
Cheering On for a Baby Sea Turtle's New Adventure in Bali, Indonesia 인도네시아 발리에서 봉사여행


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Mon (Arrival Sun)


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,125USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety





This project involves sea turtle conservation volunteering in Bali, Indonesia.

Please help the baby sea turtles safely return to the ocean! It will be a special time when you can contribute to making Bali's beautiful landscapes even more beautiful with your own hands.



Sea turtles are globally endangered, so efforts are being made worldwide to protect them. Many NGOs and volunteers from various countries such as Greece, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia are involved in turtle conservation. Activities include treating injured turtles, caring for eggs, and assisting in safe hatching.


 Protect sea turtles in Bali, Indonesia, the island of beautiful sunsets and gods! Watching baby sea turtles cross the sandy beaches towards the sea will give you the courage to take a new step in your life.



During the nesting season, when sea turtles lay their eggs on the beach, volunteers carefully collect the eggs and protect them in a safe place to prevent them from being damaged and unable to hatch. Once the baby sea turtles successfully hatch, they are released back into the sea. These turtles, after decades, will return to the beach one day to lay eggs themselves.

Many participants express deep emotions when they see the baby turtles heading towards the sea. They say they felt the preciousness of life through the small steps of the turtles. Joining this beautiful flow that helps save the planet may seem like a small gesture, but it will leave a lasting impression of something truly special. 


Designated as an international endangered species, sea turtles face numerous risks, resulting in a decline in their population every year.

They are particularly endangered by mistaking plastic debris in the ocean for jellyfish, leading to ingestion accidents, and they also experience issues with gender imbalance due to climate change affecting the temperature-dependent sex determination of their eggs. Warmer temperatures on nesting beaches result in predominantly female hatchlings. Additionally, indiscriminate hunting, ship collisions, diseases, and various other factors contribute to pushing sea turtles closer to extinction

Please join us in protecting the Earth's environment. When my small actions lead to more significant behaviors, they can bring about meaningful change. As these adventurous baby sea turtles embark on their journey, they can live safer lives.


In the movie "Eat Pray Love," Julia Roberts left all her worries behind and departed for that very place, Bali! With its azure seas and warm weather year-round, Bali is renowned for its beauty, fresh cuisine, and rich cultural traditions that attract countless travelers from around the globe every year.

Escape the routine of unchanged daily life and fully enjoy Bali's serenity amidst its natural splendor. Relax while gazing at the vast sea and crimson sunsets, stroll through historical sites touched by divine grace, and connect with welcoming people whose bright smiles can heal the wounds within.


If you want to enjoy a trip in a very special way, why not take on Voluntour? Combining volunteering and travel, it's not just an ordinary tour that anyone can do, but a journey that can leave you with rewarding and unique memories.

Protect sea turtles in Bali, Indonesia, and explore every corner of Bali! Participate enthusiastically in volunteer activities in the morning and enjoy various activities in the afternoon. Experience the most authentic Bali by participating in activities where you can feel the local atmosphere of Bali! 

* The nesting season of sea turtles aligns with Bali's peak tourist season from May to October. This period sees a high influx of tourists. If you wish to participate during this time, please apply as soon as possible.






This project is a volunteer activity aimed at conserving the marine ecosystem of sea turtles on the beautiful beaches of Bali, Indonesia. Join volunteers worldwide to care for sea turtles, clean beaches, and create a safe environment for sea turtles to thrive! A journal to reflect on oneself during the gap year period.



Main Activities *Activities may vary depending on the timing.

  • Cleaning sea turtle tanks 
  • Taking care of sea turtles / preparing food/feeding 
  • Collecting beach litter  
  • Patrolling the beach 
  • Collecting sea turtle eggs


Q: Can I participate in releasing baby sea turtles into the sea (hatchling release activity) during the volunteer period?

A: It depends on the hatching situation of the sea turtle nests during the nesting season. Sea turtle eggs take about an average of 2 months to hatch. During the nesting season (May to October), there is a high possibility of participating in hatchling release activities, and local authorities actively recommend participation. Even during the non-nesting season (November to April), if the eggs hatch, there may be opportunities for hatchling release or adopting a nest. However, direct participation in release activities may not be possible. (Each activity incurs separate costs, and availability may vary depending on local conditions.) Sea turtle nest adoption is available year-round, and by adopting a nest, you can contribute to the hatching and release of turtles even after completing your activities and leaving Bali :


Weekly Timetable

Volunteer activities mainly take place from 9 AM to 12 PM, and in the afternoon, you can participate in various activities. 

  DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5 DAY 6 DAY 7

Arrival at Bali and transfer to the accommodation

Morning Orientation Volunteer Activities Transfer to the Airport
Lunch Lunch
Afternoon Activities
Dinner Dinner

 *This schedule is an example to aid understanding and may be subject to flexible adjustments based on local conditions.


Additional Information

  • This project runs year-round, and participants can choose a volunteer period of 1 to 2 weeks. 
  • The project has designated check-in and check-out dates. Therefore, please arrange your flights according to the provided schedule.
  • If you plan to travel to Indonesia or Bali before or after the project, it is recommended to confirm your schedule with the coordinator before purchasing flights.
  • The average temperature in Bali ranges from 23 to 30 degrees Celsius, with little variation throughout the year. However, there is a significant difference in rainfall between the dry season (May to October) and the rainy season (November to April). During the rainy season, unexpected rain is likely, so it is recommended to bring a portable raincoat.
  • As you will spend a lot of time outdoors, appropriate clothing and gear are needed for the activities. 
  • Transportation is provided between the accommodation and the activity location. 




English Skill Requirement ★☆☆☆☆

  • You will communicate with local staff and volunteers in English, but since the main activity is caring for sea turtles, basic communication skills are sufficient. 


Physical Strength Requirement ★★☆☆☆

  • Basic physical strength may be required because many activities take place outdoors. Before you start a project, check your physical strength yourself!







  Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
   24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket    Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents    Accommodation
   Airport Pick-Up(Round-Trip)    3 Meals    On-site Activities  



■ Accommodation and Meals

  • A villa-style accommodation where you can relax and interact with volunteer friends from around the world.
  • Delicious local meals made from local ingredients are provided three times a day: from lunch on the first day to lunch on the last day.
  • Common spaces where you can make international volunteer friends.


■ Project Activities

  • Pick-up service from the airport to the accommodation(Round-trip) 
  • Transportation provided from the accommodation to the activity location 
  • Local orientation on Indonesian daily life 
  • Local manager for support
  • Real-time emergency contact available for immediate assistance.


■ Care Service

  • Pre-Departure Care: Processing of project registration and departure procedures
  • Orientation: Providing various orientation information to ensure a successful gap year experience.
  • OT Document: A guide containing the planner's expertise to ensure safe travel even for first-time overseas visitors.
  • KGY Note Book: A journal to reflect on oneself during the gap year period. (▶ Read More)
  • KGY Mission


■ Certificates and Recommendations

  • Issuing a certificate of activity for a local organization
  • Issuing a certificate of participation in the Korean gap year and completion of activities

*Certificates and recommendations from local institutions are issued at the request of participants after the project is completed. In addition, certificates and recommendations from local institutions may vary depending on the form of the local institution.

* Certificates and recommendations will be issued upon submission of the review after the project has been properly carried out.



  • Round-trip airfare
  • Other Local Stay Expenses(Entertainment, Daily Incidentals, Dining-Out, Transportation, etc.)
  • Individual Traveler's Insurance Costs
  • Laundry Service(Additional Costs)


*Please book tickets and transportation after finally being informed of the final schedule for participation in the project and departure.





This is an environmental organization in Indonesia that aims to protect the marine environment and conserve sustainable ecosystems through community activities. They work in collaboration with residents and volunteers to bring about change, ultimately striving for a more harmonious way of life.





Single Room or Double Room / Meal Service  / Private Bathroom / Air Conditioner / WIFI


You can enjoy Bali's nature to the fullest at villa-style accommodations where you can choose between single and double rooms. Each room includes a private bathroom for your exclusive use. Every accommodation is equipped with air conditioning and WiFi, ensuring a comfortable stay to relax in. 

* You can select between single and double rooms at the top where pricing varies depending on the option chosen. The listed prices are per person.



Meals are provided three times a day throughout the project period, starting with lunch on the project start day and ending with lunch on the project end day. Breakfast and dinner are served at the accommodation, while lunch is provided at the volunteer site.


* Check-in is scheduled for the Sunday before the project start date, and check-out is on the Saturday following the project end date.

* Accommodations may vary depending on local conditions and the timing of participation.

If there are updates to accommodations, separate notifications will be provided to confirmed participants for their reference. 






Bali, the Island of the Gods, is a destination sought after by countless newlyweds for creating unforgettable memories and chosen by various TV shows and dramas for its exotic and stunning scenery. It is the world's top resort and the number one honeymoon destination. Each day spent amidst the breathtaking landscapes provided by nature's bounty will become a lifelong memory. Experience the most radiant and beautiful days in Bali, Indonesia!


Recommended Travel Destination

1. Ubud Saraswati Temple

The Saraswati Temple, dedicated to Saraswati, the goddess of wisdom and art, is also known as the Lotus Temple due to its abundance of lotus flowers. Famous for its serene atmosphere and traditional architecture, Saraswati Temple is a popular photo spot for many travelers. Right in front of the temple, there is a Starbucks where you can enjoy a refreshing cup of coffee while admiring the temple. In the evening, for an additional fee, you can enjoy traditional Indonesian dance performances. Immerse yourself in the beautiful ambiance of this exquisite temple.


2. Tanah Lot Temple

Famous for its stunning sunsets, Bali has many renowned spots, and Tanah Lot Temple is among the best. Known as a sea temple, Tanah Lot means "Land in the Sea," as it is perched on a rock formation in the ocean. The scenery changes with the tides; during low tide, you can walk closer to the temple. As sunset approaches, more travelers gather to witness the temple's beautiful silhouette against the crimson sky and sea. End your day by enjoying the breathtaking sunset views at this iconic location. 


3. Beautiful Beaches

In Bali, you don't need to specify a single location to find stunning beaches; they are everywhere. Relax on a sunbed under the hot sun, enjoy the refreshing sea, and take part in various water sports such as surfing, waterskiing, snorkeling, and diving. Spend your afternoons playing in the cool ocean, and in the evening, watch the beautiful sunset while savoring fresh seafood. You'll experience a sense of overflowing happiness.



Participation Duration and Fees



■ The minimum participation period for this project is 4 weeks.

■ The following prices include the project fee, accommodation, meals, and round-trip airport pickup service. 

Period Prices
1 Week Double Room 1,570,000원
Single Room 1,800,000원
2 Weeks Double Room 2,520,000원
Single Room 2,840,000원

*Double rooms are priced per person.



  • Who are 18 years of age or older and healthy
  • Who can communicate in basic English
  • People with a strong love for animals
  • Who are comfortable handling animals without hesitation or fear
  • Who is interested in marine ecosystems and environmental conservation
  • Who are looking for a break from their daily routine to rest and recover




Notice Of Installment Payment

If you are unable to pay in full, please deposit 500,000 won in advance for the registration fee and deposit the balance within two weeks. The process of confirming participation in the project will be conducted based on the date of payment of the registration fee to check the availability and TO. It is important to secure a position as soon as possible to participate in the desired date and period! (No refund when confirmed participation)

*However, if the start date is imminent, the balance deposit schedule may vary depending on the situation.


Early Bird and Late Application

We recommend that all projects be applied three months before the start date of the project participation with normal procedures and KGY's preparation periods, and in principle, you can apply at least two months before the start date. However, if you need to participate in the project urgently or urgently, we will help you with the procedure as soon as possible by paying an additional amount through the emergency application service.

*We are helping you with the quick procedure as soon as possible, but there is a basic time such as communication with local organizations and time to confirm participation, and all procedures are the same as regular participants, so those who participate through the late application service should actively cooperate with the Korea GapYear operation team. 

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date can get an early bird discount.

***The emergency late application service can be applied from the selection option at the top, and if you have any questions related to the emergency application service, please contact



- Provision: Automatic application for gap-year missions and notes / Full provision immediately upon confirmation of participation in OT materials / Additional emergency personnel / Support for preparation if documents are required.

* If you have a hard time calculating the date, please refer to NAVER's date calculator  >> 네이버 날짜 계산기 바로가기

**Note: In the case of an emergency late application, there may be no TO depending on the local situation, and subsequent procedures will be carried out in accordance with the gap year refund policy. In addition, the participant is responsible for any problems caused by the participant's non-cooperation.


Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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