
June 5th, 19th December 11th


  • This project is available year-round, and participants can choose their stay duration from 1 to 4 weeks.
  • On the first day of the project, a simple level test will be conducted. Participants will be placed in a class appropriate to their level based on a written and oral test.
  • Classes are offered in the morning or afternoon sessions. (Class start times: 09:00, 10:45, 12:30, 14:15)


English Proficiency Requirement - 0 Stars

This project does not require English or Italian proficiency. Basic communication skills are sufficient.

Italian Proficiency Requirement - 0 Stars

As we offer Italian classes for all levels, even beginners are welcome to join. Just come with the enthusiasm to enjoy learning Italian! If you'd like to get accustomed to life in Rome a bit faster, doing some simple pre-study might help.





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Local Institution Completion Certificate
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents     Italian Group Classes
  Free On-Campus and Off-Campus Activities    Linked Local Accommodations    



Not IncludedExclusions

  • Round-trip airfare
  • Airport-to-accommodation transfer costs (can be added as an optional service)
  • Other local living expenses (meals, overnight stays, dining out, transportation, etc.)
  • Individual travel insurance costs


* Please book your flight tickets and transportation only after you have received final confirmation of your participation in the project and your departure schedule.




Our institution began in 1977 in Florence with the goal of teaching the Italian language and culture. In 1984, we established our second school in Rome. For more than 40 years, we have worked with students from various nationalities, promoting Italian history, culture, art, and language around the world. We continuously develop diverse educational methods to enrich the experience of living in Rome.


A Message from the Local Coordinator

Welcome to Rome, the city of encounters! Rome is a city where ancient and modern meet to create masterpieces. It is also the most sacred city in the world and a melting pot of countless cultures from around the globe.

Learn Italian in beautiful Rome! Living and studying with people from over 90 countries who come here to learn and enjoy Italian, you will discover much through these diverse encounters.





Participants can choose their accommodation option according to their lifestyle and preferences. To enjoy your time in Rome even more, select the accommodation that best suits you!


■  Homestay


A homestay is a special accommodation option where you live with an Italian family, allowing you to become familiar with Italian culture and customs. You will stay with a carefully selected family, where you can naturally improve your language skills and build new relationships in a comfortable atmosphere.


  • You will have a private room.
  • You can choose between 1 meal per day (breakfast) or 2 meals per day (breakfast & dinner).
  • Check-in is on Sunday before the project starts, and check-out is on Saturday after the project ends.
  • The homestay is located about 20-50 minutes away from the school by public transportation.


■ Apartment

* The photo is for reference only and may differ from the actual accommodation.


This basic apartment-type accommodation is located in a residential area in Rome, allowing you to start your Roman life conveniently. You will stay with other foreign students or Italians. This option offers independent living, where you can fully enjoy the free-spirited atmosphere of Rome.


  • You will have a private room.
  • You will share the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Check-in is on Sunday before the project starts, and check-out is on Saturday after the project ends.
  • The apartment is located about 20-50 minutes away from the school by public transportation.





Location  :   Rome, Italy

Rome, the center of the vast Roman Empire that once ruled the world, is where the saying “All roads lead to Rome” originated. Even today, you can find traces of Rome's past grandeur and historical legacy throughout the city.

Rome is also the birthplace of Renaissance art, where numerous artists created masterpieces, and it’s the home of popular dishes enjoyed worldwide, such as pizza and spaghetti. Enjoy the diverse offerings of Rome, Italy, where the Mediterranean climate ensures mild weather all year round! You'll feel right at home in this vibrant city.


Recommended Travel Destinations

01 Trevi Fountain

One of Rome's landmarks, featured in numerous films such as <Roman Holiday>. It is the largest Baroque-style fountain in Rome. At the famous Trevi Fountain, you'll see many tourists throwing coins, a tradition believed to grant wishes or ensure a return to Rome if the coin is thrown with the right hand over the left shoulder. The coins collected are used for the restoration and preservation of Rome's cultural heritage. Why not make a wish at the Trevi Fountain?


02 Roman Forum

Located in the heart of Rome's old city, the Roman Forum was the center of politics, economy, and religion in ancient Rome, where most of the important buildings, such as temples, triumphal arches, and basilicas, were situated. Though now in ruins with only a few columns and remnants left, these traces still vividly convey the glory of the Roman Empire. The view of the Roman Forum from Palatine Hill is said to be spectacular, so grab a gelato and take a stroll up the hill for a beautiful sight.


03 Vatican Museums

Located within Vatican City, the Vatican Museums are among the largest museums in the world. They house centuries' worth of artistic masterpieces, attracting around 6 million visitors annually. Among the highlights are the Pinecone Courtyard, the Gallery of Maps, the Raphael Rooms, and the famous marble statue of Laocoön and his sons. Note that the museums offer free admission on the last Sunday of every month!


Participation Duration and Fees



■ This is a project that starts every Monday.

■ The minimum participation period for this project is 1 week.

■ Participation costs

20 Language Lessons per Week + Apartment 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,340,000 KRW 2,570,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
4,580,000 KRW 7,260,000 KRW
20 Language Lessons per Week + Homestay (Breakfast) 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,380,000 KRW 2,660,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
4,730,000 KRW 7,460,000 KRW
20 Language Lessons per Week + Homestay (Breakfast + Dinner) 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,530,000 KRW 2,980,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
5,210,000 KRW 8,110,000 KRW


25 Language Lessons per Week + Apartment 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,680,000 KRW 3,920,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
7,620,000 KRW 12,660,000 KRW
25 Language Lessons per Week + Homestay (Breakfast) 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,720,000 KRW 4,010,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
7,770,000 KRW 12,860,000 KRW
25 Language Lessons per Week + Homestay (Breakfast + Dinner) 1 Week 2 Weeks
1,870,000 KRW 4,330,000 KRW
3 Weeks 4 Weeks
8,250,000 KRW 13,510,000 KRW

* If you wish to participate for more than 4 weeks, please contact us individually. (Contact:


■ Eligibility and Requirements

  • Healthy adults aged 18 and over
  • Those who wish to incorporate Italian daily life into their own
  • Those who want to study with international friends from around the world
  • Those who wish to study Italian locally in Italy
  • Those interested in Italy's long history and rich culture


 Gap Year Mission Scholarship (▶ Learn More)


 Installment Payment Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount, you can make an advance payment of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. We will then proceed with the process to confirm your participation based on the date of your advance payment, and check the availability and TO (Terms of Office). Early reservation is crucial to secure your desired dates and duration! (Refunds are not possible once participation is confirmed)

* If the start date is approaching, the schedule for the final payment may vary depending on the situation.


 Early Bird Discount and Urgent Application Information

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for standard processing procedures and preparation time. Applications should be made no later than 2 months before the start date as a principle. However, if you have urgent reasons or need to participate quickly, you can use the urgent application service by paying an additional fee to expedite the process.

* While we strive to expedite the process, there is time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures will be the same as for regular participants, so those using the urgent application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Those who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

*** The urgent application service can be selected from the options above, and for inquiries related to the urgent application service, please contact



- What’s Included: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of orientation materials upon confirmation / Additional placement of urgent personnel / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* For those who have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: For super urgent applications, there may be no TO (Terms of Office) available depending on local circumstances, and the procedures will follow the Gap Year refund policy. Also, issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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