
The Magic of Handcrafted Jewelry: Learn Precious Metalwork at a Florence Jewelry School 이탈리아 피렌체 주얼리 스쿨


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  • Participation Fee
Total Amount2,310USD
  • Operation Period: Always
  • Application Period: All Year Round
  • Number of Participants: No Limitation
Program Creator / KoreaGapYear Global
We are a social enterprise that develops Gap year programs related to Internship, Volunteering, Traveling, and Education.
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A Special Reason Why You Should Choose This Project!
1. Future Promising Occupation: Metal Craftsman!
In the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education’s career education program <100 Future Promising Jobs>, metal craftsman is included. Most of the 100 future promising jobs are in the arts and culture fields, which express and convey human emotions and sensibilities. Even though many machines will replace humans in the future, it is difficult for machines to match human intuition and emotions. Therefore, careers in art-related fields are increasingly chosen as promising jobs. Experience the joy of creating the most beautiful jewelry in the world with your own hands!
2. World-Class Skills Passed Down Directly from Masters in Italy!
This is an opportunity to learn world-class skills from a top craftsman in the prestigious city of Italy. It is not necessary to study abroad, but those who have experienced foreign cultures are often given better treatment. This is because understanding the global design spectrum, which is difficult to grasp with just our own country's sentiments and culture, and experiencing other cultures lead to more creative and original designs. If you broaden your perspective on precious metals and learn the skills of metal crafting from a master, you will already be a perfect metal craftsman!




How the Project Changed Lives After Completing It, as Reported by Chosun Ilbo!


Ivan Hee (female, 31), who graduated from art school and worked at a major electronics company, also changed her career after a gap year.


<Chosun Ilbo> Leaving the Dream Job… Gap Year Seekers Finding New Lives   Click here for the full article>






This project is an opportunity to learn metalworking techniques from renowned jewelers in Florence, known for their expertise in creating precious metal products.
Participants in this project will learn the basics of metalworking, including understanding the properties of metals, handling them, and transforming them into finished products. Through this project, you can develop the skills to create your own jewelry or pursue a future as a jeweler.

■ This program is conducted in Italian and English.
English Proficiency ★★★☆☆
Since the main activities involve learning various techniques and creating jewelry, basic communication skills are required to understand the explanations of the production process. A simple interpreter will provide explanations in English, but we recommend preparing in advance to fully understand the course content.

- This project runs from Monday to Friday (5 days a week) / 9 AM to 1 PM (on Wednesdays, from 9 AM to 5 PM).
  The schedule may change flexibly depending on the course and participant's experience.
- Twice a week, the studio is open from 5 PM to 8 PM for free personal work, with the assistance of a teaching assistant.
- Participants with no prior knowledge of metalworking must take the Jewelry Design and Technical Drawing class.
  (8-hour class / no additional cost / excluded for 4-week participants)




1. Basic Jewelry Crafting Course
Before learning crafting techniques, you'll start by understanding the basic properties and characteristics of the metals used in jewelry making. You'll also learn techniques such as plating, wire drawing, and welding according to the properties of the metals.
You'll learn various techniques for crafting precious metals, setting gemstones on crafted metals, and engraving desired letters or patterns on metal surfaces.
* Plating is used to change the color of the precious metal, make it harder, and extend its durability.
* Wire drawing involves pulling metal materials through a mold used for metalworking to remove cross-sectional shapes.
* Welding is the process of heating and eliminating obstacles at the joint of two metals, then fusing them together.
2. Advanced Jewelry Crafting Course
This course covers advanced and specialized techniques in jewelry crafting. You'll learn to craft metals using techniques like wire drawing, plating, repoussé, and soldering, as well as creating holes for bead decorations and gemstone settings.
For making rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets, and other accessories, you'll start by designing them on paper and then crafting the metal based on the design. You'll also learn techniques to enhance the beauty of crafted jewelry, such as setting gemstones, applying enamel in seven jewel-like colors, and engraving patterns on metal surfaces using punch engraving.
3. Jewelry Design and Technical Drawing Course
This essential course helps develop the creativity of designers and provides a foundation for approaching jewelry design. You'll learn everything about drawing, starting from hand sketches to orthographic projection, drawing three-dimensional objects on two-dimensional planes, and combined drawing techniques.
* 2024 Project Start Dates
January 8, February 5, March 4, April 8, May 6, June 3, July 1, August Break, September 2/30, October 28, November 25, December Break
* Holidays (2024)
April 1/25, May 1, June 24, November 1
* School Breaks (2024)
July 27 ~ September 1, December 21 ~ January 6 (2025)
* This project will not run during the August summer season and the Christmas season.

This project is divided into Basic Course, Advanced Course, and Design CourseParticipants interested in the Advanced or Design Courses should inquire separately. Those with prior experience in jewelry craft courses can receive detailed consultation and guidance from the person in charge.

(Email | KakaoTalk @갭이어)







   Local Orientation    Online Orientation    Online Consultation    Local Institution Completion Certificate
   KGY Certification    Pre-Departure Care    KGY Consultation   KGY Mission
  24hr Emergency Care   Flight Ticket Booking Assistance   Real-Time Consultation Service  KGY Note Book
   Project and Participation Costs    KGY Mission Scholarship    OT Documents    Project Progress and Education

   Studio Open Outside of Class Hours

          Personal Work Allowed

   Provision of Jewelry Crafting Tools and Equipment



* For participants attending for more than 8 weeks, basic drawing and design education will be provided free of charge.



Not Included

1. Round-trip airfare

2. Accommodation and meals during the project

3. Jewelry-making material costs (approximately 150 euros expected) and a 20-euro tool deposit

    * The deposit will be refunded after the course if there is no damage or issues.

4. Individual travel insurance

5. Other local living expenses





The school where this project is taking place is a jewelry school where a master jeweler from Italy, among the top three in the world, teaches everything from basic to advanced jewelry techniques.
The master jeweler has over ten years of experience crafting beautiful jewelry at the renowned Italian company Buccellati and is now passing on these skills to aspiring jewelers. Students from around the world come to learn directly from the master and see the techniques firsthand. Additionally, the jewelry school provides a state-of-the-art workshop equipped with specialized workbenches, tools, and machines for drawing and design to ensure students can work in the best possible environment.




Participants can choose accommodation within the program location according to their personal preferences and budget. For those having difficulty finding accommodation, Korea Gap Year will recommend nearby options (such as guesthouses or hotels).


1. Homestay

In a homestay, students stay with a local family in the host country, allowing them to learn about the country's culture and language. Living with a family helps improve language skills through daily communication and understanding the local lifestyle, values, and culture.


2. Guesthouse

Guesthouses are accommodations where guests share kitchen, bathroom, and shower facilities. Rooms typically accommodate 4 to 8 people, providing a chance to meet and share experiences with other travelers during short stays abroad.


3. Apartment Share

In an apartment share, 5 to 6 international students rent and live together in an apartment. Depending on the apartment’s condition, you can choose a private room or share a room with a friend. Unlike a homestay, you share household responsibilities such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry with your housemates, providing an opportunity to interact with friends from various countries.


Apartment Share (Single Room) 4 Weeks 12 Weeks 24 Weeks
Price 1,230,000 KRW 3,480,000 KRW 6,850,000 KRW


* Accommodation is generally arranged for Sunday check-in/check-out. Details and availability will be provided individually at a later time.






Location:  Florence, Italy

While Rome is the administrative capital of Italy, Florence is considered the capital of art. The city itself is a work of art and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, with every building preserved as a cultural asset. World-renowned artists such as Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Botticelli were born in Florence and created famous masterpieces here.
Many travelers from around the world visit Florence to find inspiration. The city is also famously known as a filming location for the movie "Between Calm and Passion." The poignant meetings of the film's characters took place against the majestic backdrop of Florence's Duomo, conveying beautiful feelings of love. Florence is as romantic and beautiful as the romance depicted in the film.
In addition, the city’s alleys are filled with shops selling both small and large artworks, handcrafted items, and souvenirs for travelers, each shop exuding its own unique charm. You can experience the allure of medieval-style alleys and historic buildings with their own stories in this charming city.

Top 3 Recommended Travel Destinations by the Planner

 - Anyone aged 18 and above
 - Those who can communicate in basic English or Italian
 - Anyone with an interest in precious metals and accessories
 - Anyone dreaming of becoming a designer by learning jewelry making in Italy, the fashion capital
 - Anyone seeking creative inspiration in the cultural and artistic city of Florence

Participation Duration and Fees



■ The minimum participation period for this project is 4 weeks or more .


■ Project Costs

4 weeks (80 hours) 3,230,000 KRW
12 weeks (240 hours) 6,900,000 KRW
24 weeks (480 hours) 11,630,000 KRW
36 weeks (720 hours) 14,630,000 KRW
12 weeks Mixed Course (Design Course) 10,100,000 KRW


* If you wish to participate for more than 12 weeks, please contact Korea Gap Year at

 For 4 weeks ₩6,265,000   >> All this for ₩3,130,000 + Additional discounts!
        └  For 4 weeks, this cost is calculated based on a comparison with domestic course fees under the same conditions.



■ Gap Year Mission Scholarship  (▶ Learn More)



 Payment Plan Guide

If you are unable to pay the full amount, please pay a registration fee of ₩500,000 upfront and settle the remaining balance within 2 weeks. The process to confirm your participation will begin from the date the registration fee is paid, and we will check your eligibility and availability. It is important to secure your spot as soon as possible to participate on your desired date and duration!   (Refunds are not available once participation is confirmed.)

* However, if the start date is approaching, the deadline for the remaining balance payment may vary depending on the situation.  


 Early Bird Discounts and Urgent Application Guide

We recommend applying for all Gap Year projects at least 3 months before the project start date to allow for proper procedures and preparation. We request applications no later than 2 months before as a general rule. However, if you have an unavoidable reason or need to apply urgently, you can use the urgent application service. By paying an additional fee, we will assist with expedited procedures.

* Although we assist with expedited procedures, there is basic time required for communication with local agencies and confirmation of participation. All procedures are carried out in the same manner as regular participants, so those using the urgent application service must actively cooperate with the Korea Gap Year operation team.

** Participants who apply at least 180 days before the start date will receive an early bird discount.

*** The urgent application service is available through the options above. For inquiries regarding the urgent application service, please contact



- Provided Services: Automatic application for Gap Year missions and notes / All materials provided upon confirmation / Additional urgent staffing / Support with document preparation if needed, etc.

* If you have difficulty calculating dates, please refer to Naver’s date calculator >> Naver Date Calculator

** Note: In urgent applications, there may be no availability (TO) depending on local conditions, and procedures will proceed according to Gap Year’s refund policy. Also, any issues arising from the participant's lack of cooperation will be the participant's responsibility.




Should you have any other inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us via email (
You can counsel with one of our staff in English or Korean.

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