
Live for a Month in Madrid: The Fiery Heart of Spain, Full of Passion and Romance 스페인 마드리드에서 한달 살기


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    calendarPlease select a start date
    Recommended Participation Date: Every Monday Start




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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount790USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
  • Learning Experience
  • Entertainment
  • Atmosphere
  • Facility
  • Safety





Spain, the land of passionate energy where you can soak in the hot sun and cool breeze!

At its heart is ‘Madrid,’ known for its lively atmosphere and passionate spirit.

Need some time to 'play well and rest well'? In the green urban parks amidst buildings that exude a medieval charm, enjoy the leisure and art every day alongside the people of Spain in the cultural heart of Europe. You might find yourself rediscovering your own sense of relaxation and vitality.


* This project is open to anyone who wants to experience living in Spain, even if you've never learned Spanish or English before :)


1. Explore the city after school hours.


Thanks to the school's location near the center of Madrid, you can visit various tourist attractions even on weekdays using public transportation.

After classes, go on trips around Madrid alone or with new foreign friends, and immediately use the Spanish you've learned at school! It will be a fun experience where you build memories along with improving your Spanish skills!


2. A grand city where medieval Europe meets the modern era.


Madrid is a city where modern and medieval buildings harmoniously coexist. Take a stroll through the medieval buildings seen in movies and dramas, like the Cibeles Palace, known as one of Madrid’s most splendid and magnificent structures, or the Plaza Mayor, the center of all events such as festivals, royal weddings, and witch trials, and feel the leisure and vitality at the same time. Don’t forget to take a photo at the Mint (CSIC National Research Council), a filming location for the Netflix drama [Money Heist]!


3. Enjoy a legal break with a siesta.


Spain’s siesta culture, where people take a nap or rest for about two hours during the hot midday!

Though it’s becoming less common these days, while you’re in Madrid, enjoy your very own siesta like a true local. As you embrace this unfamiliar siesta, you’ll discover how to enjoy leisure and improve your daily efficiency.



4. School by day, fiesta by night – Hola!


On weekend evenings, people in Madrid often enjoy a kind of party called a fiesta. At a fiesta, where you can indulge in food and drinks and become friends with everyone, you’ll truly feel the essence of ‘freedom.’ Learn Spanish during the day and practice it at night while having fun! As you mingle with people from diverse cultures, you might be surprised at how much your Spanish improves without you even noticing. Create lasting memories of Madrid’s nightlife!



Madrid is a city where you can experience both modern and traditional Spanish culture. Known as a 15-minute city, where everything you need is within a 15-minute reach, Madrid is a very convenient city to live in.

If you want to immerse yourself in Spain's unique culture of good food and fun, and if you want to live alongside locals who know how to enjoy life’s romance, passion, and joy, we recommend Madrid :)








1. Immerse yourself in the friendly and relaxed atmosphere of Madrid and live among its people.


The people of Madrid are famous for their friendliness and laid-back attitude. The warmth and kindness you experience here will be hard to forget. Even if you don't know Spanish, you can live like the locals by blending in with their relaxed and friendly vibe. You'll find yourself rediscovering a sense of leisure, relaxation, and joy in life. If you choose to stay with a host family, you'll get to taste homemade Spanish food and see the daily life of local families up close, helping you adapt more quickly and fully to life in Madrid.


2. A chance to experience both relaxation and learning in Madrid!

According to general surveys, Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Not only is it spoken in Spain, but it's also the primary language in many Latin American countries! If you've ever found Spanish fascinating after hearing it in dramas, on YouTube, or while traveling, staying in Madrid to learn the basics could be a fun and rewarding experience. By studying in school and applying your skills in daily life, you might find yourself improving your Spanish without even realizing it. And of course, exploring and enjoying all that Madrid has to offer with friends of similar skill levels is a given!



3. A unique opportunity to learn traditional Spanish dance, Flamenco, from the locals.


The vibrant footwork, the dramatic hand movements, and the intense emotions—Flamenco is the quintessential dance of southern Spain, steeped in the sorrow of life. With its deep emotions of death, despair, and inner turmoil, even those who don't understand the lyrics can feel the power of Flamenco. One of the highlights of living in Madrid is the chance to learn this captivating dance in its homeland.


  • Option A: 20 Spanish lessons per week
  • Option B: 20 Spanish lessons per week + 3 Flamenco lessons per week

Sample Class Schedule

  Option A Option B
09:30 - 13:30 Spanish Class Spanish Class
14:30 - 18:30 Free Time Flamenco Class
After 18:30 Free Time

The following activity schedule is an example and may be adjusted based on your personal schedule.


  • Spanish classes start every Monday and end on Friday. The first day includes an orientation and placement test.
  • Both Spanish and Flamenco classes are 55 minutes long per session, with an average of 5-6 students per class, and a maximum of 10 students (up to 12 during peak season).
  • If you choose Option A, you will be assigned to either a morning or afternoon class. Morning classes run from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM, and afternoon classes from 2:30 PM to 6:30 PM on weekdays. Class placement is determined by the placement test and the number of students enrolled.
  • Flamenco classes are held in the afternoon or evening, either at the school or a nearby dance school. Detailed information will be provided after confirmation of participation.
  • You will need to prepare your own shoes for the Flamenco classes.


* If you are interested in taking a 25-lesson course with an additional hour of conversation class or outdoor cultural class per day, please contact Korea Gap Year directly at (

* Flamenco classes require a minimum of 3 participants to proceed. If this minimum is not met, the class may not take place. For more details on availability during your desired time, please contact us directly. (

Sample Activities

Join various activity programs and make friends with locals as well as people from around the world during your one-month stay!





  • Walking tours (e.g., Bourbon Madrid, Habsburg Madrid)
  • Museum visits (e.g., Prado, Reina Sofia, Archaeological, Thyssen Museums)
  • Visit to the Royal Palace
  • Visit to Retiro Park
  • Visit to Bernabeu Stadium (home of Real Madrid FC)
  • Traditional Spanish music and dance workshop
  • Tapas and wine tasting workshop
  • Spanish film screening


* Activities are optional and you can freely participate according to your travel schedule and free time.

* Additional costs may apply for activities that include accommodation, paid entries, material fees, or professional instructors depending on the type of activity.

* The activity list above is an example and may change depending on the school's circumstances.




Spanish language skills not required / English language skills not required

This project is open to participants who have never learned Spanish. You can join with the excitement of experiencing the atmosphere of Madrid, Spain, and living with the locals! For option B's 'Flamenco class', English may be used to aid understanding. However, basic communication skills are sufficient. You might even find yourself immersed in the universal language of dance, transcending both English and Spanish!





   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Local Institution Completion Certificate
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents   Local Language Classes
  Free On-Campus and Off-Campus Activities      



Not Included

- Round-trip airfare

- Other local expenses (e.g., extra nights, dining out, transportation)

- Airport/terminal pickup fee (available as an optional extra)

- Individual travel insurance





About the Institution

Founded in 1989, our institution is the largest educational organization for teaching Spanish as a foreign language in Spain and Latin America. With schools in 32 locations across 13 countries worldwide, we offer a robust curriculum typical of large language institutes while providing students with various activities to help them become familiar with Spanish-speaking cultures.


The school you will be attending is located in one of the bustling areas of Madrid, making it easy to explore various places and fully experience the passionate energy unique to Spain after school. The school features 32 classrooms and a library where you can browse a variety of books. Additionally, the school includes a computer room, treadmill, common areas, and Wi-Fi to enhance your school life. We hope you enjoy the charm of Spain and make the most of your Spanish learning experience here in Madrid.


Director’s Recommendation

As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, learning Spanish is becoming increasingly important. Not only is it an official language in many countries and international organizations, but it also plays a fundamental role in international business, politics, and commerce. Our school has evolved to meet this demand. Join us in enjoying Spanish language learning and immersing yourself in its culture!







What kind of life would you like to experience in Madrid? You can choose between a homestay that offers a taste of local life or a student dormitory where you'll live with students from around the world. Do you have a vision of what life in Madrid would be like? Select the accommodation that best matches your expectations!




Homestays are located approximately 25 to 40 minutes from the school by walking or public transportation. You will have a private room and can choose a meal plan that includes two meals per day (breakfast and dinner). As the saying goes, you can only truly understand a place by living there. Homestays offer a chance to live with locals and gain a deeper understanding of Spain.


Bedding, towels, Wi-Fi, cleaning service (once a week)


Student Dormitory

* The photo is for reference only and may differ from the actual accommodation.


The student dormitory is located in the heart of Madrid, offering a clean and safe environment. You will live with friends from around the world who have come to learn Spanish, creating diverse memories and rapidly improving your language skills. The dormitory accommodates about 6 to 18 students. You will have a private room and breakfast will be provided. It is located 3 to 5 minutes from the school on foot and is easily accessible by public transportation (bus, subway). The area around the dormitory is well-equipped with various amenities for your convenience.


Private room / Shared bathroom and kitchen / Bedding / Wi-Fi / Welcome amenities / Laundry facilities / Cleaning once a week / Breakfast provided


- Accommodation check-in and check-out are generally based on Sunday check-in and Saturday check-out. (1 week = 6 nights, 7 days)

- If two people apply together, a double room may be available depending on availability, so please inquire individually if desired.

- Requests for special diets or private bathrooms in single rooms can be made for an additional fee.

- Accommodations are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If there are no vacancies for your preferred dates, alternative accommodations will be offered, and the price may vary.

- Additional charges apply during peak season, and the extra cost will be provided based on individual schedules.

Inquiries:, KakaoTalk @GapYear








Location:  Spain, Madrid



Madrid may have a shorter history compared to other European cities, but it has preserved its historical appearance and landmarks since the 17th century. This allows visitors to experience a unique blend of modern infrastructure with a historical ambiance. Walking through streets lined with neo-Gothic buildings and sculptures can make you feel like you’ve stepped into a fairy tale.


Tapas and port wine, flamenco and Salvador Dalí, Picasso and more!

Embark on a 1,500-year journey in Madrid!




Participation Duration and Fees



 This project starts every Monday.

 The minimum participation period for this project is 2 weeks.



Eligibility and Requirements


- Ability to communicate in English at a basic level

- Men and women aged 18 and over

- Those who want to escape from a busy life and regain leisure and romance

- Those interested in experiencing the pure and passionate Spanish lifestyle

- Those who want to enjoy and learn Spanish without stress

- Those who want to make various foreign friends in Madrid, build memories, and have fun experiences

- Those who want to learn Spanish and experience Madrid 200% by meeting local Spanish teachers


Participation Period Option A Option B
2 weeks 1,100,000 1,550,000
4 weeks 1,730,000 2,630,000
6 weeks 2,270,000 3,620,000
8 weeks 2,860,000 4,660,000
10 weeks 3,460,000 5,710,000
12 weeks 3,700,000 6,400,000



■ Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ See Details)



■ Payment Installment Information

If you are unable to pay the full amount, you can pay a registration fee of 500,000 won in advance and settle the remaining balance within 2 weeks. Based on the date of the registration fee payment, we will proceed with the process to confirm your participation in the project and check availability and slots. Early reservation is crucial to secure your desired date and duration! (Refund is not possible once confirmed)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the schedule for the remaining balance payment may vary depending on the situation.


■ Early Bird Discount and Emergency Application Information

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date due to the normal processing procedures and preparation time. Applications should be made no later than 2 months before the start date. However, if you have an urgent need to join the project, you can use the emergency application service to expedite the process by paying an additional fee.

* While we will assist in expediting the process, please be aware that there is a standard amount of time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. Emergency applicants must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Applicants who apply 180 days or more before the start date can receive an early bird discount.

*** Emergency application service can be requested through the options above, and for any inquiries regarding the emergency application service, please contact




- Provided: Automatic application for Gap Year Mission and Notes / Complete OT materials upon confirmation of participation / Additional placement of emergency staff / Support for necessary documents, etc.

* For those having difficulty calculating dates, you can use the Naver date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In the case of ultra-urgent applications, there may be no available slots due to local circumstances, and the process will proceed according to the Gap Year refund policy. Any issues arising from the participant's non-cooperation will be the participant's responsibility.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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