
How It Works and More Info!


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    • Participation Fee
    Total Amount0USD
    Asia/South Korea/Seoul
    • Operation Period: Always
    • Application Period: All Year Round
    • Number of Participants: No Limitation
    Program Creator / Korea GapYear
    We as a Social Enterprise aim to help these people. We do this by offering gap year opportunities, holding informative talks about the benefits of taking a gap year, workshops, volunteer opportunities, and more.
    • Learning Experience
    • Entertainment
    • Atmosphere
    • Facility
    • Safety


    1.Contact Us

    Send us an email ( or fill in the contact form on our contact page.

    Afterward, we will send you our introduction file, application form and  additional information!


    2. Apply

    Fill in the application form and pick the areas of interest for your program.

    Attach your CV with a recent picture of you, sign the KoreaGapYear Terms and Conditions, and send them back to us.


    3. Interview

    After receiving your application we will contact you to schedule a video interview where we will go over some information and ask you about your background, goals, and needs. If you don't want to do a video interview, we can also do voice-only or conduct the interview through chat or email. 


    4. Pay the payment

    Pay the final amount and confirm your participation in the program.


    5. Placement

    After receiving the deposit we will work right away to find you a placement at a company in South Korea. After we find a placement we will confirm it with you and send all the details. 


    6. Prepare

    We will help you prepare for your exciting journey to South Korea. We will send you introduction files for living in South Korea, a guide on Korean business culture and help you with your visa application.

    7. Start Your Internship

    Travel to South Korea and begin your internship. On the first day, you will visit our company and get a 1:1 orientation. Afterwards one of our staff members will escort you to your internship.


    What are you waiting for? 




    This project supports free meals for children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, who do not have a proper meal even once a day.

    Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in Asia. In fact, 35% of the population lives on less than $1 a day and does not get even one proper meal a day. In such extreme conditions, the hardships of young children are even more severe. Children who do not eat properly may suffer from malnutrition or weakened immune systems, making them more susceptible to infectious diseases.


    Come visit our restaurant that shares love!

    The place where you will volunteer provides free meals to street children and offers services such as hygiene management and education. Until now, the hope the children had was picking up trash that could be sold for money. However, meals at this restaurant provide not only health benefits but also hope and courage for the future. Gather your love and courage to give the children in Cambodia a wonderful day!






    This is a project to provide free meals to children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Most of the children who come for the free meals are either orphans or too poor to receive proper care. Therefore, they spend most of their day either scavenging for trash on the streets to make a living or begging. Participants will engage in various activities (English education, hygiene education, outdoor activities, etc.) in addition to supporting free meals, helping the children's physical and mental development.


    - This project is conducted in English.

    English Requirement☆☆

    - Since most staff and volunteers communicate in English, participants will be exposed to an English-speaking environment.

    - However, since the main activities involve supporting free meals and spending time with the children, basic communication in English is sufficient!




    - Most children participating in the free meal program are under 14 years old.

    - The free meal program serves 150 to 200 children daily.

    - Project activities are from 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

    - Participants will assist with meal preparation, serving, dishwashing, and clean-up tasks.

    - Depending on the restaurant's schedule, basic English, hygiene education, and other subjects will be taught (e.g., how to greet in English, brushing methods).

    - Guide street children to the free meal program.

    - Plan and organize outdoor activities and picnics for the children who come for the free meals.

    - Play with the children who come for the free meals and create a comfortable and inclusive atmosphere for them. 




    * Detailed reviews from participants can be found on Gap Year Stories (Click).

    * More participant reviews are available at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews."




       Local Orientation     Online Orientation    Online Consulting    Local Institution Completion Certificate
         Gap Year Overseas Experience Certificate    Participant Dispatch Processing  Mid-Gap Year Consulting    Gap Year Mission
       24-Hour Emergency Contact Network    Flight Ticket Purchase Assistance    Real-Time Counseling Service     Gap Year Notebook
         WiFi in Accommodation     Room Fan    




    Not Included

    - Round-trip airfare

    - Individual travel insurance

    - Other local expenses

    - Visa issuance fee (invitation letter from local organization)






    The organization running this project is an NGO that supports free meals for children living in extreme poverty, surviving on less than $1 a day. Since 2010, they have established their own restaurant to provide not only meals but also services such as hygiene management, haircuts, and education to 200 children daily.


    The children who visit this restaurant are those who cannot attend school and instead beg or scavenge from the streets to survive. Rather than trying to change the world, this organization is dedicated to steadily improving the reality faced by Cambodian children. To date, they have provided 370,000 meals to street children.



    Message from the Local Organization Manager


    I am Mey, the manager responsible for overseeing local volunteers. I have been running this program for a long time and have had the chance to work with a variety of foreign volunteers. I want to tell volunteers not to hesitate to ask for help whenever they encounter difficult situations or problems. Please feel free to ask!

    Our staff, including myself, are dedicated to resolving many issues for volunteers, including cultural differences. The accommodations and institutions where you will be volunteering are very safe and verified. However, please do not come with excessively high expectations about Cambodia. Through this activity, you will make new friends and will not feel lonely. It is great to come with an open mind! 




    During the project period, you will stay in a guesthouse-type volunteer accommodation with other participants.

    Generally, the proportion of foreign participants is higher than that of Koreans, so you will have the opportunity to enjoy communal living with friends from various nationalities at the guesthouse. The accommodation is run by local Cambodian families who have been operating it for a long time, and it is located in the city center, ensuring a safe living environment.

    Rooms are shared by up to 3 people, and each room is equipped with a private bathroom, a fan, and basic furniture.

    The common areas on the 2nd floor of the accommodation include sofas, tables, and chairs, providing relaxation facilities where you can rest after work or spend time with friends during the evenings and weekends.

    Meals include breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you can choose your preferred menu in advance. Lunch can also be taken as a packed meal.

    Breakfast usually consists of simple items like bread, eggs, fruit, and tea. Lunch and dinner offer a variety of options such as sandwiches, fried rice, noodles, curry, and meats.

    The accommodation is located in Phnom Penh city, making it convenient to participate in the project during the week and explore the surroundings on weekends.

    It takes about 30 minutes to walk from the accommodation to the activity center. Using Cambodia's transportation method, tuk-tuk, it takes around 15 minutes.


    Shared room / Private bathroom (hot water available) / 3 meals a day (breakfast / lunch / dinner) provided / Fan available

    * Participants who wish to change options within the accommodation can select air conditioning and single/double/triple rooms by paying additional fees according to the accommodation TO. Please note that Cambodia is generally the hottest from March to May, and spaces tend to fill up quickly between July and August.

    * The time required to travel to the activity center may vary depending on traffic conditions.

    * The above photo is an example to aid understanding; the room layout and furniture may vary depending on the time of participation and local circumstances.

    * If you are sensitive to heat, you can opt to pay extra to switch to an air-conditioned room on-site. Availability may vary depending on local conditions.

    #A Small Tip on Cambodian Transportation

    Cambodia has a limited transportation infrastructure, with no developed public transit systems like city buses or subways. The main modes of transportation in Cambodia are motorcycle taxis, where you ride on the back of a motorcycle, and tuk-tuks, which are modified tricycles. Motorcycle taxis are very unsafe. Therefore, it is recommended to use tuk-tuks for safety reasons, even if it costs a bit more.

    Unlike regular taxis, tuk-tuks do not have fixed rates, and the fare is negotiated with the driver each time. A typical one-way fare starts from about 2 USD, and costs vary widely depending on distance, time of day, and number of passengers.

    You may be confused by the unfamiliar transportation system at first, but if you understand Cambodia's relatively poor transport infrastructure and adapt to the local culture, you will be able to enjoy your stay in Cambodia much more!


    ㅣ Location  :   Cambodia, Phnom Penh



    The official name of Cambodia is the ‘Kingdom of Cambodia’ and it is bordered by Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand in the southeast of the Indochina Peninsula. Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, is the economic and political center where the painful past of French colonial rule and modern development coexist. The entire city is filled with attractions such as the National Museum, Royal Palace, Silver Pagoda, and Independence Monument.


    On the other hand, you can also see the struggles of the Cambodian people who live in hardship behind the rapid economic development. Due to political instability, the benefits of economic progress are not evenly distributed. As a result, many international NGOs and aid organizations are working hard to rebuild Cambodian society in areas such as education, economy, agriculture, and politics.



    Travel Destinations




    1. Riverside

    Riverside is a place where hotels, restaurants, and cafes are concentrated along the Mekong River. It is close to the city center and the riverside park area, making it relatively safe and clean. Travelers who wander around during the day often gather here at night to end their day, making it a popular resting spot for travelers. Located right next to the Mekong River, it is an ideal place to relax with a coffee or beer while enjoying the cool breeze and calm river view. Specially, there are cafes where foreign journalists wrote articles during the Cambodian Civil War and Vietnam War, and pubs where you can enjoy a vibrant evening view.




    2. Royal Palace

    The Royal Palace in Phnom Penh is an iconic building of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was built in the traditional Khmer style and has been preserved for about 100 years. As a travel tip, you cannot visit the palace in sleeveless shirts or short shorts. Before visiting, prepare long sleeves and pants or rent appropriate clothing for a small fee in front of the palace.



    3. Russian Market

    The Russian Market is a traditional market for Phnom Penh citizens. It is named ‘Psar Tuol Tom Pong’ in local pronunciation, as it used to sell Russian products in the past. You can find a wide variety of goods such as Cambodian traditional foods, books, clothing, and more. Especially, antiques and crafts for foreign tourists are famous. Exploring a traditional market used by locals is a great way to experience the culture of the area. Take some time to experience the daily life of Cambodians at the Russian Market.




    - Healthy adults aged 18 or over

    - Anyone currently working as a child care worker or kindergarten teacher, or interested in this field

    - Anyone interested in international NGO activities

    - Anyone who wants to participate in volunteer activities with friends from various countries

    - Anyone who wants to have a special experience during the vacation period

    - Anyone who can communicate in English

    - Anyone with an open mind



    Participation Duration and Fees

    The recommended start dates are the first and third Monday of every month.

    The minimum participation period for this project is 2 weeks .


    Project Fee

    2 weeks 1,490,000 won  

      * For popular projects, there may be no TO, so please apply early to secure a spot. 



    Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ More Details)


    Installment Payment Information

    For those who find it difficult to pay in full, if you make an advance payment of 500,000 won and pay the remaining amount within 2 weeks, the process for confirming participation in the project will proceed based on the date of the advance payment. This will determine eligibility and TO. Securing a spot early is important to participate on your desired date and period! (Non-refundable upon confirmation of participation) 

    * However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining amount may vary depending on the situation.  

    Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

    All Gap Year projects are recommended to apply at least 3 months before the start date of the project due to normal procedures and preparation periods. Applications are required to be submitted at least 2 months in advance. However, in cases of unavoidable reasons or urgent needs to participate in the project, you can opt for the emergency application service by paying an additional fee for expedited processing.

    * Although we assist with expedited processing, there is basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation, and all procedures are carried out similarly to regular participants. Therefore, those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

    ** Those who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

    *** Emergency application services can be applied for in the options above, and for inquiries related to emergency applications, please contact




    - Services Provided: Automatic application for gap year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation of participation / Additional placement of emergency personnel / Preparation support if documents are required, etc.

    * For those who have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Go to Naver Date Calculator

    **Note: For extremely urgent applications, there may be no TO (job opportunity) due to local circumstances, and subsequent procedures will proceed according to the gap year refund policy. Also, issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the responsibility of the participant.


    ■ Expected Additional Costs (Per Week)

    Item Details and Remarks Amount Category
    Round-trip Airfare (Including TAX) Varies by flight  Approximately 350,000 ~ 800,000 won Not Included
    Visa Issuance Fee Visa application and issuance fees $30
    Individual Traveler Insurance Varies by insurance company / Duration Approximately 10,000 won


    *Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

    *Local stay costs are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant's preferences.

    *Participants' travel expenses and personal pocket money are separate.


    ■ Reference (Estimated Local Prices)

    Accommodation Per Night Meal  Per Meal
    Guesthouse Approximately  10,000 won Local meal Approximately  2,000 won

    Approximately  20,000 won

    Restaurant Approximately  5,000 won

    *The estimated local prices are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant's preferences.




    Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
    You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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