
Caring for Injured Animals: Stray Animal Rescue in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 캄보디아 프놈펜에서 유기동물 봉사


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,195USD
Asia/Cambodia/Phnom Penh
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety




Cambodia, a country experiencing rapid growth due to foreign investment despite being one of the world's poorest nations. However, unlike the speed of its growth, the country still has a low level of education and a backward society where many animals are abandoned and wandering the streets. With no proper social foundations for people, there are no policies or laws to protect animals. As a result, stray dogs and cats are indiscriminately captured or openly abused for sale.
This project is conducted by a non-profit animal protection organization that rescues and protects abandoned animals in the heart of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It involves protecting and caring for stray dogs and cats. Please embrace these wounded animals with your warm love!
* This project can start every Monday.

1. In the era of 10 million pets, animals also have the right to be happy!

On October 15, 1978, the 'Universal Declaration of Animal Rights' was proclaimed in Paris by UNESCO. Over time, awareness of animal rights is increasing globally. In line with this trend, global companies in various fields are actively conducting social contribution campaigns to protect animals. Efforts to ban animal testing, rescue abused animals, and save ecosystems are being made worldwide.

With increasing interest in pets and animal protection, if you love animals, now is the time to interact with them and participate in protection activities on-site! Injured stray dogs and cats need your care and attention.



2. Veterinarian selected as a promising profession for the next 10 years in South Korea.


The Korea Employment Information Service has selected 'veterinarian' as one of the promising occupations for the next 10 years in South Korea. With the expansion of pet culture and the increase in quarantine work due to globalization, veterinarians are being recognized as promising future jobs. As awareness and culture of pets spread, related industries and occupations such as dog trainers, pet sitters, and pet groomers are actively growing, and the demand for them is steadily increasing.

If you aim to work in an animal-related profession, gain experience and build your career on-site where professional veterinarians are active!  

* For students majoring in veterinary medicine, there may be opportunities to support or observe surgical procedures.


* Veterinarian : A profession that involves preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and injuries of small animals (pets) like dogs and cats, large animals (livestock) like cows and pigs, and aquatic animals like fish and shellfish. It also includes researching and providing consultations for these purposes.







This project involves performing animal protection activities at an animal protection center under the guidance of local professional staff, along with foreign volunteers from various countries.


■ Activity Details

On Mondays, prior safety training, orientation, and a city tour are conducted for safe participation. Starting on Tuesday, the main activities begin.

   Activities are conducted from Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to 4:30 PM (including a 2-hour lunch break).

Participants will engage in feeding activities to protect the rescued animals every day (three meals a day: breakfast/lunch/dinner).

Every morning, the day starts with feeding the dogs and cats at the center.

Participants will engage in cleaning activities to maintain a clean environment for the animals at the shelter.

Participants will participate in external activities such as feeding stray animals near Buddhist temples or on the streets.

In cases where animals at the center need treatment, participants may assist in visiting the veterinary hospital for treatment and rescue activities.


* The above activity schedule may be adjusted flexibly depending on the participant's ability and the circumstances of the institution.




- During activity hours, participants will mainly spend time with stray animals, playing with them and spending time together. They may also visit areas in Phnom Penh where locals live to find stray animals in need of help and interact with local Cambodians or monks.

- Participants with a major in veterinary science or animal-related fields may participate in surgeries to treat animals at the institution.

   Generally, during surgeries, participants will either observe or assist with basic tasks needed for the surgery.





- Generally, it is very rare to encounter animals with rabies during animal protection and rescue activities. However, since you will be working with animals, you need to be cautious to avoid getting injured. Constant attention is required from participants.

- To safely participate in the project, participants must have prior vaccinations. (Recommended vaccinations: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Tetanus)

- The animal protection center where this project takes place will be closed during the Cambodian New Year (Khmer New Year Day) period, and no activities will be conducted. (Mid-April)




English Requirement ★★☆☆☆

Participants will join this project as volunteers at an animal protection center in Cambodia. For smooth participation, basic communication skills in English are required. You will mostly communicate in English with the local staff. Learning simple Khmer phrases beforehand will help you interact better with the locals. 






* You can find detailed reviews from participants on Gap Year Story (click).

More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Fees     Gap Year Mission Scholarship     Orientation Materials     Local Volunteer Accommodation
   Airport to Accommodation Pickup Service     Local Meals (3 meals a day)    Local Dedicated Manager    Activity Management and Training
     Common Areas in Accommodation     Phnom Penh City Tour    




Detailed Support Information


Accommodation and Meals

- Dormitory-style accommodation where you can interact and live with volunteers from around the world

- Delicious local meals made with local ingredients, 3 meals a day

- Shared spaces to meet and make friends with other international participants


Project Activities

- Safe pickup service from the airport to the accommodation (one-way)

- Detailed orientation on basic life in Cambodia

- City tour of Phnom Penh with other international volunteers

- Activities with local institutions and staff

- Support from a dedicated local manager

- 24/7 emergency contact available for any issues


Care Services

- Participant dispatch procedures: Project registration and dispatch procedures

- Orientation provided: Various orientation information to ensure a successful gap year

- OT Materials: Know-how from the organizer to safely guide first-time travelers abroad

- Gap Year Journal: A journal to reflect on yourself during the gap year (▶ Learn More)

- Gap Year Mission Discount


Certificates and Recommendations

- Issuance of activity certificate from local institution

- Issuance of participation certificate and completion certificate from Korea Gap Year

* Certificates and recommendations from local institutions will be issued upon the participant's request after the project ends. The format or issuance of these documents may vary according to the local institution's regulations.
* Certificates and recommendations will be issued after the project is completed and a review is submitted.



Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Individual travel insurance

- Round-trip transportation between accommodation and project location

- Visa issuance fees and other local expenses





The organization where this project is carried out is a non-profit organization established in 2016 dedicated to animal protection and rescue and is committed to helping cats and dogs that are living in life-threatening and precarious conditions on the streets. They strive to bring about long-term and sustainable changes rather than short-term effects.


Additionally, they work in collaboration with various local communities to raise awareness about animal protection in Cambodia and provide rescue, protection, and medical care for abandoned animals at their facility. They also work to prevent the indiscriminate increase in the number of animals through support for neutering surgeries, vaccinations, and animal protection education and support activities. They strive to realize their mission and enhance treatment skills through veterinary training programs.


* This project is conducted under the guidance of the organization's professional staff.







Participants will stay in accommodations managed directly by local staff, sharing with foreign participants of various nationalities. The local staff are on-site to provide assistance, and 24-hour emergency contact is available for the safety of participants. In particular, participants can interact with others by staying in shared rooms.

The accommodation is located in Phnom Penh, making it convenient to explore the area on weekends. Rooms are divided by gender and shared with 2-3 roommates. Each room has its own bathroom. Meals are provided for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with breakfast usually being Western-style and lunch and dinner typically being local cuisine.

Travel between the accommodation and activity sites is generally done using tuk-tuks, a common transportation method in Cambodia. Transportation costs are expected to be around $25-35 USD per week (about a 10-15 minute distance). Sharing a tuk-tuk with other volunteers can reduce travel costs.


2-3 person rooms / Individual bathrooms in rooms / Wi-Fi provided / Kitchen available / Laundry service (1 USD / kg)

* The accommodation generally provides a fan in each room. If you are sensitive to heat, you can opt to upgrade to an air-conditioned room for an additional fee, though availability may vary depending on local conditions.



 Small tips for getting around in Cambodia
Cambodia has a weak transportation infrastructure with no developed public transit systems like city buses or subways. The main modes of transportation in Cambodia are  motorbike taxis and tuk-tuks, which are modified three-wheeled vehicles. Motorbike taxis are very unsafe. Therefore, it is recommended to use tuk-tuks for safety, even if it costs a bit more. Unlike regular taxis, tuk-tuks do not have fixed rates, and prices are negotiated with the driver each time. The typical one-way fare starts at around 2 USD, but costs can vary widely depending on distance, time of day, and number of passengers. While it may be confusing initially to navigate this unfamiliar transportation system, understanding Cambodia’s transportation infrastructure and adapting to local culture will lead to a more enjoyable experience in Cambodia!






Location:    Cambodia, Phnom Penh

The official name of Cambodia is Kingdom of Cambodia, located in Southeast Asia on the Indochina Peninsula, bordered by Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. The capital, Phnom Penh, is the economic and political center of Cambodia, where the painful past of the French colonial era and modern development coexist. The city is full of attractions such as the National Museum, Royal Palace, Floating Pavilion, and Independence Monument.


On the other hand, you can also see the struggles of Cambodians living in harsh conditions behind the rapid economic development. Due to political instability, the benefits of economic growth have not been evenly distributed. Cambodia, often referred to as a poor country, faces significant income disparity, and many locals suffer despite the rapid growth. Numerous international NGOs and aid organizations are working to rebuild Cambodian society through efforts in education, economy, agriculture, and politics.



Recommended travel destinations TOP 3





1. Adults 18 years and older in good physical health

2. People who love and want to protect animals

3. People who want to gain experience and build a career in veterinary medicine

4. People who want to volunteer with other foreign volunteers of various nationalities

5. Individuals interested in animal protection and rescue, and who are physically and mentally fit to participate in hands-on activities.

6. People interested in animal protection roles, such as animal protectors, veterinarians, animal keepers, or animal communicators


Participation Duration and Fees



 The minimum participation period for this project is at least 4 weeks.
   Participation Fee
Duration Participation Fee
4 weeks

1,670,000 won

5 weeks

1,840,000 won

6 weeks

2,030,000 won

7 weeks

2,210,000 won

8 weeks

2,390,000 won

9 weeks

2,570,000 won

10 weeks

2,760,000 won

12 weeks

3,120,000 won


* If you wish to participate for more than 12 weeks, please contact us individually (02-318-2553)

For popular projects, there may not be availability, so if you want to participate on a specific date and duration, please apply quickly .

Especially from June to September is the vacation season, so many people from all over the world are participating. If you wish to participate during this period, please apply sooner!



 Gap Year Mission Scholarship   (▶ More details)

 Payment Plan Information

If you are unable to pay in full, please make an initial payment of 500,000 won and settle the remaining amount within 2 weeks. The process to confirm your participation will begin from the date the registration fee is paid, and we will check the availability and TO. It is important to secure your spot quickly to participate on your desired date and duration! (Refunds are not possible once participation is confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the payment schedule for the remaining balance may vary depending on the situation.


 Early Bird Discount and Urgent Application Information

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date due to the normal procedures and preparation time required for Gap Year. Applications should be made no later than 2 months before. However, if you need to participate urgently, you can use the urgent application service by paying an additional fee, and we will assist you in the fastest possible processing.

* Although we will assist in speeding up the process, there is a basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation, and all procedures will be the same as for general participants. Therefore, participants using the urgent application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Applicants who apply at least 180 days before the start date can receive an Early Bird Discount.

*** The urgent application service can be applied for in the options above. For inquiries regarding the urgent application service, please contact


- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials immediately upon confirmation of participation / Additional urgent personnel placement / Support in preparing documents if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Go to Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In the case of extremely urgent applications, there may be no TO depending on local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Additionally, problems arising from participant non-cooperation are the participant's responsibility.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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