
Learn English in Canada's Victoria: A Top 10 World Tourist Destination Full of Sights to See 캐나다 빅토리아에서 어학연수


Required Options

  • Select Duration :

  • Preferred Participation Period :

    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Mondays (except holidays)




  • OTHERS :


  • Participation Fee
Total Amount1,740USD
North America/Canada/Vancouver
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
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1. North American English + Advanced Culture + Great Weather! Enjoy all this in Canada

Victoria, with the mildest weather in Canada! In summer, it’s not too hot, and in winter, it’s not too cold, making it perfect for outdoor activities year-round. You can enjoy the benefits of studying English in Canada—more affordable and safer than in the US—throughout the year. If you’re concerned about Toronto’s harsh winters, why not experience life in Victoria?


2. Study English in the relaxed and charming city of Victoria, not in a bustling metropolis!

Unlike big cities, Victoria is tranquil and full of charm. If you want to study English in a free and relaxed atmosphere, Victoria is the place! With its historic buildings, cozy cafes, and pleasant weather, many people visit Victoria for a rejuvenating experience. Find your own healing space and study English with peace of mind!


3. Choose a highly-rated language school!

The institution hosting this project is a language school with around 30 years of tradition. As a medium-sized language school accredited by IALC*, it boasts a family-like atmosphere and a well-organized curriculum, leading to high student satisfaction. If you’ve been studying English for a long time but still struggle with everyday conversations, solidify your English skills here!

*IALC (International Association of Language Centres): Established in 1983, this international language school accreditation organization verifies overall standards, including the quality of classes, services, student management, and facilities. Only schools that pass the rigorous accreditation standards are recognized as members. As of 2015, only 118 schools in 21 countries worldwide are IALC members.







This is a project to learn English in Victoria, a representative tourist destination in CanadaFocusing on practical English, the program covers speaking, listening, writing, and reading, helping you build practical English skills for everyday use.


■ Details of the Program

- You can choose from 20, 25, or 30 lessons per week based on your schedule. (See the timetable below)

- Morning classes generally consist of practical grammar, conversation, reading/writing/vocabulary, speaking/listening.

  * Example elective classes: Grammar, listening, conversation, pronunciation, Canadian culture and society, etc.

- Classes are small, with an average of 13 students per class.

- The institution manages the nationality ratio so that students from different countries can attend classes together, with a maximum of 35% from one country.

  (Japan 20%, Korea 15%, South America 20%, Brazil 11%, Chinese 11%, Europe 10%, Middle East 6%, Others 2%)

- The project starts every Monday, and participants can join according to their preferred schedule, with orientation and class placement conducted according to each start date.

  * If Monday is a public holiday, the project will start the next day (Tuesday).

- The first start date for 2024 is January 2, and applications are accepted weekly thereafter.


[Reference] Canada Public Holidays 2022

January 1, February 19, March 29, April 1, May 20, July 1, August 5, September 2, September 30, October 14, November 11, December 25, December 26




 Class Schedule

1. On the first day of the project, an orientation and a level test will be conducted.

2. Each lesson is approximately 50 minutes long.



Class Time Option A Option B Option C
Monday - Friday Morning Class 1


20 lessons per week 25 lessons per week 30 lessons per week


Morning Class 2 10:40-12:20
Lunch 12:20-13:05  
Monday - Thursday Optional Class 1 13:05-14:10  
Break 14:10-14:25    
Optional Class 2 14:25-15:30    


 - Option A: STANDARD class, 20 lessons per week

 - Option B: INTENSIVE class, 25 lessons per week

 - Option C: SUPER INTENSIVE class, 30 lessons per week


*Project Coordinator's Tip

If you want to evenly utilize both the morning and afternoon for studying English, we recommend 25 lessons per week. Classes finish by 2 PM, giving you a full afternoon for enriching leisure activities!




In addition to classes, we offer activities such as city tours, sports, and cultural activities.
The Activity Coordinator manages these activities directly, ensuring an environment where you can enjoy learning both English and culture.

- Examples of activities: kayaking, indoor climbing, hiking, tennis, curling, skating, city tours, 2-night-3-day camping in the Rocky Mountains, Seattle tour, etc.

- Some activities may incur additional costs.

(Daily activities range from free to approximately $80, and weekend activities with overnight stays range from $300 to $500)





* Detailed reviews from participants can be found on the Gap Year Story (Click) page.

* More participant reviews can be found under "Participant Reviews" at the bottom of the project page.




   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Certificate of Completion
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation    KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care    Airplane Ticket   Real-Time Consultation Service    KGY Note Book
   Project Registration and Participation Costs    Gap Year Mission Scholarship    OT Materials    English Group Classes
   Local Class Materials and Textbook Costs    Level Test    City Tour    Various Activities
    Online Learning Service      



Not Included

- Round-trip airfare / Individual travel insurance costs

- Canadian Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) issuance fee

- Airport to accommodation pickup (can be added as an option in Selection②)

- Other local living expenses (accommodation, meals, transportation, etc.)





Established in 1989, this language school is renowned as one of the top 3 prestigious language schools in Canada. The school is particularly known for being a reliable English education institution, accredited by the highly selective IALC. Students from around 20 countries attend this school, and the nationality ratio is strictly managed, limiting the percentage of students from each country to around 30-35%. Additionally, to promote the use of English in daily life, an English-only policy is enforced on campus, and small classes with an average of 12 students are offered.



  At this language school, various activity projects and a dedicated coordinator system are operated to allow students to experience different cultures. The institution is also widely recognized for its high level of education, delivered by highly qualified instructors.



A Word from the Local Representative

Study with sincerity, and enjoy it with all your heart! There are things beyond your expectations waiting for you. Here, you will meet friends from over 65 countries, skilled teachers, and various activities. Our goal is to provide high-level classes, accommodations, activities tailored to each student, and thorough support from our school's teachers and staff. Our experienced, skilled staff will help each of you achieve your desired goals.






Accommodation can be added as an option based on the participant's preference. Please refer to the details below for more information!



Homestay is a type of accommodation where you stay with a local family and directly experience the local culture of Victoria. You can freely communicate with the homestay family in English that you learned in class, allowing you to feel the vibrant culture and improve your English skills simultaneously.

The homestay accommodations are directly managed and connected by the institution, and only carefully vetted and trustworthy homestay families are matched. The distance from the school is generally about 30-50 minutes by public transport, and the following meal options can be selected. The cost varies depending on the meal option selected.


- Option 1: Includes 3 meals (Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner) / Single Room / Shared Bathroom / Wi-Fi

Single Room 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks

3 meals included

1,710,000 2,350,000 2,990,000 3,620,000
12 weeks 16 weeks 24 weeks  
4,260,000 5,540,000 8,090,000  


-  Option 2: Meals not included / Single Room / Shared Bathroom / Wi-Fi

Single Room 4 weeks 6 weeks 8 weeks 10 weeks
Meals not included 1,360,000 1,820,000 2,280,000 2,740,000
12 weeks 16 weeks 24 weeks  
3,210,000 4,130,000 5,980,000  


※ Students under 18 years of age may incur additional charges.

※ The no-meal option is for students aged 25 and over.

※ If you prefer a private bathroom, please contact us for further information.

※ If you participate with a friend or family member, a double room option can be arranged.





Location :   Victoria, Canada


Victoria is the capital of British Columbia, located on the west coast of Canada and bordering the United States. It is the area in Canada where the British influence is most preserved. The city’s beautiful atmosphere and mild climate attract around 4 million tourists annually. With its quaint cafes and restaurants, Victoria offers a quieter and more relaxed experience compared to large cities, while still providing a variety of attractions and dining options, making it an excellent place for travel and language study.


 Recommended Travel Destinations TOP 3




- Healthy adults aged 16 and over

- Those who want to seriously improve their English after endless study

- Those worried about safety or language barriers while traveling abroad

- Anyone who wants to meet foreign friends, study a language, and experience life abroad!


Recommended Participants by the Organizer

Highly recommended for those who want to study English in Canada during winter. Canada has a higher latitude than us, so winters are generally cold and long. If the weather is cold or there is a lot of snow or rain, you may find yourself stuck indoors and feeling bored or even depressed. However, Victoria has a mild climate year-round, with an average temperature of about 6°C in January and 26°C in July. Weather concerns are a No-No! If you’re afraid of harsh winters or are affected by the weather, starting your English studies in Victoria is a great choice!!



Participation Duration and Fees



 This is a project that starts every Monday.

 The minimum participation period for this project is 4 weeks or more . 


 Project Participation Fee


20 Lessons per Week (Option A)

25 Lessons per Week (Option B)

30 Lessons per Week (Option C)

4 weeks




6 weeks




8 weeks




10 weeks




12 weeks




16 weeks




24 weeks




48 weeks




52 weeks






* If you wish to participate during other periods, please contact Korea Gap Year at

For popular projects, there might be no availability, so please apply quickly to secure a spot.


   * If you want optional classes, please select additional time in the "Select Option 1" section at the top of the project when applying for optional classes.

   * If you do not select optional classes and only choose the participation period, it will be registered as Option A (20 hours per week).



 Gap Year Mission Scholarship   (▶ More details)


 Payment in Installments

If you are unable to pay in full, you can make an initial deposit of 500,000 won and pay the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the deposit, we will start the process of confirming your participation and checking availability. It's important to secure a spot quickly to participate on your desired dates and duration!   (Refunds are not possible once participation is confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining payment might change depending on the situation.


 Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date due to the normal processing time and preparation period. Applications should be made no later than 2 months in advance. If you need to participate urgently, you can use the emergency application service for an additional fee, and we will assist with the fastest possible processing.

* While we try to expedite the process as much as possible, there is a basic amount of time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures will be the same as for regular applicants, so those using the emergency application service should actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Those who apply 180 days before the start date will receive an Early Bird Discount.

*** Emergency application services are available in the "Select Option" section above. For any inquiries about the emergency application service, please contact



- Services Provided: Gap Year Mission and Notes Automatic Application / OT Materials Provided Immediately Upon Confirmation / Emergency Personnel Assignment / Support for Document Preparation if Needed, etc.

* For those having trouble calculating dates, please refer to the Naver Date Calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In the case of ultra-emergency applications, there may be no availability due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Additionally, any issues arising from participant non-cooperation are the participant's responsibility.





Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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