
Caring for Baby Sea Turtles in Colombo, Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean's Jewel

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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,060USD
Asia/Sri Lanka/Colombo
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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Project Introduction


 Project Introduction

Sri Lanka, shaped like a jewel and shimmering like a teardrop, is a captivating country often referred to as the "Pearl of the Indian Ocean" or the "Jewel of the Indian Ocean." It offers pristine nature, UNESCO-designated World Heritage sites, and a rich ancient Buddhist culture.

While relatively unknown in Korea, Sri Lanka is widely recognized in the West, including the UK, as a unique Asian holiday destination. Experience firsthand a special volunteer activity in the unknown land of Sri Lanka: protecting sea turtles, assisting in hatching their eggs, and releasing baby sea turtles back into the ocean.



1. An Extraordinary Experience: Helping Sea Turtles Hatch and Guiding Them to the Indian Ocean Beach

Sea turtles are rapidly becoming endangered, with many species on the brink of extinction. Sri Lanka, known as a favored nesting ground where five out of seven sea turtle species come to lay and hatch eggs, faces a serious threat. Due to a local belief that consuming turtle eggs enhances strength, there's illegal harvesting and sale of these eggs, exacerbating the problem. Our organization takes a proactive role by purchasing both illegally harvested and market-sold turtle eggs to protect sea turtles. Join us in hatching endangered sea turtles and supporting their journey back to the ocean, empowering these creatures with your help.


2. A Favorite Travel Destination for Britons: Talking in British English with British Volunteers!

Sri Lanka, once abundant with jewels and spices, was colonized by various Western powers including Portugal, the Netherlands, and notably, Britain, which held dominion for the longest period. During British rule, many Britons began visiting sunny and beautiful Sri Lanka for leisure, a cultural trend that persists today, making Sri Lanka a popular destination for British travelers seeking relaxation.

At our organization, volunteers mostly from Western countries including Britain participate in activities. With accommodations and facilities situated by the seaside, volunteers can enjoy both leisure and travel activities alongside their volunteer work. Sri Lanka, similar yet different from India, attracts a blend of local Sri Lankans and volunteers from various Western nations, creating a unique atmosphere where you can create unforgettable memories.


3. The Setting of 'The Adventures of Sinbad': The Unknown Country the Travelers Always Want to Go To

Sri Lanka, as its name suggests ("Sri" meaning radiant and "Lanka" meaning island), is widely known as a stunning island that shines like a sparkling jewel. In early modern European perceptions of the Orient, the book "Travels in the East" had a significant impact, describing Sri Lanka as "the most beautiful island in the world." In "The Adventures of Sinbad," Sri Lanka is portrayed as a treasure island visited by Sinbad, cementing its image among Westerners as a beautiful island. Travelers who have visited Sri Lanka consistently describe it as a country so beautiful that they truly want to highly recommend it, yet at the same time, the one that they want to keep to themselves like a hidden gem. For those who enjoy traveling, Sri Lanka is often romanticized as an unknown country. So, why don't you go and experience firsthand that allure?


4. Caring for Strangers and Can't Lie: Genuine and Kindhearted Sri Lankan People 

When Sri Lankans meet people from other countries, they greet you warmly and often turn back to ask, "Where are you from?" Such genuine and honest people make me feel sorry for harboring suspicions and always being on guard against being deceived when visiting other countries. Due to the past British rule, most Sri Lankans can speak English, making it easy to make friends with locals anywhere, thanks to their interest in and consideration for foreigners. Leave now to meet the kind Sri Lankan people who are so friendly that there's a saying, "If you visit Sri Lanka again, it's because of the Sri Lankan people!"



TIP. What Are the Differences Between Sea Turtle Volunteer Work in Greece and This Project?

The Greek sea turtle volunteering involves directly performing surgeries or treatments on injured turtles in the sea, akin to a "turtle hospital" experience. In contrast, this project has a "turtle orphanage" feel, focusing on protecting sea turtles and personally hatching their eggs to release them back into the sea. In Greek sea turtle volunteering, activities often require significant physical stamina, such as lifting turtles weighing over 20-30kg or performing surgeries on injured areas. In contrast, this project involves campaigns for turtle protection and activities like caring for baby turtles and releasing them into the sea, making it accessible for anyone to participate.





Project Activities


This is a volunteer project to assist in sea turtle nesting and preserve their habitat on a tranquil beach overlooking the Indian Ocean.
As a destination where volunteers from around the globe come to participate in service activities, it's an opportunity to create unforgettable memories with many friends!
Activities Schedule
1. Morning working hours are from 8:30 to 12:30, and from 13:30 to 14:15, preparation is made for a simple English lesson. Afternoon working hours are from 14:30 to 16:30.
(Lunch break is from 12:30 to 13:30.)

2. Weekends are days off each week, and on Fridays, there are no afternoon working hours.
3. If participants wish to only participate in the sea turtle conservation project, they can request to participate exclusively in the sea turtle conservation project.
Sea Turtle Conservation Project
: Project to create an environment for sea turtles to breed successfully and protect some newly born sea turtles.
We engage in activities such as washing sea turtles and feeding them.


Community Development Project
:  In the afternoon, engage in volunteer activities teaching English to local children.

* This volunteer project is available year-round application and participation. For sea turtles, nesting typically occurs from late November to April, with the hatching period lasting approximately 7 weeks. The peak hatching period is generally from January to early June, with the most active hatching observed from February to May, attracting the highest number of visitors to the institution. Sri Lanka experiences a hot and humid tropical monsoon climate, with no distinct four seasons.

* The project can start on dates chosen by the participants. Upon application, participants can specify their desired start date in the application form. We coordinate with the local organization to ensure participants can join during their preferred period. For flight arrangements, participants should purchase flights arriving in Sri Lanka one day before the project start date.

 English Proficiency  ☆☆
If you can communicate basic English, you can participate, as the main activity involves caring for and protecting sea turtles.
"By sunset, our small participant team, along with the volunteers, carried buckets containing turtles to the beach. We released them one by one, observing closely to ensure they safely reached the sea. Witnessing the turtles make their way to the shore was truly a mesmerizing sight, and it filled me with overwhelming emotions. The sunset was also incredibly beautiful, making it a truly special moment."

"Watching turtles hatch is not an easy experience. When the baby turtles emerged, we released them into the sea at the right time. During one occasion, we released ten baby turtles slowly, which was a wonderful experience :)"

"All the experiences were really great, and it was hands down the best project. I had the opportunity to volunteer in part of sea turtle conservation, working alongside people of various ages. Every step of the project team welcomed us warmly and provided us with a lot of help. The food was delicious, the accommodation was simple yet comfortable, and the location was beautiful."



When I first visited this organization, I was amazed by the center's beauty located right by the sea, where the ocean stretches out before you. I was also astonished once again by the sincerity of the NGO, which purchases turtle eggs from the market at its own expense to release them back into the sea.

Above all, participating in the activity of releasing baby turtles into the sea at sunset was a precious experience in itself. Watching the sunset paint the sky in beautiful colors and witnessing the baby turtles crawl slowly toward the vast Indian Ocean filled my heart with peace and overwhelming emotion. I highly recommend it to those who are looking to regain peace of mind from their busy lives or wish to witness unforgettable beauty firsthand.



- Detailed participant reviews can be found on GapYear Story (click).
- More participant reviews are available under "Participant Reviews" at the bottom of the project page.





  Local Orientation   Online Orientation   Online Consultation   Certificate of Completion 
  KGY Certification   Pre-Departure Care   KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service   KGY Note Book
  Project and Participation Costs   KGY Mission Scholarship   OT Documents   Local Volunteer Accommodation (double / triple occupancy)
  Airport Pick-Up (Round-trip)    Local 3 Meals   Local Manager   Turtle Conservation Activity or Volunteer for Teaching English 
    Wifi    Shower Facilities

   Drinking Water




Details of Support


Accommodation and Meals
- Comfortable airport-to-accommodation round trip pick up service upon arrival and departure
- Accommodation equipped with shower facilities for relaxing and mingling with volunteer friends from diverse nationalities (double / triple occupancy)
- Delicious local meals made from local ingredients are served three times a day / Drinking water
- Essential amenity for traveler accommodations: WiFi facilities


Project Activities
- Enjoying life in Sri Lanka with local orientation
- Reliable local dedicated manager available for assistance anytime
- Turtle conservation activities or English teaching volunteer opportunities with Sri Lankan NGOs
- 24-hour emergency contact network for safety

Care Service
- Pre-Departure Care : Project Registration and Dispatch Procedures
- Online Orientation : Providing various orientation information to ensure a successful gap year experience
- OT Documents : Resources containing planning expertise to ensure safe travel even for first-time international travelers
- KGY Note Book : A notebook for self-reflection during the gap year period (▶ Read More)
- KGY Mission Scholarship


Certificate and Recommendation Letters
- Certificate of Completion : Certificate of a local organization volunteer activity 

- KGY Certification : Certificate of participation and completion for Korean Gap Year

* Local Organization Certificate and Recommendation Letter issuance is available upon request from participants after project completion. Please note that the format and issuance process of these documents may vary depending on the local organization's policies.
* Certificates and Recommendation Letters are issued upon proper completion of the project and submission of feedback.


Not Included


- Round-trip airfare 

- Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs 

- Visa Issuance Costs

- Other Local Stay Expenses



Institution Introduction


The organization was established by local Sri Lankans in 1988 and has been operating ever since. Initially, its purpose was to protect sea turtles, ensuring they could safely nest in their natural habitats while observing and preserving their breeding grounds.

However, after the 2004 tsunami devastated Sri Lanka, completely destroying villages and sea turtle habitats, efforts shifted to the restoration of these environments. Since then, over 1,250 international volunteers have visited the area, making it a popular destination among volunteers worldwide.





Accommodation Introduction


The accommodation is spacious and cozy, located very close to the institution where volunteer activities take place, allowing easy walking access. It features a large living room where foreign friends participating in activities can gather and converse together.

Hot water is available, and after a day's work, you can relax in a comfortably air-conditioned environment.

During leisure time, you can spend time on the leisurely beach or freely use the outdoor swimming pool at the accommodation with friends.

Rooms are either twin or triple occupancy, in a guesthouse format managed directly by the organization, where volunteers from various nationalities stay together. Meals, including breakfast, lunch, and dinner, are prepared by the organization.



Shared Room / Shared Bathroom / Wifi / Basic Bedding / Outdoor Swimming Pool / 3 Meals




Location Introduction

ㅣ Location   :  SRI LANKA,  Colombo

Colombo is the administrative capital of Sri Lanka and can be considered the center of Sri Lanka's commercial trade. As a hub port crossing the Indian Ocean, it has been the focal point of Sri Lanka's commerce and trade. This place has experienced invasions by Portugal, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom in the past, allowing visitors to still feel the European atmosphere. Besides ancient Buddhist and Hindu temples, there are also mosques and Christian churches coexisting together, making it a popular destination for tourists every year.
▶ COORDINATORS: TOP#3 in Colombo, Sri Lanke



- Someone who can communicate in basic English

- Someone who are 18 years of age or older

- Someone who wants to directly protect sea turtles and their natural habitats

- Someone who wants to volunteer with friends from various countries and enjoy leisure time by the beach


Participation Duration and Fees

Schedule and Prices


The minimum duration of participation in this project is at least 1 week.
 Project Costs



1 week

1,480,000 KRW

2 weeks

1,970,000 KRW

3 weeks

2,170,000 KRW

4 weeks

2,370,000 KRW


* For popular projects, there may be no TO, so please apply quickly to secure your spot.

* Especially in Sri Lanka, the period from June to August is the peak season when many Western volunteers participate. Therefore, for those wishing to apply during this period, it is recommended to apply at least 3 to 5 months in advance.




When calculated based on local prices, the TOTAL amounts to approximately 3,250,000 KRW!

However, participating in the Gap Year Project could potentially save up to 1,427,000 KRW!

* These costs are based on a 4-week participation period, including Gap Year Care Services



 KGY Mission (▶MORE


 Notice of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 KRW in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation.


 Early Bird And Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact



☞ Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.


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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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