
Simple Life's Wild Adventure: Volunteering to Care for Abandoned Animals in Tokushima, Japan 일본 도쿠시마에서 유기동물 봉사여행


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon(Arrival Mon)


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount720,000USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Safety






As interest in pets increases, are you aware of the fact that many are being abandoned?

In Japan, with the rise of single-person households and an aging society, interest in and demand for pets have surged dramatically. Pets play the role of another family member, sharing companionship and alleviating loneliness. However, due to irresponsible attitudes of owners or reasons like abuse, the number of stray animals abandoned on the streets continues to rise. Legal measures addressing this issue are not adequately enforced, exacerbating the severity of the problem. To address this, the government and civic organizations are making efforts to enhance animal rights and raise awareness, but there is still a need for more public attention to resolve these issues. 



 1. Open to Anyone Who Can Communicate with Animals: Overseas Volunteer Opportunities

This nonprofit organization is where Hitoshi, a Japanese husband, Susan, a Canadian wife, and their children reside together, caring for stray animals. Although it's an overseas volunteering opportunity, no foreign language skills or other specific technical abilities are required. Anyone can participate as long as they have robust physical stamina to spend an energetic day with animals and a warm heart full of love for them! Through global fundraising efforts, volunteers who love animals are coming from various countries around the world. It's a very special volunteering activity where people with warm hearts communicate with each other and connect with animals through understanding and empathy. 

 2. Recommended for the Wounded: Endless Affection, Love, and Happiness Recharge

A highly recommended project for people who are stressed and wounded due to work, relationships, or childhood trauma! It has been proven that both humans and animals release oxytocin, known as the "love hormone," when petting or gazing at animals like dogs or cats. Through activities such as making eye contact with animals, calling their names, and taking walks together, you can share companionship and recharge your weary heart with love and happiness! Additionally, it's said to enhance sociability and a sense of community :) 

 3. Free Japanese Classes and Special Local Tours in Japan

On one weekday or holiday, free participation in Japanese classes is available exclusively for those interested, aimed at foreigners residing in Tokushima. Additionally, Tokushima is geographically close to Osaka, boasting beautiful natural landscapes and well-preserved Japanese traditions, allowing you to leisurely enjoy local life in Japan. In this serene and clean environment, you can take walks with stray animals, learn Japanese through free language classes, and even make friends with foreigners!





Project Activities
- You will engage in activities for approximately 7 hours and 30 minutes daily (10:30 AM to 6:00 PM, including lunch/break time), four days a week.
- Activities primarily take place from Monday to Thursday, with specific schedules subject to organizational circumstances and individual schedules.
 - Key activities include walking rescued animals, bathing them, cleaning cat houses, and building relationships with rescued animals.
* If you have certification or experience in carpentry, you may participate in repairing and maintaining animal shelters.
* Activity schedules, contents, and the animals cared for may vary flexibly depending on organizational needs, timing, and individual capabilities.



- Since most activities are outdoors, wearing a hat and sunscreen is essential during summer. Additionally, for living with rescued animals, comfortable shoes, loose-fitting shirts and pants, and gloves are recommended for active wear!

- Due to extensive outdoor activities, personal safety is our top priority! Please follow the volunteer coordinator's instructions carefully and refrain from individual activities.

- To ensure safe participation in volunteer activities, we recommend getting preventive vaccinations (such as tetanus) and purchasing traveler's insurance before starting the project.




This project will be conducted in Japanese or English. While the main activities involve caring for rescued dogs and cats, requiring a high foreign language proficiency is unnecessary. However, communication with local staff and international volunteers primarily occurs in Japanese (or English). Practicing English and Japanese conversation before the project begins will be very helpful in making the activities more productive and enjoyable. 
- Basic physical strength may be required because many activities take place outdoors. Before you start a project, check your physical strength yourself!





  Program Coordinator's GO-TO TIP


1. Experience Japan to the fullest!

You can enhance your experience of living in Japan by participating in free Japanese language classes offered in the local area during weekdays or free time. This is optional and availability may vary depending on timing and your level of proficiency. Detailed information regarding class schedules and content will be provided after your participation is confirmed. KGY aims to provide opportunities for you to fully immerse yourself in the local culture in various ways! ;) 


2. Adapt quickly from day one!

When you first arrive at an animal shelter, you might be startled by the chorus of barks from numerous dogs. Many of the dogs remaining in shelters are often large and may appear somewhat intimidating, likely because people tend to prefer smaller dogs. However, these dogs are not barking to attack; rather, it's often out of fear or as a defensive reaction due to past abuse or trauma. Don't be too scared at first; muster up the courage and show them affection bit by bit, and soon they could become your close friends! 


3. It's good to have this prepared.

To prevent harm to residents, the animal shelter is located in a small rural village. Moreover, it was created through the combined efforts of local volunteers and staff in a not-so-spacious environment, so transportation and activity conditions may be somewhat inconvenient. However, when you approach the activities with a sincere heart rather than focusing on the environment, you can have much more valuable experiences than you might have imagined. Therefore, if you approach caring for dogs and cats with an open and genuine heart, you can deeply feel love and respect. 







Likes, likes, likes!!! I spent two months here volunteering with Hitoshi and his wife Susan, and it was truly one of the best experiences of my life. They are doing incredibly difficult work, but they are the most sincere, dedicated, self-sacrificing, altruistic, and caring people towards animals that I have ever met.




* You can read detailed reviews from participants on Gap Year Story (click)

* For more participant reviews, please check the "Participant Reviews" section at the bottom of the project page.






   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certificate    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket    Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
  Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents   Accommodation
   Train Station Pick-Up   Free Weekly Japanese Class(Optional)     Volunteer Equipment Rental    Activity Site Transportation
   Institutions Donation      




Details of Support

- On one weekday or holiday, free participation in Japanese language classes is available exclusively for internationals residing in Tokushima. 



- Round-trip airfare

- Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs and Tokushima Volunteer Insurance Costs(JPY 500, Make a payment locally) 

- Meals during the project

- Other Local Stay Expenses


* Please book tickets and transportation after finally being informed of the final schedule for participation in the project and departure.







This organization is a non-profit animal protection group established in 2006. It was founded to reduce the number of stray dogs and cats in the Shikoku region and currently operates an animal shelter in Tokushima, where approximately 250 stray animals are cared for. Specifically, the shelter does not euthanize animals just because they are not adopted; instead, it continuously conducts adoption campaigns to help these animals find new homes. Additionally, the organization engages in various activities including rescuing stray animals, protecting them, improving awareness about lost or abandoned animals and those subjected to abuse, promoting adoption of stray animals, and providing adoption education. 




4 years ago, we adopted our dog "Bayachi" from this organization. Bayachi is dearly loved by all of us and is a really smart and kind dog! Every day, many dogs across Japan are abandoned, but this organization is truly dedicated to caring for them and finding them new homes through adoption. If you're looking to adopt a stray animal, we highly recommend considering this organization. We adopted our dog here, and we think Susan is truly remarkable! We love our adopted dog so much, and he brings so much love to our family.



A Word from the Local Agency Representative







The volunteer accommodation is located in a small rural village in Tokushima, a 5-minute walk from the subway station, surrounded by clean air and nature. It's a house with three bedrooms, a shared kitchen, a living room, and a bathroom, accommodating 1 to 4 people depending on the season. Meals are prepared by shopping at nearby markets and cooking on-site. Convenience stores are a 2 to 3-minute walk away, and a larger supermarket is 10 minutes away, making daily life convenient. The house is equipped with a large refrigerator, basic electronics, and household items. Volunteers are responsible for managing the accommodation, including cooking, dishwashing, cleaning, and bed-making. The volunteer site is a 15 to 20-minute drive away, typically using organization vehicles for transportation. 

*The volunteer house may be subject to changes depending on TO and local conditions.

*If applying with friends, you may share a room, but single occupancy per person is the principle. Depending on the timing of your participation, you may also live with 2 to 3 cats, so please inform us in advance if you have cat allergies


Shared Bathroom / Shared Kitchen / WIFI / Washing Machine and Other Basic Household Appliances are available for use








Tokushima is a city located on Shikoku, one of Japan's four main islands. Shikoku, known for its mountainous terrain and relatively inconvenient transportation, has been slower in urban development compared to other regions. However, with the opening of train lines and highways connecting Osaka and Kobe, interactions with the mainland have become more active, leading to ongoing economic growth. The area enjoys mild winters and pleasant summers, with well-preserved natural environments that attract many hikers and nature enthusiasts. Tokushima is about a 2-hour 30-minute bus ride from Osaka and is one of the most developed cities on the eastern side of Shikoku. It offers a tranquil setting ideal for experiencing a relaxed local life in Japan. Even in this peaceful environment, the annual festival in August draws crowds to the streets for lively celebrations.










- Adults aged 18 to 40

- People with a keen interest in animals

- Someone who finds it difficult to express their inner feelings but has a warm heart

- Individuals who currently have or want to have dogs and cats as pets 

- Those interested in animal rescue

- People interested in experiencing life in local Japan



COORDINATORS: "Not recommended for these individuals"

This project may not be suitable for those who have a fear of handling or touching animals, as it involves spending all day with them. If you lack the physical stamina to handle animals ranging from small to large, participating might be challenging. Animal shelters are often located in rural areas, where conditions can be somewhat austere. It might be challenging for those who prioritize living conditions.


Participation Duration and Fees



■ The minimum participation period for this project is 2 weeks.


Project Prices

- 2 Weeks: 720,000원 

- 3 Weeks: 760,000원

- 4 Weeks: 800,000원

- 6 Weeks: 830,000원

- 8 Weeks: 860,000원

- 10 Weeks: 890,000원

- 12 Weeks: 920,000원


* For further inquiries, please contact us directly(02-318-2553)

* In the case of popular projects, there may be no availability, so please apply quickly to secure a seat.





Notice of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 won in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation


Early Bird and Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.


*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team. 

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

*** The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact .




- Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

** Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.



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You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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