
Growing Together with Children: English Education Volunteering in Jaipur, India 인도 자이푸르에서 영어 교육 봉사


Required Options

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  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start



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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,160USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Safety


Project Introduction




Live and Learn with Children in the Beautiful Pink City, Jaipur, and Experience Global Citizenship Education!

This is an 'English Education Volunteering' project providing educational opportunities to children in impoverished areas of India. Share your talents, enhance your skills, and learn about your role and pride as a global citizen through direct interaction with local children!



 Isn't English widely spoken in India? Why is English volunteering needed?

In Jaipur, India, the children's native language is primarily Hindi. They start learning English when they enter school. However, public schools in poor areas often have more students than teachers can manage, and children frequently miss classes to help their parents work. As a country where English is a second language, proficiency in English is crucial for employment and social life. Without proper English education, poverty can perpetuate. Therefore, sharing your skills with these children is like giving them dreams and hope.



1. World Citizenship Education Directly from Developing Country Education Settings!

Through this project, you will take on the role of a global citizen and directly engage in the field of international development. India, despite rapid economic growth, has a significant wealth gap across different social strata. Education is a key tool in reducing this gap, providing a stepping stone for children in impoverished areas. Share your talents here and gain firsthand experience in international development. You'll learn both the pride of being a global citizen and the practicalities of development work!



2. Experience the Dream of Backpackers: Meet India!

India, with its unique culture and vibrant sensitivity, is a dream destination for backpackers. It's known that Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, gained various inspirations during his 7-month journey in India in his twenties. The rich history and vibrant colors of Indian culture bring new sensations to us. This project offers you the chance to meet diverse Indian people and deeply understand their culture. Experience unique sensations in India that you've never felt before!



3. Build Confidence in English!

A chance to use the English you've learned over 12 years! This project involves teaching English in an English-speaking environment. You will quickly improve your conversational English skills by living and working with other volunteers and teachers. Don't worry too much about how to say things; the people around you are there to help. Take this opportunity to boost your English conversation skills!






Project Activities






Project Goals

- Guide children to improve their basic academic skills and develop an interest in learning.

- Help children realize their goals and dreams.


Expected Outcomes

- Enhance skills such as leadership, communication, and sociability through educational volunteering.

- Expand perspectives on international development by experiencing the educational environment in developing countries.

- Experience global culture directly and indirectly through interactions with fellow volunteers, teachers, and children.

- Build 'confidence' in sharing love and genuine feelings in interpersonal relationships through bonding with children.





* Language Used  : English ★★☆☆☆

- You must know English sentences and be able to teach English in English.

- While high-level English education is not provided, participants must be able to lead classes and communicate with local staff in English.

* Depending on the participant's capabilities and local circumstances, project locations and details may be adjusted after discussion with the local institution's representative.


Project Details

- Activities are conducted for 4 to 8 hours a day, 5 days a week (Monday to Friday).

- The age group for education may vary depending on the participant's English level, generally ranging from 5 to 18 years old.

- Depending on the children's schedule, participants can assist in English classes as well as in activities such as math, art, physical education, games, drawing, singing, hygiene education, and reading education. They may also help with homework.


* Since this project takes place in Indian schools, there will be no classes from May 30 to June 30 and December 25 to December 31 due to holidays. During this period, volunteers will visit orphanages and educational institutions in need of educational support.



 Daily Schedule (Weekdays)





 Wake up and prepare for the day






 Morning Volunteering






 Afternoon Volunteering



 Return Home and Rest



 Tea Time

Assignments, individual travel, etc. can be done


 Cultural Activities (Optional) *



 Dinner and Free Time

Assignments, individual travel, etc. can be done


 Lights Out



* Weekends are for rest. Use the weekends for travel, assignments, personal projects, and other activities!

* Tea Time is an opportunity to chat freely with other volunteers about life in India, volunteer activities, and any other topics you like.

  Since participation is voluntary, use this time to make friends from different countries!

* Cultural activities such as traditional workshops (yoga, cooking, traditional dance, Hindi, etc.) are available upon request and are optional. (Additional fees may apply)

* If you do not participate in cultural activities, you will have free time. Some workshops may be offered for free as a trial, depending on local circumstances.



 What to Bring

- An open mind and attitude to enjoy diverse cultures and environments!

- Fun ideas for interacting with children!

- Think in advance about how to make English teaching enjoyable!





 Assignments and Evaluation

- This project is evaluated as A+ / B / F.


To receive an A+, you must attend at least 80% of the project and submit a Gap Year review after completion!

Gap Year certificates for overseas activities will be issued to those who complete the project with an A+.


If you attend at least 80% of the project but do not complete the requirements, you will receive a B.

In this case, a Gap Year certificate for overseas activities will not be issued.


If you attend less than 80% of the on-site learning or withdraw from the project, you will receive an F, which is considered as not having completed the project.

- Gap Year missions are given as assignments. Although these assignments do not affect the evaluation, scholarships are awarded upon completion of the assignments. 

[LKH059] A Miracle Time that Changes Me: Gap Year Mission



Orientation Information

- This project starts every Saturday and ends on Friday.

- Before participating in this project, local orientation and pre-training for volunteer activities will be conducted. Please arrive in Jaipur by the Saturday before the orientation.





Tuesday - Friday

Saturday - Sunday

Arrival (Pickup)


Project Tour




Additional Cultural Activities
There are additional cultural activities available as options.   Experience activities that you can only do in Jaipur.
Make your gap year even more enjoyable! ▶ You can add these options when applying.
(Yoga workshop, Hindi workshop, Henna workshop, Traditional Indian clothing experience, Indian traditional food cooking workshop, Visit local temples to learn about Hinduism)

* Jaipur city tour and sightseeing (including entrance tickets) can also be applied for individually.





At first, I went to India under the name of volunteering.   However, after 4 weeks, I realized that I had not gone to volunteer but had come back having received so much.   I realized that I had been wasting too much and not being satisfied with what I had. Just as I lived in India, I started thinking that living with contentment and gratitude for what is given, and using what is given efficiently, is also a good way to live, and I am trying to practice this in my daily life.

 Read participant reviews of the Jaipur project (click)  



* Detailed reviews from participants can be found on Gap Year Stories (click).

* More participant reviews can be found at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews".




   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents     Local Volunteer Accommodation
    Round-Trip Pickup Service     Three Local Meals Per Day    Project Progress and Training    Project Material Costs
  Beverages (Coffee, Tea)    Support at Activity Locations    


Not Included

- Round-trip airfare and visa issuance fees

- Individual travel insurance and vaccination costs

- Other local expenses

- Transportation costs to project locations


Institution Introduction




This is a school established for children who cannot attend due to economic reasons. The school believes that providing 'education without discrimination' to all children, regardless of caste, wealth disparity, or gender, is the cornerstone to changing society. Currently, the school offers basic education to about 200 children aged 3 to 18, with a strong focus on basic English education to help students transition smoothly into society. As a result, even children who initially struggled with English are gradually learning to express themselves in the language.

Share your experiences and knowledge to open up a new world for these children!





Accommodation Introduction



Up to 4-person rooms / Bedding / Wi-Fi provided / Shared kitchen and washing machine available / Separate male and female accommodations  / Air conditioning in the accommodation / 24-hour security

Participants will live with volunteers from various nationalities in accommodations managed and operated by a local organization. The volunteer accommodation is apartment-style, capable of housing up to 60 volunteers, with an average of 2 to a maximum of 4 volunteers per room. Each room is equipped with air conditioning, a bathroom, and a shower, and both hot and cold water are readily available.
There is a state-of-the-art lounge area where volunteers can relax or enjoy their leisure time together after the day's activities.
Meals include local and Western-style breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the project period. The accommodation includes kitchen facilities with a refrigerator and a washing machine.




Location Introduction


Location:   Jaipur, India


India, a country rich in history and culture! As the 7th largest country in the world, it is rapidly developing through its abundant resources and large domestic market. Jaipur, often visited by travelers to India, is the country's first planned city. Since the 18th century, streets, roads, houses, and major buildings have been constructed in a grid pattern, ensuring the safety and convenience of residents even amid many changes.


Jaipur is well known as the "Pink City" due to its buildings being painted in pink. The city maintains this tradition through a law that mandates the uniformity of building exteriors, creating a harmonious blend of pink and the vibrant colors unique to India. Despite India's rapid economic growth, corruption and income disparity have left its social infrastructure quite inadequate. Therefore, in Jaipur, various organizations, including government bodies, private organizations, and international NGOs, are working to address social issues.


 Safety Tips from the Planner

This project is directly operated and managed by a local NGO. Therefore, the organization will accompany you throughout your stay in Jaipur, from arrival to departure. In case of emergencies or difficulties, the staff will be there to assist you. The accommodation is also managed 24/7 to ensure safety. However, avoid taking unnecessary risks! Different cultures and lifestyles abroad mean that excessive individual behavior can make you a target for crime. Please adhere to basic rules such as not harming locals, avoiding risky behavior, and not wandering alone late at night!



Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner


- Anyone aged 18 and over

- Anyone who loves children

- Anyone who wants to engage in meaningful volunteer work

- Anyone interested in experiencing the educational field in another country through teaching

- Anyone passionate about or wanting to gain experience in English education, child welfare, or early childhood education

- Anyone who wants to volunteer alongside friends from various nationalities


Who would the planner recommend this project to?

I highly recommend it to backpackers coming to Jaipur! Jaipur is a must-visit for anyone traveling to India by backpack. Why not enrich your backpacking experience by immersing yourself in the local culture, which you might otherwise just pass by, while participating in this project?




Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


The minimum participation period for this project is 2 weeks.


Project Fees

- 2 weeks: 1,620,000 KRW

- 4 weeks: 1,950,000 KRW

- 6 weeks: 2,280,000 KRW

- 8 weeks: 2,610,000 KRW

- 10 weeks: 2,940,000 KRW

- 12 weeks: 3,270,000 KRW

* For other durations, please inquire individually. Email:


+ Additional Cultural Activities (Optional) : 150,000 KRW *Please add this option when applying


 Payment in Installments

If you are unable to pay in full, you can make an initial deposit of 500,000 KRW and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. The process for confirming your participation in the project will then proceed based on the date of your initial deposit, and availability and TO (total openings) will be checked. To secure your desired date and duration, it is important to act quickly! (No refunds once participation is confirmed)

* We assist with expedited procedures as quickly as possible, but there are basic time requirements for communication with local agencies and finalizing participation. All procedures are conducted in the same manner as for regular participants, so those using the emergency application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operating team.

** If you apply at least 180 days before the start date, you can receive an early bird discount.

*** The emergency application service can be applied for in the options above. For inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / Full provision of OT materials immediately upon confirmation / Additional urgent staff allocation / Support for necessary documentation, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please use the Naver date calculator >> Go to Naver Date Calculator

**Note: For ultra-emergency applications, there may be no availability (TO) depending on local circumstances, and procedures will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Additionally, issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation are the participant's responsibility.



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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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