
Learn Coffee Barista Skills in Florence, Italy—The Heart of Coffee 이탈리아 피렌체에서 커피수업


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount405USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Coffee became officially imported into Europe in the 1600s, leading to the rise of numerous coffee enthusiasts. Italians, eager to enjoy coffee in various ways, began savoring it through espresso, cappuccino, café au lait, and other methods. These diverse coffee-drinking methods started spreading to other countries. Italy, being the birthplace of espresso, enjoys coffee three times a day and has a wide range of coffee preferences based on regional specialties, resulting in a variety of coffee tastes and aromas.

This project offers a coffee barista training program in Florence, Italy. Italian coffee is known for its strong flavors and aromas, and you will have the opportunity to learn specialized techniques such as extracting traditional Italian coffee, making cappuccino, and frothing milk for café lattes and other milk-based coffees.


*Espresso refers to coffee served in a small shot glass, enjoyed by sipping it directly.

*Barista is a term for a person who prepares coffee in a bar setting; a coffee-making expert.










1. This project is conducted in English.

* English proficiency needed: ★★☆☆☆

Since the main activity is learning about coffee, basic communication skills in English are sufficient to participate in the project.


2. Through this project, you will learn the process of making coffee during a 2-day course.

Group classes are available on scheduled dates each month. If you prefer a private class, you can arrange a 1:1 schedule with the barista instructor.

3. Classes will be held from 10 AM to 5:30 PM.

4. Participants who complete the project will receive a certificate upon the completion of the class. Additionally, if you pass the exam conducted by the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe (SCAE), you will receive a certification.

You can choose to take the Barista Skills Foundation (for beginners) or Barista Skills Intermediate (for those with a foundation certificate or practical experience) exams.

* If you are interested in taking the SCAE barista courses, please inform us separately at the time of project application.




 Day 1

You will learn about the history of coffee, the Arabica variety, and other hybrid coffee types.

- Learn about the coffee manufacturing process (picking, stripping, dry processing)

* Picking: The process of selecting defective beans from coffee cherries during harvest.

* Stripping: A method of harvesting coffee by removing cherries from the branch all at once.

* Dry processing: A method of drying coffee cherries while still in their parchment layer, typically used in areas with limited water and ample sunlight.


- Introduction to roasting and blending, and visit to a roasting facility


- Tasting good and bad espressos

(Learn to recognize the taste of good espresso by tasting various espressos)


- Learning how to make espresso shots

Learn how to handle the espresso machine to produce espresso shots.


- Making coffee with milk foam

Learn how to froth milk and make coffee drinks like cappuccinos and lattes.


- Traditional Italian coffee making methods

Learn the traditional methods of making Italian coffee enjoyed only in Italy.


- Learning how to clean and maintain an espresso machine

Learn methods for descaling and cleaning espresso machines and grinders.




 Day 2


- Introduction to Professional Coffee Tasting

Experience tasting coffee made from various types of coffee beans. Learn to recognize the different flavors of each coffee bean.


- Practice Handling Coffee Machines

Practice using grinders to grind coffee beans and handling coffee machines for coffee preparation.


- Latte Art

Latte art involves creating designs on the surface of frothed milk. Learn how to make smooth milk foam and create latte art.


- Roasting Theory

Coffee roasting involves applying heat to green coffee beans to trigger chemical changes, enhancing the flavor and aroma. Learn about different roasting methods and theories.


- Italian Coffee Roasting Methods

Learn the roasting methods for coffee with unique Italian flavors.


- Tasting Roasted Coffee at Different Levels

Roasting can produce various aromas and flavors. Taste coffee roasted with different methods.


- Learning to Blend Coffee Beans

Blending involves combining beans with different flavors and aromas to create a balanced and harmonious taste. Learn how to blend coffee beans and roast them.


- Blending Two Different Coffee Beans

After learning the theory of coffee blending, practice blending two different beans to make coffee shots.


* The basic curriculum may be adjusted according to local conditions.







   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Local Institution Completion Certificate
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Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Accommodation and meals during the project period

- Transportation between accommodation and project site

- Individual travel insurance

- Other local expenses, etc.





The institution where this project is conducted is a barista school established by two baristas with around 30 years of experience as bartenders. They decided to create a place where they could freely share their knowledge about coffee. The founders have diverse expertise in fields such as waiter, bartender, sommelier, restaurant consultant, and instructor.

To pass on the know-how of traditional Italian coffee making to aspiring baristas, they established a professional coffee school offering a variety of coffee courses. The school attracts students from various nationalities who come to learn about coffee.






Participants can freely choose accommodation in the project area according to their preferences and budget.

If participants have difficulty finding accommodation,

Korea Gap Year can recommend nearby accommodations (guesthouses, hotels, etc.) near the project site.


Accommodation Types


1. Homestay

A homestay allows international students to stay with a local family in the host country, providing an opportunity to learn the culture and language of that country. By living with the family and communicating with them, participants can improve their language skills and gain an understanding of the lifestyle, values, and cultural practices of the people in that country.


2. Guesthouse

Guesthouses typically feature shared kitchens, bathrooms, and shower facilities. Rooms may be allocated as 4-person, 6-person, or even 8-person dormitories, where several guests share the same space. Guesthouses are popular among travelers who want to meet others from around the world, share their stories, and exchange travel tips.


3. Apartment Share

An apartment share is a type of accommodation where 5-6 international students rent a house together and share the living space. Depending on the condition of the house, participants can choose a private room or share a room with one roommate. Unlike a homestay, participants are responsible for their own meals, cleaning, and laundry, often sharing these tasks with their housemates. This type of accommodation offers the advantage of living with friends from various countries.





Location  :   Italy, Florence



Florence is one of the most artistic cities in Italy. The traces of many artists and scientists, including Leonardo da Vinci, Dante, Michelangelo, and Galileo, who lived here, can be found all over the city. This place is so rich in culture that tourists often say, "The streets themselves are art." The entire city has been designated as a World Heritage Site, and the local love for their city is unmatched by any other country. Also, when coffee was officially imported to Europe in 1615, various coffee houses began to open across the continent.


In the early days of coffee houses, they became gathering places for painters, musicians, artists, thinkers, and writers to discuss and debate.

Filled with artistic sensitivity, artists gathered at the coffee houses in Florence, drinking coffee roasted in the traditional Italian way, while discussing critiques of reality and exploring new utopian ideals.



■ Travel Destination Introduction




Top Travel Destination 1 - Duomo Cathedral

The Duomo Cathedral played a significant role as the backdrop for the famous Japanese movie "Between Calm and Passion," where two lovers who were separated for 10 years finally reunite.

Since no elevator was installed to preserve the cathedral, you must climb 500 steps to reach the top.

However, once you reach the top, which has a dome-shaped roof, you can enjoy a panoramic view of Florence's cityscape filled with red-roofed buildings. Visit this place with your loved one to promise your love. 






Top Travel Destination 2 - Ponte Vecchio

The Ponte Vecchio is the only bridge in Florence that was not damaged during World War II. It is famous as the bridge where the novelist Dante first met his beloved. It is also a bridge where couples pledge eternal love by locking love locks.

In addition, near the bridge, there are numerous jewelry shops lined up where you can admire finely crafted jewelry with intricate and detailed workmanship through the shop windows. Walk along this street with your loved one and gift them a one-of-a-kind ring.





Top Travel Destination 3 - La Marzocco Coffee Factory

La Marzocco is named after the Italian word for victory. It manufactures espresso machines used in barista coffee making. In 1939, it developed the first coffee machine with a horizontal boiler design, for which it received a patent. The company also developed the extraction boiler machine that became the industry standard. Each machine is handcrafted by specialized artisans, maintaining a commitment to craftsmanship. When visiting Florence, take a tour of the La Marzocco coffee factory to experience it firsthand.





- Adults over the age of 18 who are in good physical health

- Those who dream of becoming a coffee barista

- Those who want to learn coffee in Italy, the birthplace of coffee

- Those interested in the field of coffee and beverage making

- Those who want to receive professional barista training

- Those who want to live in the city of art and emotion, Florence

- Those who have an open mind


Participation Duration and Fees



■ The participation period for this project is at least 2 days.

■ Participation Fee

2 days (Group): 560,000 KRW

2 days (Individual, Private Course): 1,100,000 KRW


* For popular projects, there may be no TO available, so please apply quickly to secure a spot.

* Please select the desired course from Option 1 below for a 2-day/3-day course (if not selected, it will be considered as a 2-day course).



 Payment Installment Information

If full payment is difficult, pay a deposit of 500,000 KRW and settle the remaining balance within 2 weeks. From the date of the deposit, the process for confirming participation and availability of TO will be conducted. Securing a spot as soon as possible is crucial to participate on your desired date and period! (No refunds once participation is confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining payment may vary depending on the situation.

 Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

It is recommended to apply for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date, and the principle is to apply no later than 2 months before. However, in case of urgent reasons or if you need to participate in the project quickly, we offer an emergency application service where you can pay an additional amount for expedited processing.

* While we assist with expedited processing, there is basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. Therefore, participants using the emergency application service should actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operations team.

** Applicants who apply 180 days before the start date can receive an Early Bird Discount.

*** Emergency application services can be applied for in the options above. For inquiries related to emergency applications, please contact


- Services Provided: Gap Year mission and notes auto-application / Complete OT materials provided upon confirmation / Additional urgent staff assignment / Support for required documents, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

**Note: For emergency applications, there may be no TO available depending on local conditions, and subsequent procedures will follow the gap year refund policy. Also Any issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation will be the responsibility of the participant.


 Estimated Additional Costs (per week)

Item Details & Remarks Amount Category
Round-trip Airfare (including TAX) Varies by flight Approx. 500,000 - 1,300,000 KRW Not Included
Visa Issuance Fee Visa-free entry for 90 days (3 months) possible -
Individual Travel Insurance Varies by insurer / period Approx. 35,000 KRW


*Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

*Participant’s travel expenses and personal spending money are not included.


 Reference (Estimated Local Prices)

Accommodation Per Night Meals Per Meal
Guesthouse Approx. 30,000 KRW Local Food Approx. 7,000 KRW
Hotel Approx. 100,000 KRW Restaurant Approx. 20,000 KRW


*The estimated local prices are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant's preferences.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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