
Study at Shanghai's Top Economic University and Become a Global Economic Expert 중국 상하이 복단 대학 연수


Required Options

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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount2,475USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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"China is a country that anyone wanting to become a 'global leader' must study. It’s an essential subject."

<Stephen A. Schwarzman, CEO & Chairman of Blackstone Group>



■ Project Introduction

To understand today’s global economy and industrial trends, it’s essential to grasp the Chinese economy, which wields massive international capital. This project offers an in-depth learning experience about the Chinese economy!! Spend about two weeks studying China’s economic development at Fudan University, China’s top economic university located in Shanghai, alongside international students in a summer camp. Make your summer vacation a step ahead of global trends with this project!





1. The Best Chinese Economy Classes at China’s Top Economic University!

A unique two-week opportunity to deeply learn about the Chinese economy at Fudan University*, China’s top economic university with a history of 110 years!! Classes are taught by specialized professors who also teach at prestigious institutions like the London School of Economics and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. They will cover the past, present, and future of the Chinese market. With 22 in-depth classes on topics like China’s Global Market Strategy, China Investment Strategy, and Current Status of the Chinese Market, you will become a global trendsetter. Don’t miss this chance to learn about China’s economy from top-notch curriculum and excellent professors!


* 2016 World University Rankings: Fudan University 43rd (KAIST 46th)

※ Upon completion of this project, a certificate endorsed by the university will be issued.



2. Global Leadership Learning with Friends from World-Renowned Universities!

This project is a summer camp offered to Chinese and international students, financial professionals, and employees of global companies. All classes are conducted in English, and participants come from prestigious institutions like Ivy League universities, the London School of Economics, Peking University, and central banks from around the world. Discuss the changes in international economics and the Chinese economy in-depth with friends, and build your network through various cultural activities. This will be the starting point of becoming a global leader!



3. Seeing is Believing!! Witness the Rise of China’s Economic Development Firsthand!!

Learning economics through books?? No!! This project offers not only professional classes on the Chinese economy but also field trips to companies and cultural experiences, allowing you to directly experience how global companies entered the Chinese market and how Chinese companies expanded into the global market. Moreover, Shanghai, where this project takes place, is the center of China’s economy and global finance, so you can physically feel the stature of China’s economic development. Step outside the classroom and experience China’s economic progress firsthand!







Highly Recommended by Gap Year Planners

The project planning intentions developed and overseen by the planners


When I visited this school, the most surprising thing was the dedication of the Chinese students. Since it’s a place where top students from all over the country gather, the passion for studying is intense, and there is also a very high sense of pride in the school. If you’ve only studied the Chinese economy from textbooks until now, this summer, get inspired by not only Chinese friends but also peers from around the world and learn about the Chinese economy from diverse perspectives. You’ll gain a broader view of China!




■ Growing with the Project

 Early Stage of Project Participation

Mid Stage of Project Participation

Late Stage of Project Participation





◇ Professional insights into China’s economy and society

◇ Understanding Chinese market trends

◇ Studying with international friends and diverse social analysis methods

◇ Increased understanding of China’s economic status and cultural respect

◇ Boosted confidence and motivation to enter the global stage!

◇ Exciting stimulation from various ways of thinking and knowledge



◇ A broader perspective on China and global economic trends!

◇ Building a global network with professors and friends!

◇ Developing an openness to different cultures!










This project is a summer camp held at China’s top university. It is designed to help both Chinese and international students understand the Chinese economy. Experience the heart of China's economic development in Shanghai, and deeply study the Chinese economy alongside friends from around the world!




■ Project Activities

- Attend lectures from the world’s leading experts on the Chinese economy.

- Visit 3 Chinese companies (state-owned enterprises, international joint ventures, etc.).

- Engage in cultural activities including city tours of Shanghai, cultural exploration in Hangzhou/Suzhou, circus performances, meditation, river cruises, museum visits, and pottery making.

- Participate in classes with approximately 60 students from top universities, financial professionals, and global company employees from around 10 countries.


(Sample Classes)

1) Survival Strategies of Chinese Companies in the Global Market

2) Global Companies’ Strategies for the Chinese Market

3) International Investment in China

4) Current Status of China’s Financial Market

5) Growth of China’s Private Economy

6) Chinese Communism and Economic Growth

7) China’s Labor Market and Education

8) Imbalances and Solutions in Regional Development in China







■ Example Schedule for Week 1


Monday ~ Friday




Morning Class 1

Field Study (All Day)

Free Time




Morning Class 2


Lunch Break


Afternoon Class 1




Afternoon Class 2 / Field Study


Free Time

* The above schedule is a sample for reference. Detailed information will be provided after confirmation of participation.

* Please refer to the materials below for detailed schedule information.


■ 2024 Project Information

- Project Dates: Contact for Details

- Application Deadline: Contact for Details

* If you wish to participate in the 2024 project, please contact us separately. (Korea Gap Year | Email:  KakaoTalk: @GapYear)

* This project is held every summer. The class schedule is announced at the end of each year.

* It is recommended to arrive well before the start date to participate in this project.



English Proficiency ★★★☆☆

As all programs are conducted in English, a level of proficiency sufficient to participate in classes (presentations, discussions, lectures, etc.) is required.







Fudan University Campus


■ Fudan University: China’s Premier University with a Rich History and Prestige


This university, established in 1905, is the first Chinese university founded by Chinese nationals and is considered one of China’s top three prestigious universities. The first president was Sun Yat-sen, a key figure in China's history and a supporter of Korean independence. Today, Fudan University stands as the top liberal arts university in China and leads in fields like economics and politics. The university is divided into four campuses in Shanghai, with the School of Economics, which runs this project, located on the main campus in northern Shanghai. The area surrounding the university features extensive campus buildings and dormitories, as well as a mix of shopping and residential areas, making it very convenient for daily life. Spend a rewarding summer at this renowned institution known for its strong academic atmosphere!




Accommodation Options

The project does not include accommodation costs. If you require lodging, we can arrange for either university dormitories or hotels affiliated with the university.


■ Accommodation: Choose Between Dormitory or Hotel

You can choose between the university’s international student dormitory or affiliated hotels. All accommodations are within a 10-20 minute walk from the university. The campus area integrates residential, commercial, and central zones, making daily life convenient and providing easy access to the Shanghai city center.


- Dormitory: Offers the opportunity to live with other participants or international students from the university. It is popular for being cost-effective. (Shared room for 2 weeks: 200,000~350,000 KRW)

- Hotel: Ranges from 3-star to 5-star hotels, ideal for private accommodation. (Single room for 2 weeks: approximately 450,000~800,000 KRW)

* Availability of accommodation may vary based on current occupancy. Detailed information regarding accommodation arrangements will be provided upon confirmation of participation.




Location: Shanghai, China


■ Shanghai, China

Shanghai is China's economic capital and the largest financial center in the world after New York and London. It has evolved over nearly 200 years since it began serving as a major European trade port in the 1800s, continuing to achieve remarkable economic development to this day. In fact, there is a saying in China: "To see the future, look at Shanghai," highlighting its role as the starting point of China's economic growth. If you want to truly experience China's development, visiting Shanghai is highly recommended. Particularly, since the modernization period, Shanghai has been interacting with Europe, Japan, and Korea, resulting in a dynamic and diverse atmosphere compared to other cities in China. It is relatively clean and orderly, so enhance your perspective on China in this ever-changing place!


Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner


Participation Duration and Fees



   - The minimum participation period for this project is 12 days.

■ Participation Costs

- Participation Fee: 3,460,000 KRW  


■ Eligibility

- Anyone over 18 years old

- Someone who can attend university classes in English

- Professionals in finance or global companies

- Those interested in studying China's economy in depth

- Those who want to study China with various international participants

- Those seeking inspiration for international expansion in Shanghai



■ Gap Year Provisions

Item Details



- Orientation by the organization to kick off the project

- In-depth classes on China's economy and society (13 sessions)

- Company visits (3 times) to see China's economy firsthand

- City tours in Shanghai

- Field trips to the beautiful cities of Hangzhou and Suzhou

- Other cultural activities: museums, river cruises, calligraphy, pottery making, meditation



- Participant dispatch process: Project registration and dispatch procedures

- Orientation provided: Various information to ensure a successful gap year experience

- OT materials: Tips and information for first-time travelers

- Gap Year Notebook: A notebook to reflect on yourself during the gap year (▶ Learn More)

- Gap Year Mission Discount: (see below)




- Issuance of a completion certificate from the university

- Issuance of a participation certificate and training completion certificate from Korea Gap Year


* Certificates and recommendations from local institutions will be issued upon request after the project ends. The format and issuance of these documents may vary according to the local institution's guidelines.

* Certificates and recommendations will be issued after successfully completing the project and submitting a review.


If you calculate the Gap Year provisions based on local prices, the total is approximately 3,595,000 KRW!

However, by participating in the Gap Year Project you can save up to 345,000 KRW!


* This cost reflects the application of the Gap Year care service and a scholarship discount of up to 257,000 KRW.

* The project schedule may vary depending on local institutions and conditions (transportation, weather changes, etc.) and may be adjusted if necessary.



■ Gap Year Mission (▶ Learn More)



■ Payment by Installments

For those who cannot pay the full amount upfront, you can make a prepayment of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the prepayment, we will proceed with the process for confirming your participation and checking availability. It's important to secure your spot as soon as possible to participate on your desired dates!  (No refunds after confirmation)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining balance payment may vary.


■ Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Guidance

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for normal processing procedures and preparation. Applications should be submitted no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you have a pressing need to join the project, you can opt for the emergency application service, where additional fees will apply for expedited processing.


* While we will assist with expedited processing, there are basic time requirements for communication with local institutions and confirmation of participation. Therefore, those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korean Gap Year operations team.

** If you apply more than 180 days before the start date, you can receive an early bird discount.

*** The emergency application service can be selected from the options above. For inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and Notebook / Complete OT materials upon confirmation of participation / Additional urgent staffing / Support for necessary documents if needed

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: For ultra-urgent applications, availability may be limited depending on local conditions, and the refund policy of the Gap Year program will apply. Additionally, any issues arising from participant non-cooperation will be the participant's responsibility.


■ Excluded Items

- Round-trip airfare

- Local living expenses (accommodation, meals, transportation, etc.)

- Individual travel insurance


* Please make reservations for airfare and transportation only after confirming your participation and departure schedule.


Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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