
Sharing Love with Children with Disabilities Through My Small Talents with International Friends in Hanoi, Vietnam 베트남 하노이에서 장애 아동 봉사활동


Required Options

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  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Arrival on Wednesday


  • OTHERS :

  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,505USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety


Project Introduction



Do you have a unique, modest skill that you're proud of but don't know where to showcase?


Whether your skill is origami, coloring books, or playing traditional Korean games, it doesn't matter. As long as the activity helps children with disabilities become more independent, you can use your skills to contribute to a meaningful volunteer project. Through Korea Gap Year’s orientation, you can further develop your skills, like origami, and plan creative projects to stimulate the children's creativity.



A special reason to choose this project!


1. A reliable project selected by a hands-on planner! 
Korea Gap Year planners personally visited Vietnam, thoroughly inspecting around 200 checklists across the country. They partnered only with organizations that are likely to have a significant educational impact and life-changing experiences for participants. They met with local organization representatives, stayed in local accommodations, and interacted with volunteers from other countries, ensuring these projects are trustworthy and verified by our own planners who participated first.


2. Concerned that it might be tough due to working with disabled children? NO! You’ll receive unconditional love, especially if you’re worn out from interpersonal relationships.

When thinking of volunteering with children with disabilities, the first thought might be that it sounds challenging. Indeed, it isn't an easy task. However, through spending time with these children, you can receive a kind of unconditional love that you've never experienced before. The children's smiles, gratitude, and joy from your simple skills or basic English will provide you with immense energy, helping you recharge from the stresses of competition and social relations. As many testimonials suggest, while you go to volunteer, you'll end up receiving much more from the children in return.


3. Participate with small talents! Boost your confidence while interacting with people from around the world!  
Vietnam, once a French colony and a central location during the Vietnam War, now attracts many young volunteers from Europe. During your volunteer work, you can meet peers from Europe, share thoughts, and learn about their dreams. Don't worry if you're shy and concerned about making friends—working together on projects and living in the same accommodation will naturally lead to friendships. Through interacting with confident and expressive international friends, you'll learn to express yourself confidently and assertively, without worrying about others' opinions.



Project Activities



The children receiving education at this center in Hanoi, Vietnam are always lively, bright, and eager to learn. They are enthusiastic about participating in activities taught by teachers and volunteers. These activities help them develop creative thinking and the ability to engage in society. Using your hobbies or unique skills in volunteer work not only aids in your self-development but also greatly benefits the children.


Project Details
- The children staying at this center suffer from conditions such as Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, autism, or physical disabilities caused by Agent Orange. While their parents are at work, the children stay at the center to receive education for self-reliance. Volunteers help care for the children's daily needs and engage them in play activities.
- During class time, volunteers help conduct lessons to enhance the children's basic cognitive abilities. The project includes activities like addition and subtraction, color matching, counting numbers, drawing, writing poems, using computers, yoga, and ball games.
Volunteers can tailor the project based on their own unique skills to create activities that help the children develop skills for independence. Any project that helps the children prepare for life in society is welcome, and volunteers can use their special skills to give the children a unique experience.

When applying, please share your plan for educational activities that leverage your unique skills. Even simple hobbies can be developed into activities that aid in the children's cognitive and physical development, making them viable projects.

Departure and On-site Orientation Information
- On-site Orientation and Pre-Departure Training
Before participating in this project, on-site orientation and pre-departure training will be conducted. Please purchase your flight ticket to arrive on a Wednesday to attend the orientation.
- Schedule
Wednesday Thursday & Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
Arrival Orientation & Pre-Training Local Exploration Rest Start Volunteering

 - Detailed information will be provided during the online orientation.

* Please note that around Lunar New Year (Tet) in Vietnam, which lasts for about a week starting from the 1st day of the lunar calendar, the project schedule may need to be adjusted according to local conditions.


  This project is conducted in English.
English Proficiency ★★☆☆☆
Since the main activity is caring for young children, a high level of English is not required. However, basic communication skills are needed as English is the common language used among local staff and international volunteers. Initially, new communication may feel awkward, but with an active attitude, you can engage in the project more quickly and enjoyably. Communicate actively with staff and friends to build confidence in your English!
Participants will arrive at 'Noi Bai International Airport' in Hanoi, Vietnam. The project location is approximately 40 minutes by car from the airport. Upon arrival at ‘Noi Bai International Airport’, participants will be picked up by a local representative and transported to their accommodation via the organization's vehicle.

- The pick-up method may change depending on local circumstances.










" I Learned to Love Myself "

When you get lost, just let it be, and if they care about you, they will find the way back. After my gap year, I often thought, "I like myself." And as much as I loved myself, I came to love those around me.


" A Time to Discover Myself "

Before taking a gap year, I vaguely thought "I want to do this work." But after experiencing and learning how things work in an NGO, I became clearer about my career and who I am. Most importantly, I felt comfortable. In Korea, I felt a lot of stress and pressure from my parents' expectations and practical matters. However, since the gap year was my own time, I was incredibly happy for the entire six months.


" The Most Valuable Year of My Life "

Through this experience, I rediscovered my interests and aptitudes, which I had forgotten while cramming for major exams and earning credits. I didn't want to major in nursing anymore and chose a gap year to leave school. During my gap year, I enjoyed interacting with people, volunteering, and helping others. I realized, "This is it."


* For more detailed reviews from participants, visit Gap Year Stories (Click).

* More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project page under "Participant Reviews".



Institution Introduction




Founded in the summer of 2001, this organization is a center for children with physical and mental disabilities. Currently, around 50 children are being educated at the center, ranging in age from 2 to 22 years old.
The ultimate goal of this organization is to help the children become independent and integrate into society. Through physical activities and basic education, the center aims to equip disabled children with the skills they need to find their role in the community without relying on their families or the center. As a result, about one-third of the children who have been at the center are now attending school or working, successfully taking on their roles in society.




Accommodation Introduction


The accommodation for volunteers is operated directly by the local organization running the project. It is a shared space where volunteers from various nationalities stay together, and since it is located along with the office space, you can always get help from local coordinators whenever needed. The accommodation is located about 1 hour away by bus from the volunteer work site. The local organization covers the transportation costs between the accommodation and the project site, allowing volunteers to travel together and making the commute more enjoyable.


The accommodation is located in a quiet and serene neighborhood. Nearby, there are cafes where you can enjoy rich and sweet Vietnamese coffee, as well as shops that sell simple snacks, making it a great place to relax and enjoy personal time after a day of activities.
4, 6-bed dormitory (bunk beds) / Shared bathrooms / Meals provided / WIFI available in common areas




Location Introduction


Location: Hanoi, Vietnam



Spending time in Vietnam, a country with a history similar to ours, can sometimes feel like stepping back in time. Just as our country achieved remarkable growth despite the scars of war, Vietnam has also seen consistent economic growth since its own conflict, and there are still many people in need of help.

Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is a place where many historical relics remain, and where European culture is interwoven due to French colonial influence. The local eateries selling pho, the women wearing traditional Vietnamese hats selling tropical fruits, and the street-side cafes serving Vietnamese coffee—these are just a few iconic scenes that represent Hanoi. However, what often leaves the deepest impression is the local people. The streets, bustling with a mix of motorbikes, cars, and pedestrians, may seem chaotic, but there is an underlying order maintained by the genuine and simple nature of the residents.



Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


   - The minimum participation period for this project is 4 weeks or more. 

<Participation Costs>

4 weeks - 2,100,000 KRW

6 weeks - 2,490,000 KRW

8 weeks - 2,890,000 KRW

10 weeks - 3,280,000 KRW

12 weeks - 3,680,000 KRW

   * For popular projects, availability may be limited, so we recommend applying early to secure your spot. 


 - Anyone 18 years or older

- Those who want to share love with disabled children

- Anyone who wants to use their hobbies and small talents in volunteering

- Anyone who wants to volunteer while living with friends from various countries

- Anyone looking to gain experience in social work

Item Details


and Meals

Accommodation provided during the project period / Facilities include TV, Wi-Fi, washing machine, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave, gas stove, toaster, oven / Breakfast (toast, jam, etc.) / Vietnamese lunch and dinner provided / Transportation from project site to accommodation / Personal lockers / Daily necessities like tissues, napkins, detergents, etc.



Project implementation and training / Local orientation (culture, transport, accommodation rules, education on Vietnam and the project) / City tour (minimum entry fee support for three places) / Participation in cultural exchange nights, various activities, festivals (support for Korean cultural exchange nights) / Local manager assigned / Airport-accommodation pickup service / Safety equipment (fire extinguisher, first aid kit)

Gap Year


Gap Year mission scholarship up to 257,000 KRW / Online orientation / Gap Year planner's know-how OT materials / Continuous consultation and care until the end of the project / Project registration and participant dispatch procedures / Overseas remittance fee (about 65,000 KRW)


and Recommendations

Volunteer certificate from local institution / NGO recommendation letter / Korea Gap Year participation certificate / Korea Gap Year volunteer completion certificate



Visa support


For 4 weeks: 3,374,000 KRW   >>  All of this for just 2,100,000 KRW

                └ This cost is an estimate based on local prices for the project, calculated for a 4-week period.





Gap Year Mission Scholarship!

Cash provided immediately after project completion!

       Up to 257,000 KRW refund!  (Click here for details ▶)




* If you are unable to pay the full amount upfront, please make a deposit of 500,000 KRW. The remaining balance should be paid within 2 weeks. The process for confirming your participation in the project will start from the date of the deposit, and we will check the availability and TO (Turnover). Early booking is crucial to secure your desired date and duration! (No refunds after confirmation)


* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for paying the remaining balance may vary depending on the situation.


* Participants in volunteer activities/internships in Vietnam will need to obtain a relevant visa, which incurs an additional fee.
Since obtaining the visa takes at least 1 month, we recommend applying for the project at least 6 weeks in advance.

Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information
We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date due to the normal processing procedures and preparation time. The principle is to apply no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you have unavoidable reasons or need to participate urgently, you can use the emergency application service by paying an additional fee, and we will assist you with the fastest processing possible.
* Although we strive to assist with the fastest processing, there is a basic amount of time required for communication with local agencies and confirming participation. Therefore, those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operations team.
** Those who apply 180 days or more before the start date can receive the Early Bird Discount.
*** The emergency application service is available through the options above. For inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact


- Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and notes / Full provision of OT materials upon confirmation / Emergency personnel additional placement / Support for document preparation if needed, etc.

* If you have trouble calculating dates, please refer to Naver's date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In the case of ultra-emergency applications, there may be no TO available depending on local circumstances, and procedures will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Additionally, any issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation will be the participant's responsibility.
Excluded Items

 - Round-trip airfare

 - Individual travel insurance

 - Other local expenses

 - Visa issuance fee (document preparation fee)

* Please book flights and transportation after receiving the final confirmation of your project participation and departure schedule.  


Estimated Costs

(Based on 1 week)

Item Details and Remarks Amount Category
Round-trip airfare (including TAX) Varies by flight Estimated at 350,000~1,300,000 KRW Excluded Items
Visa issuance fee - Estimated at 80,000 KRW
Individual travel insurance Varies by insurance provider / duration Estimated at 10,000 KRW
Airport usage fee - -
Local stay expenses - -

* Airfare may vary depending on the flight.

* Local stay expenses are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant's preferences.


Reference (Estimated Local Prices)

Accommodation Per night Meals Per meal
Guesthouse Estimated at 10,000 KRW Local meal Estimated at 3,000 KRW
Hotel Estimated at 30,000 KRW Restaurant Estimated at 5,000 KRW

* Estimated local prices are based on average standards and may vary depending on the participant's preferences.


A truly special benefit that you can't afford to miss!

1. Up to 257,000 KRW Scholarship for the "Gap Year Mission"



2. "Overseas Experience Certificate" as Proof of Gap Year Participation




While participating in the project is not a requirement for receiving a Gap Year Certificate, getting one at the end of a successful project can be quite satisfying! This certificate, which serves as proof of your activities, can be used anywhere that requires verification of your experience or qualifications. In this project, a certificate proving your experience will be issued by a local institution, adding credibility to your career.



3. Create Your Own Portfolio Through Media Appearances and Press Interviews




As the concept of a gap year becomes more significant for people in their 20s and 30s in our country, those who have completed a gap year may receive interview requests from media such as TV, newspapers, and magazines. Your gap year experiences and post-gap year reviews might even lead to features on major platforms like Naver or invitations for lectures. Based on your gap year experience and these opportunities, many have successfully secured their desired jobs and professions! If you wish, various media appearances and press interviews await you, making the post-gap year experience quite exciting! :)


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Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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