
Stress-Free English Learning in Cebu, Philippines: Enjoying Every Moment!

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Required Options

  • Select Duration :

  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday


  • A Type :

  • B Type :

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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,430USD
Asia/Philippines/Cebu City
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety


Project Introduction




Studying English from elementary, middle, and high school through university and even after entering the workforce! However, due to exam-oriented English education, many of us find ourselves unable to greet foreigners properly when we meet them. That's our reality. You have so many things you want to do—like overseas internships, volunteering abroad, backpacking trips, making foreign friends—but you hesitate due to the barrier of English. This project is a practical conversational-focused language study program in the Philippines that will turn your hesitation into excitement. To improve your conversational skills, naturally, spending ample time speaking in English is undoubtedly the best approach, right? Try using English on various topics in a Philippine language school with fewer Koreans and many one-on-one lessons!





1. Can It Get Any Safer Than This?!

Local language schools are selected based on prioritizing participants' educational effectiveness and safety. The organizer personally visited the Philippines to inspect various language schools, meticulously reviewing about 200 criteria including instructors, curriculum, facilities, and more. Furthermore, rigorous management of local institutions is ensured through regular monitoring and ongoing consumer satisfaction surveys. Dormitories where participants stay during the project are located within the language school campus, ensuring a safe living environment. With GapYear, you can study English in the Philippines with peace of mind.



2. Boost Your Study Abroad Experience with Diverse Nationalities - Double the Satisfaction!

To learn English, you've invested time and money to travel abroad, so what if everyone you meet there is Korean? Typically, when you attend a language school in the Philippines, you're likely to meet many Koreans to the point where it might be confusing whether you're in Korea or abroad. However, institutions where projects are conducted ensure an environment where you can use English in daily life alongside students from various nationalities, so you can set aside such concerns! If you're determined, you can definitely enhance your English skills in the Philippines.

Unlike other regions, language courses in the Philippines focus primarily on 1:1 conversation lessons, making them ideal for Koreans who are strong in vocabulary, grammar, and reading but weaker in speaking. Moreover, living in dormitories with international friends allows you to naturally practice the English you learn in everyday situations. Why not take this opportunity to fully experience the effectiveness of language study abroad?





3. Study in the Philippines and Move Beyond Beginner English

Studying abroad in the Philippines can greatly boost your confidence in English! Even those who know nothing about English can converse in the language after participating. Why is that? It's because individual student management is meticulously carried out, ensuring that even those who lack confidence in successfully completing a language course alone can experience a worthwhile study abroad. Whether you struggle with self-management, irregular lifestyles, or laziness, once you go, your English skills will improve! Through class time and leisure activities with friends, you'll visibly see your conversational skills improving, highlighting the effectiveness of the learning process. It's highly recommended for those who want to confidently converse in basic English.


Note: When you first arrive in the Philippines, you might feel overwhelmed by the rigorous curriculum. Focused during classes for the first week, and you'll quickly adapt. Soon enough, you'll have fun studying English with friends!


Location Strength Weakness

- The language study costs are lower compared to other cities.

- You can focus solely on studying English

- The cost of living is relatively affordable 


- Undeveloped area within the Philippines

- Becomes boring after adapting for 2-3 weeks

- Difficult to enjoy affordable water activities

- Located 5 hours away from the airport and lacks good language school facilities


- Manila, the capital of the Philippines, offers a wide range of attractions.

- It's a place where many prestigious universities in the Philippines are concentrated.

- You can see high-rise buildings of 10 floors or more


- Area in the Philippines with frequent incidents

- Heavy traffic congestion and prevalent pickpocketing

- Developed shopping and nightlife scenes making it easy to fall into temptation

Cebu - The safest area within the Philippines

- Plenty of modern resort-style buildings, language schools with amenities like swimming pools and gyms

- Affordable water activities

- Higher proportion of foreigners compared to other areas

- As a globally renowned resort destination, it's easy to neglect studies.

- There's a risk of overspending due to numerous attractions.

- The weather tends to be hot.


Here's why Gap Year recommends Cebu for language study in the Philippines!

Gap Year differs from traditional language schools by aiming not only to improve participants' English proficiency but also to enhance their self-esteem, confidence, and other personal qualities. We have visited the Philippines numerous times to find places that prioritize safety, offer comprehensive language school curricula, and provide various recreational activities. Based on our extensive review, we have selected and recommend places where students can experience significant growth and transformation.


The planner recommends it!

Here is the project plan developed and overseen by the planner.


This project is designed to instill confidence in individuals who want to overcome their English challenges.  If you've been frustrated by your English skills not improving despite your desire to engage in cultural exchange and conversations with diverse foreigners, join this project!


In the Philippines, one of the greatest advantages of language schools is their 1:1 conversation classes, which can rapidly enhance your English skills. Actively participating in these classes can quickly build your confidence in English. With affordable living costs and a wide range of recreational activities, I highly recommend Cebu, Philippines, for those looking to have a short but enjoyable time learning English!


Grow With The Program

After 4 weeks After 8 weeks After 12 weeks

◇ Getting familiar with English expressions through 1:1 conversation classes.

◇ Enjoying various activities to form relationships with new people.

◇ Developing an interest in English

◇ Taking a break from everyday life

◇ Increased confidence through improving English proficiency.

◇ Forming a broad perspective through interaction with foreign friends.

◇ Experiencing a relaxed life and self-reflection.




Improving English skills through one-on-one focused lessons!

The biggest feature of language schools in the Philippines is their emphasis on one-on-one lessons compared to other countries like the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia, where one-on-one lessons are practically impossible. Even if you have to pay more than four times the cost of studying in the Philippines, you would have to settle for participating in group classes with at least 15 people. To improve your English skills in a short period, we recommend starting your studies in the Philippines. For students starting English from scratch or wanting to learn from the basics, this is an ideal opportunity. You can also take advantage of your free time to get a scuba diving certification or go backpacking. In the Philippines, through one-on-one lessons, you can build a solid foundation and then enhance your practical conversational skills in other English-speaking countries!




 Project Details

You can choose between two types of language study programs according to your own learning style.


1) Type A: Type to Complement Areas of Deficiency Through One-on-One Lessons and Improve English Proficiency

You can enjoy studying and improving your skills in a balanced class by harmoniously combining 1:1 lessons and small group sessions.

In small group classes, you can interact with international friends while studying English, and you can supplement areas where you are lacking through one-on-one lessons. Therefore, this course is suitable for anyone, from beginners to advanced learners, looking to enhance their existing English skills.


🙆🏻‍♂️Participants recommended by the planner

>> Recommended for those who  want to build a solid foundation while enjoying learning English

I recommend it to those who want to effectively learn English by mastering speaking, reading, writing, and listening thoroughly and enjoying it while building a solid foundation in English. Fill in your weak areas through one-on-one lessons, and in small group classes, choose subjects that suit you to learn English joyfully with international friends!


Type A Lesson Structure:

- 4 hours of 1:1 lessons: Conversation skills, listening, reading & vocabulary, writing & grammar
- 3 hours of small group lessons (up to 4 people): Grammar, pronunciation & conversation skills, multimedia, debate, survival English
- 1 hour of group lessons (up to 8 people): Grammar, pronunciation & conversation skills, debate
- 2 hours of self-study: Time to review the learned material




2)  Type B: Type to Focus While Receiving One-on-One Tutoring

There are 6 hours of 1:1 lessons conducted daily, offering more personalized instruction than Type A. This course focuses on customized learning, allowing for effective and rapid skill improvement. It is recommended for those who wish to concentrate intensively on one-on-one lessons for shorter periods to enhance their skills.


🙆🏻‍♂️Participants recommended by the planner

>> Someone who wants to improve their conversational skills in the short-term

1:1 classes allow you to have continuous conversations with the teacher, enabling you to speak much more than in group classes.  Furthermore, it helps to address questions or areas for improvement promptly, which aids in improving conversational skills in a short period. For those looking to increase their English proficiency quickly and intensively, we recommend Option B!


* If you prefer to build your skills step by step from the basics, we recommend starting with Type A :)


Type B Lesson Structure:

- 6 hours of 1:1 lessons: Conversation skills, listening, reading & vocabulary, writing & grammar
- 1 hour of small group lessons (up to 4 people): Grammar, pronunciation & conversation skills, multimedia, debate, survival English
- 1 hour of group lessons (up to 8 people): Grammar, pronunciation & conversation skills, debate
- 2 hours of self-study: Time to review the learned material


* Daily Schedule



7:00 - 7:50


8:00 - 8:45

1st Period

1:1 Lesson

8:50 - 9:35

2nd Period

1:1 Lesson

9:40 - 10:25

3rd Period


10:30 - 11:15

4th Period

Group Lesson (1:4)

11:20 - 12:05

5th Period

Group Lesson (1:4)

12:05 - 13:05

Lunch Break

13:05 - 13:50

6th Period

1:1 Lesson

13:55 - 14:40

7th Period

1:1 Lesson

14:45 - 15:30

8th Period


15:35 - 16:20

9th Period

Group Lesson (1:4)

16:25 - 17:10

10th Period

Group Lesson (1:8)

17:10 - 18:00

11th Period

Free Time

18:00 - 18:50


* Typically, outings are possible after the 11th period, but this may vary depending on the assigned dormitory placement.


- This schedule is a general sample timetable provided for clarity.

- Detailed schedules, group class sizes, and meal/free times may vary based on level, curriculum, and local conditions.

- Classes are conducted in 45-minute sessions with 5-minute breaks between classes.


- Level Placement Test: On the first day of classes, a level test will be administered to assess English proficiency and focus on areas of weakness.

- Mid-term Assessment: Monthly assessments, similar to the level test format (usually on Fridays), will be conducted to monitor progress.

- There are a total of 8 levels, and based on the level test results, students will be placed in appropriate classes.

* Class schedules can be adjusted flexibly according to individual needs. For specific preferences, please inquire in advance.




- After classes on the last Friday morning of each month, activities such as Christmas parties, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Zumba dance, and other on-campus activities or off-campus tours, volunteer activities, city tours, etc., are organized.

- During free time outside of classes, you are free to go out. Use this time to naturally engage in various activities such as dining out, traveling, volunteering, and participating in activities with friends from different countries, all while using English!

* Additional charges may apply depending on the activity, and availability may vary based on school schedules, local conditions, and health regulations.




Linked Program


Experience Linked Language Study in Two Countries

Linked language study involves studying in one or more countries to achieve maximum effectiveness at minimal cost, considering expenses and duration. Typically, participants complete short-term language courses in countries like the Philippines, known for lower costs, before moving on to English-speaking countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, or the United Kingdom to experience the culture firsthand and enhance their advanced English skills. Enjoy cost-effective language study benefits through a linked program in two countries and explore diverse cultures and lifestyles!


  Language study, TIP!

"Where would be a good country to study English?"


The improvement in English proficiency during language study abroad depends on how well the class format, local environment, and native culture suit you.

Research the specific characteristics of language programs in each country :)



U.K - Learning authentic British English relatively affordably with friends from other European countries!

Good educational environment and systematic English education! I recommend it for those who want to learn authentic English in their home country. The proportion of Koreans is deficient, with most students coming from Europe and South America, so you can study English while traveling in Europe and making European friends. Language courses in London are relatively affordable and very popular. However, note that during peak season (Europe's vacation period) from June to September, classes can be crowded with more than 20 students per class, so keep this in mind when applying! + Learn more

Philippines - 1-on-1 English education tailored to your level, from basic to advanced!

The biggest appeal is that both education and living costs are affordable! You can primarily study English through one-on-one sessions and a comprehensive schedule tailored to your English proficiency level. This makes it ideal for those who want to build a strong foundation in English from the basics. Moreover, being a resort destination, it's perfect for leisure trips as well. You can study in clean and excellent facilities and stay safely under the thorough management of language schools. It's a place to enjoy learning English and meet friends from various nationalities like Japan, Taiwan, and more.

Australia - Perfect for those who want to learn English while doing a working holiday!

Australia is an excellent choice for learning English through a working holiday, allowing you to save on language study costs while working. Australian language schools are top-rated and government-accredited, offering systematic lessons with excellent teachers. The schools enforce strict English-only policies, ensuring effective language learning even in a short period. Moreover, Australia's unique natural environment offers various activities. Compared to other language schools in Australia with higher proportions of Korean students, the ratio is strictly controlled here, allowing you to meet friends from diverse nationalities such as Argentina, Japan, and more.+ Learn more


Canada - Master traditional North American English in a safe environment

Canada is well-known for its early development in language education and offers systematic English instruction. Additionally, it provides a safe and clean natural environment, with high standards of living such as healthcare and human rights, making it satisfying to live there. Particularly advantageous is the ability to undertake short-term courses of up to six months without a visa, making Canada an ideal choice if you need to start language studies immediately. Compared to other language schools in Canada with higher proportions of Korean students, this institution strictly limits the number of Korean students, allowing you to meet friends from diverse nationalities such as those from South America, Japan, and China. + Learn more



Using practical English through various project collaborations

Participating in projects where English is essential after language studies provides significant motivation and opportunities for improvement. Many gap year projects involve participants from around the world, allowing you to naturally enhance your conversational skills while living and interacting with friends from various countries. Engaging in internships, volunteering, travel, and educational projects after language studies not only sustains your motivation gained during language immersion but also allows you to apply and further develop your honed conversational abilities in real-life scenarios.

* Participation in linked projects is optional. For more information, please contact Korea Gap Year (


Example of a linked project

After participating in a specific language immersion program, Gap Year participant Kim Jeong-eun joined a volunteer project to build a village in Chiang Rai, Thailand



 * Among the contents of the video  (6:03~6:41)

 "I was able to gain more confidence by trying out various experiments in Thailand after learning in the Philippines."











This project was necessary not for improving my TOEIC or TOEFL scores, but simply to have a period of time called 'gap year' in order to gain a broader perspective. As a result, I was able to study at my own pace properly. There was no need for comparison with others. - By Baek Seung-Yeop


In the Philippines, I was able to stay overnight with friends my age, discussing and playfully joking about our English language studies. We also had the opportunity to travel together. Life at the language school was incredibly dynamic and enjoyable. Like a child, I laughed and played, filling the voids within me. - By Kim Hyo-Jeong


Through this project, I gained a lot of confidence in English and formed bonds with foreign friends that I wouldn't have encountered if I had been in Korea. I want to maintain these relationships and keep them strong in the future. - By Woo Byeong-Yoon


After digesting classes from Monday to Friday, the sense of achievement I felt over the weekends was truly immense. Moreover, chatting with foreign friends in English, despite not knowing the language before, made me realize, "I can do this too." Most of all, what I found most enjoyable was the one-on-one time. - By Kim Chae-Hyun





* Detailed reviews from participants can be found on GapYear Story (click).

* More participant reviews are available at the bottom of the project under "Participant Reviews."





Details of support

   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket    Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents   Dormitories within the Language School (1, 2, 4-person rooms to choose from)
  Three Meals a Day   1:1 English classes   Group English Classes  Various On-Campus and Off-Campus Activities
  On-site Dedicated Korean Manager  Laundry Service

 Shared Facilities

         (Gym, lounge, convenient store, etc.)

  Monthly Level Tests
School - Dormitory Shuttle Bus


* Additional charges may apply depending on the activities for various on-campus and off-campus activities.




Not included

- Round-trip airfare 

- Philippine visa extension fee

- Individual traveler's insurance fee

- Local airport pickup fee

- Other local living expenses (SSP issuance fee, dormitory deposit, electricity bill, I-CARD, ID CARD, water bill, visa extension fee, textbook fee, etc.)



Institution Introduction




Word from the Local Institution Representative


Hello everyone! Discover the joy of learning English at our school located in the safe and scenic AS Fortuna area in Cebu. 

By participating in this project, you can enjoy one-on-one English lessons with teachers in clean and convenient facilities. On weekends, you can join multinational friends for marine sports in the clear blue sea.

Our school offers various courses including conversation-focused classes, IELTS, TOEIC preparation, TESOL, English interviews for airline flight attendants, and business English. These courses cater to those who wish to deepen their English skills in their desired fields.

Furthermore, we provide a variety of services such as buffet-style meals, cleaning, laundry, weekend activities, volunteer opportunities, and festive celebrations like Halloween and Christmas parties. Our goal is to enhance your English proficiency in a short period while also providing opportunities to engage in activities you may not have experienced before, all while interacting with friends and teachers in English.

Join us to achieve both the English skills you desire and new experiences. Don't hesitate!

Thank you.



Accommodation Introduction

The accommodation is a dormitory operated directly by a local institution, where students from various nationalities live together. There are security staff within the building ensuring safe management, and students can receive assistance when needed. Outside the dormitory, there are benches and common areas where students can spend time with friends or relax. Additionally, it is located downtown, which provides easy access to facilities such as large supermarkets, shopping malls, cafes, and restaurants.
Classes take place at a school located approximately 10 to 15 minutes away by shuttle bus. The school offers conveniences such as a convenience store, laundry facilities, and a gym. For self-study time, there are study rooms and cafes available where students can review the day's lessons.
You can choose between 1-bed, 2-bed, or 4-bed rooms (prices vary) according to your preference. Please select your desired room type in Option 1 at the top. Meals are provided at the on-campus cafeteria, which offers buffet-style meals to cater to the tastes of students from various nationalities.

1-person, 2-person, or 4-person rooms (separated by sex) / Each Room Has a Shared Bathroom and Air Conditioner / Internet Available

※ The 1-person room (semi) type allows one person to use a single room alone, sharing the bathroom and toilet facilities.
※ Accommodation details may vary depending on local conditions and tour operator policies.


Location Introduction


ㅣ Location  :   Philippines, Cebu




Participation target


- Adults aged 18 and older in good physical health.

- Anyone who wants to improve their English conversation skills.

- People who want to enjoy learning English with international friends.

- Those interested in participating in activities using English after language training.

- Individuals considering overseas employment.

- Those aiming for careers in international business or related industries.

- People interested in living long-term in countries other than Korea.

- Individuals contemplating future immigration plans.


Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule And Prices

 The minimum duration of participation in this project is a minimum of 4 weeks. 

Project Costs

A Type 4-Person Room 2-Person Room  1-Person Room (Semi) 1-Person Room 
4 weeks 2,000,000 2,400,000 2,550,000 2,750,000
8 weeks 3,800,000 4,600,000 4,900,000 5,400,000
12 weeks 5,600,000 6,800,000 7,250,000 8,050,000
16 weeks 7,400,000 9,000,000 9,600,000 10,700,000
20 weeks 9,200,000 11,200,000 11,950,000 13,350,000
24 weeks 11,000,000 13,400,000 14,300,000 16,000,000


B Type 4-Person Room 2-Person Room  1-Person Room (Semi) 1-Person Room 
4 weeks 2,100,000 2,500,000 2,650,000 2,850,000
8 weeks 4,000,000 4,800,000 5,100,000 5,600,000
12 weeks 5,900,000 7,100,000 7,550,000 8,350,000
16 weeks 7,800,000 9,400,000 10,000,000 11,100,000
20 weeks 9,700,000 11,700,000 12,450,000 13,850,000
24 weeks 11,600,000 14,000,000 14,900,000 16,600,000


* For popular projects, availability may be limited, so we encourage prompt applications.

* Participants will reside in dormitories provided by local language schools in the Philippines, with options including single, double, triple, and quadruple rooms. For inquiries regarding accommodations, please contact Korea Gap Year at

* During the summer peak season (from July 1st to August 25th, 2024), peak season rates will apply. Additional charges will be communicated individually depending on the participant.






If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 won in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation.



We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact .



Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.



Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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